Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mormon 5

(Below is a list of questions that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Those who are living wickedly fear death.

1. Have you ever decided not to do something but later changed your mind? What eventually made you change your mind?
2. Did Mormon believe he could help Nephites? What caused him to be without hope? If he had no hope of helping, why did he agree to command their armies once again?
3-5. Who do you rely on to help you win life's battles?
6. What happened to the Nephites great strength that was illustrated when Capt. Moroni led their armies?
7. How does this verse illustrate the way that Satan does not support his followers in the moments of crisis? Who can you rely upon to support you in your moment of truth?
8. What promise do we have concerning our secret sins? Do you have some habits or things in your past that you would not want shouted from the roof tops? What can you do now, to prevent that from happening? Are you willing to go the distance to take care of those things? What did Mormon not want to include in his record? Why do you think he felt the way he did? What would be the danger of sharing too many explicit details?
9. Is there a difference between the sorrow that might accompany the death of someone who has been living a righteous life and someone who died living wickedly? What do you think is the difference?
10. To whom is Mormon writing? What does he want us to realize from the things he has recorded? Are you aware of your blessings? Are you aware of where they come from? What can you do to be more conscious of the blessings the Lord has given you?
11. What might these people regret as they look back on their lives? Are there blessings promised to you that you may not receive because of your choices? What can you do to reverse that regret?
12-13. What is Mormon teaching when he says that the record will not come forth of wickedness? How did we get this record? How do you know that the book of Mormon was brought forth by the hand of God?
14. What is the intent of Mormons writings? Why is this in town so vitally important to those of us who now read and study this record?
15-16. What would happen to the Lamanites? Why?
17. Why does God's curse upon the Lamanites resurface after they have repented and become white and delightsome to the Lord, only to be cursed again when they returned to their wickedness once again?
18. What happens to people who have no direction in their lives? Where do you go to seek and obtain that direction?
19. Why were the blessings that Lamanites might have received given to another people?
20. What would happen to the Lamanites when the Gentiles came to possess the land? Why does God sometimes allow people to be driven and scattered? Why might he do this? Why doesn't he interfere? What is it about agency that prevents him from dictating what we or anyone else might do? What blessings are promised to those who endure such challenges?
21. What promise do the righteous have in regards to their prayers being answered? How does this promise help you have faith and trust in the Lord? Do you have a testimony of the power of prayer? How did you gain it? What can you do to strengthen it?
22-24. What warning did Mormon give us? Why do you think Mormon cared what happened to you?
Why do prophets, leaders, and parents so diligently encourage us to repent? How does hope of the Lords embrace help you to repent?
24. Why is it impossible for a person filled with pride to repent?

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