Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Mormon 4

(Below is a list of questions that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The Lord allows the wicked to punish the wicked. The judgments of God will overtake the wicked.

1-3. What evidence do we have in these verses that give us insight into the hearts of the Nephites and the Lamanites? What happened to the Nephite army as they sought revenge upon the Lamanites?
4. The Lord has commanded that we are not to kill or murder. What happens to people when they lose the sanctity of life? Why did the Nephites lose all their ability to defeat the Lamanites when they sought to kill them?
5. Why do you think the Lord uses the wicked to punish the wicked? What examples can you see of the wicked punishing the wicked today? Where can you go to get protection from the wicked today? (See Alma 44:3-4). What happens to those who persist in wickedness?
"Those who have professed the name of Jesus Christ, and have the testimony of Jesus, and depart from the way of the Lord, to pursue covetousness and idolatry, will be the first to feel his wrath in the day of the Lord, when he has born with them sufficiently… The Lord says the wicked shall slay the wicked and he orders it so. " -Erastus Snow, JD 7:131a

6-7. As you read these verses do you think that this is a battle that can ever be won? What is at the heart of this war?
8. In what ways is fire and boasting similar? How does God feel about those who don't acknowledge his hand in all their blessings?
"One of the most common of all sins among worldly people is relying on and then boasting in the arm of flesh. This is most serious evil. It is sin born of pride, a sin that creates a frame of mind which keeps men from turning to the Lord and accepting his saving grace. When a man knowingly or unknowingly engages in self exultation because of his riches, his political power, his worldly learning, his physical prowess, his business ability, or even his works of righteousness, he is not in tune with the spirit of the Lord. " -Marvin J Ashton, GC, April 1990

9. What is the saddest part of the Nephite situation in this chapter? What might have prevented such tragedy? Ponder what the Lord would have you do to apply the truths and gospel principles that these people so desperately needed.
10. How could repentance have changed the outcome of this chapter?
11. Satan is a great counterfeiter. In the next few verses how does Satan twist the principle of sacrifice into an evil practice? What other examples do you see of good things Satan is twisting into evil things in our day?
12. How ripened in iniquity had these people become? What does the Lord promised to those who delight in the shedding of blood and in doing iniquity? What does Satan do in our day to desensitize us to the carnage of wickedness? What can you do to defend yourself against his tactics?
13-14. What part of the law of Moses did these people twist against the Lord's commands until it became blatantly sac-religious? Was the law of Moses a law that the people were still required to practice at this time in history? How did Satan work to prevent them from accepting the law the Savior brought when he ministered to them after his resurrection?
15. How does the incentive of anger usually work out in the end? Who is the author of anger? Why is happiness and peace never a result of this emails and? Have you ever been angry? Has it ever help you feel better about your self? Does it help others feel better about you? Would you reap any benefits by removing anger from your character?
16-17. Do you think the Nephites felt a false sense of security after having beaten and driven the Lamanites from their lands when they did not return for eight years? Do you think that the Lords peace was had anywhere among them? Why or why not?
18. What began to happen to the Nephites at this time? Was the Lord with the Lamanites? Why did the Nephites suffer and depopulate at this time at the hands of the Lamanites?
19-22. How determined where the Lamanites to defeat the Nephite people?

23. How old was Mormon at this time? How might that be considered a long wife when you think of the number of battles he fought? Why do you think the Lord preserved his life? Of all the incredible things Mormon did in his lifetime, how important do you think abridging the book of Mormon was? What role has the book of Mormon played in your life?

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