(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)
Jesus Christ fulfilled all righteousness by obeying all the commandments of the Father. We must follow Jesus Christ's example of obedience by being baptized and receiving the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost witnesses of the Father and the Son and brings a remission of sins.
1-2. What is the doctrine of Christ? (See verse 21)
"I have read to you ... the words of an inspired Prophet of God, telling us what the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is. I do no recall for the moment any chapter that has been written either in the Old or New Testament, in the Book of Mormon or in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, which more plainly and pointedly describes the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the first principles thereof than this chapter." -George Q Cannon, GC 1889
3. What part of this verse helps you to know that the work of God is plain? How would you describe something that is given with plainness? How does this element of Gods work help you to know that there are many blessings awaiting those who participate in it?
4.Who baptized the Savior? Since Jesus did not commit any sins, why do you think that he was baptized?
"As we follow the example of Christ, we too, demonstrate that we will repent and be obedient in keeping the commandments of our Father in Heaven. We humble ourselves with a broken heart and a contrite spirit as we recognize our sins and seek forgiveness of our trespasses. We covenant that we are willing to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ and always remember Him." - Robert D Hales, GC, October 2000
5. Who baptized you? Why were you baptized? How great is your need to be baptized? How do you feel about your baptism?
6. How did the Savior fulfill all righteousness by being baptized?
7. How was the act of being baptized an example of the Savior's humility before his Father in Heaven?
9. How does the example of the Savior effect you? How are you a better person for having and knowing of the perfect example of the Savior, Jesus Christ?
10. Can you follow the Savior if you are not willing to keep the commandments? Why or why not? What commandment do you need the most right now?
9. How does the example of the Savior effect you? How are you a better person for having and knowing of the perfect example of the Savior, Jesus Christ?
10. Can you follow the Savior if you are not willing to keep the commandments? Why or why not? What commandment do you need the most right now?
"When we live the commandments, our countenance is surrounded by gospel light. With this spiritual light, we no longer wander in the strange and darkened paths of the adversary, becoming lost, discouraged, depressed, and fearful. Walking in the light of the gospel, we will not lose sight of our eternal goals." -Robert D Hales, GC, April 1996
11. What must precede baptism? Why is baptism by water required? How has following the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized influenced and blessed your life?
12. What blessings does the Lord promise to those who repent and are baptized? How constantly do you seek the companionship of the Holy Ghost? What things do you need to do on a daily basis to ensure that you are worthy to receive the guidance and direction of the Holy Ghost in your life?"Baptism is a sign to God, to angels, and to heaven that we do the will of God, and there is no other way beneath the heavens whereby God hath ordained for man to come to Him to be saved, and enter into the kingdom of God, except faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, and baptism for the remission of sins, and any other course is in vain; then you have the promise of the gift of the Holy Ghost." - Joseph Smith, Teachings of Presidents of the Church [2007], 91
13. According to this verse what things must you be willing to do in order to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? What does it mean to have full purpose of heart? When you fulfill your covenant with full purpose of heart and with real intent, what does your Father in Heaven promise you in return?
13. What is the difference between someone who says their prayers and someone who prays with full purpose of heart? What is the difference between someone who partakes of the sacrament and someone who partakes of the sacrament with real intent?
13. How can you avoid hypocrisy? What is hypocrisy?
14. What does it mean to you to speak with the tongue of angels? How do angels speak? Are they ever judgemental or critical? Are they ever unkind or unforgiving? After carefully considering the communication that would come from angels, what can you consistently do to speak with the tongue of angels each and every day of your life?
16. What does the phrase 'endure to the end' mean to you? How can you endure to the end with real intent and full purpose of heart?
17. Why do you need to receive the Holy Ghost? Fire is used to purify materials such as metal. It burns out impurities, leaving behind a cleaner material. How is this process similar to what happens to you spiritually when you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost?
18. What does the word STRAIT mean? According to this verse how can you know if you are on the strait and narrow path? How has the companionship of the Holy Ghost helped you stay on the strait and narrow path? In what other ways has the Holy Ghost blessed your life?
20. What steps do you discover in this verse that will help you on your path to eternal life? How important is it to extend love to others throughout your mortal journey? What does it mean to you to press forward with a steadfastness in Christ? What does it mean to feast upon the word of Christ? How is feasting upon the word different from just reading it? how can feasting upon the word help you love God and your fellow-man more?
21. Why is it so critical that you walk this path?
13. What is the difference between someone who says their prayers and someone who prays with full purpose of heart? What is the difference between someone who partakes of the sacrament and someone who partakes of the sacrament with real intent?
13. How can you avoid hypocrisy? What is hypocrisy?
"Hypocrisy means to pretend or play a part for others to see that does not reflect our true identity." - Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home-study Seminary Students [2012], 80
"Do we indeed live the gospel or do we just manifest the appearance of righteousness so that those around us assume we are faithful when, in reality our hearts and unseen actions are not true to the Lord's teachings? Do we take on only the form of godliness while denying the power thereof? Are we righteous in fact, or do we feign [pretend] by appearances, and He has warned us not to be false to Him or to others. He has cautioned us to be wary of those who project a false front, who put on a bright pretence that hides a darker reality. We know that the Lord 'looketh on the heart' and not on the outward appearance." - Joseph B Wirthlin. GC. April 1997
14. What does it mean to you to speak with the tongue of angels? How do angels speak? Are they ever judgemental or critical? Are they ever unkind or unforgiving? After carefully considering the communication that would come from angels, what can you consistently do to speak with the tongue of angels each and every day of your life?
16. What does the phrase 'endure to the end' mean to you? How can you endure to the end with real intent and full purpose of heart?
"Enduring to the end is the doctrine of continuing on the path leading to eternal life after one has entered into the path through faith, repentance, baptism, and receiving the Holy Ghost. Enduring to the end requires our whole heart... Enduring to the end means that we have planted our lives firmly on the gospel soil, staying in the mainstream of the Church, humbly serving our fellow men, living Christlike lives, and keeping our covenants. Those who endure are balanced, consistent, humble, constantly improving, and without guile. Their testimony is not based on worldly reasons- it is based on truth, knowledge, experience, and the Spirit." - Joseph B Wirthlin, GC, October 2004
17. Why do you need to receive the Holy Ghost? Fire is used to purify materials such as metal. It burns out impurities, leaving behind a cleaner material. How is this process similar to what happens to you spiritually when you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost?
"The baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost... cleanses, heals, and purifies the soul." - Marion G Romney, Learning for the Eternities [1977], 133
18. What does the word STRAIT mean? According to this verse how can you know if you are on the strait and narrow path? How has the companionship of the Holy Ghost helped you stay on the strait and narrow path? In what other ways has the Holy Ghost blessed your life?
"In your journey through life, you meet many obstacles and make some mistakes. Scriptural guidance helps you to recognize error and make the necessary correction. You stop going in the wrong direction. you carefully study the scriptural road map. Then you proceed with repentance and restitution required to get on the strait and narrow path which leads to eternal life." - Russell M Nelson, GC, October 2000
20. What steps do you discover in this verse that will help you on your path to eternal life? How important is it to extend love to others throughout your mortal journey? What does it mean to you to press forward with a steadfastness in Christ? What does it mean to feast upon the word of Christ? How is feasting upon the word different from just reading it? how can feasting upon the word help you love God and your fellow-man more?
21. Why is it so critical that you walk this path?