Tuesday, October 1, 2013

3 Nephi 26

(Below is a list of questions that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

What must be done to receive the greater things that Jesus Christ revealed?  As we believe what God has revealed, we prepare ourselves to receive greater revelation.

1. What would it feel like to sit at the feet of the Savior and have him explain and teach all things both great and small to you and your family?
2. Why do you think believing the truth we have already received is a sensual before we receive additional truth? How can we show that we believe what The Lord has revealed?
3. How might this information about the future have affected the people of the American continent? How would this information about the future affect you in their day? In your day?
4. What are you doing in your life to demonstrate your belief in the book of Mormon? How will those actions help you feel confident in the presence of God as you stand before the judgment bar?
5. What kind of judgment can you be assured of in that day?
6. How much of the Saviors teachings given at that time are included in the book of Mormon?
7. Where do we find and more complete record of his teachings to the Nephites?
8. Why was Mormon not allowed to write more of the things Jesus taught? What did Mormon want to have happened to the things he has written?
9. When will we get the "greater things" Mormon was not allowed to right?
"Until we as latter-day saints live up to what is here in the book of Mormon the Lord will give us no more. When we are willing to keep the Commandments here in as the Nephites did for this short period of time, then the Lord is willing to bring forth the other records and give it to us. " --Joseph Fielding Smith, CR, October 1961

10. With the promise of further enlightenment in the form of additional scripture, what is the consequence of refusing to believe in the words and scriptures we have in our day? How believing are you?
11. What is the reason the Lord forbade Mormon from recording the deeper teachings of the Savior to the people in the book of Mormon?
12. How obedient of a man is Mormon? How valuable do you think the guidance of the Spirit is to him? How important is the guidance of the spirit in your own life? What are you willing to sacrifice to have it?
13. Why do you think that the Lord took the time to administer the sacrament often to the people? How spiritual of an experience do you have each week as you have an opportunity to partake of the sacrament?
14. If you made a journal entry about this moment in time, what might you be inspired to include from this verse? How might it have felt to have been there?
15. How does this verse teach of the saviors role in purifying the people?
16. Why do you think that things that were said in this verse could not be written? What have we been taught regarding the sacred nature of our spiritual experiences? How might this have been influential in the fact that these things are not recorded?
17. What is the work of the Disciples of Christ?
18. What blessings came to those who believe and were baptized through the teaching of the disciples?
19. What effect did the teachings of Jesus have on all the people? How do you think you would like to live in a place where everyone keeps the commandments, loves one another, and chairs with one another? What do you think would be the best things about living with people like that?
20. How did the people regard the teachings of the Savior? Look up Moses 7:18. What do we call of people who live like that? What can we do as a family and individually to be worthy to live in Zion?

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