Sunday, March 30, 2014

2 Nephi 31

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Jesus Christ fulfilled all righteousness by obeying all the commandments of the Father. We must follow Jesus Christ's example of obedience by being baptized and receiving the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost witnesses of the Father and the Son and brings a remission of sins.

1-2. What is the doctrine of Christ? (See verse 21)
"I have read to you ... the words of an inspired Prophet of God, telling us what the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is. I do no recall for the moment any chapter that has  been written either in the Old or New Testament, in the Book of Mormon or in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, which more plainly and pointedly describes the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the first principles thereof than this chapter." -George Q Cannon, GC 1889
3. What part of this verse helps you to know that the work of God is plain? How would you describe something that is given with plainness? How does this element of Gods work help you to know that there are many blessings awaiting those who participate in it?
4.Who baptized the Savior? Since Jesus did not commit any sins, why do you think that he was baptized? 
"As we follow the example of Christ, we too, demonstrate that we will repent and be obedient in keeping the commandments of our Father in Heaven. We humble ourselves with a broken heart and a contrite spirit as we recognize our sins and seek forgiveness of our trespasses. We covenant that we are willing to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ and always remember Him." - Robert D Hales, GC, October 2000

5. Who baptized you? Why were you baptized? How great is your need to be baptized? How do you feel about your baptism? 
6. How did the Savior fulfill all righteousness by being baptized?
7. How was the act of being baptized an example of the Savior's humility before his Father in Heaven?
9. How does the example of the Savior effect you? How are you a better person for having and knowing of the perfect example of the Savior, Jesus Christ?
10. Can you follow the Savior if you are not willing to keep the commandments? Why or why not? What commandment do you need the most right now?
"When we live the commandments, our countenance is surrounded by gospel light. With this spiritual light, we no longer wander in the strange and darkened paths of the adversary, becoming lost, discouraged, depressed, and fearful. Walking in the light of the gospel, we will not lose sight of our eternal goals." -Robert D Hales, GC, April 1996
11. What must precede baptism? Why is baptism by water required? How has following the example of Jesus Christ by being  baptized influenced and blessed your life?
"Baptism is a sign to God, to angels, and to heaven that we do the will of God, and there is no other way beneath the heavens whereby God hath ordained for man to come to Him to be saved, and enter into the kingdom of God, except faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, and baptism for the remission of sins, and any other course is in vain; then you have the promise of the gift of the Holy Ghost." - Joseph Smith, Teachings of Presidents of the Church [2007], 91
12. What blessings does the Lord promise to those who repent and are baptized? How constantly do you seek the companionship of the Holy Ghost? What things do you need to do on a daily basis to ensure that you are worthy to receive the guidance and direction of the Holy Ghost in your life? 
13. According to this verse what things must you be willing to do in order to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? What does it mean to have full purpose of heart? When you fulfill your covenant with full purpose of heart and with real intent, what does your Father in Heaven promise you in return?
13. What is the difference between someone who says their prayers and someone who prays with full purpose of heart? What is the difference between someone who partakes of the sacrament and someone who partakes of the sacrament with real intent?
13. How can you avoid hypocrisy?  What is hypocrisy?
"Hypocrisy means to pretend or play a part for others to see that does not reflect our true identity." - Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home-study Seminary Students [2012], 80

"Do we indeed live the gospel or do we just manifest the appearance of righteousness so that those around us assume we are faithful when, in reality our hearts and unseen actions are not true to the Lord's teachings? Do we take on only the form of godliness while denying the power thereof? Are we righteous in fact, or do we feign [pretend] by appearances, and He has warned us not to be false to Him or to others. He has cautioned us to be wary of those who project a false front, who put on a bright pretence that hides a darker reality. We know that the Lord 'looketh on the heart' and not on the outward appearance." - Joseph B Wirthlin. GC. April 1997

14. What does it mean to you to speak with the tongue of angels? How do angels speak? Are they ever judgemental or critical? Are they ever unkind or unforgiving? After carefully considering the communication that would come from angels, what can you consistently do to speak with the tongue of angels each and every day of your life?
16. What does the phrase 'endure to the end' mean to you? How can you endure to the end with real intent and full purpose of heart?
"Enduring to the end is the doctrine of continuing on the path leading to eternal life after one has entered into the path through faith, repentance, baptism, and receiving the Holy Ghost. Enduring to the end requires our whole heart... Enduring to the end means that we have planted our lives firmly on the gospel soil, staying in the mainstream of the Church, humbly serving our fellow men, living Christlike lives, and keeping our covenants. Those who endure are balanced, consistent, humble, constantly improving, and without guile. Their testimony is not based on worldly reasons- it is based on truth, knowledge, experience, and the Spirit." - Joseph B Wirthlin, GC, October 2004

17. Why do you need to receive the Holy Ghost? Fire is used to purify materials such as metal. It burns out impurities, leaving behind a cleaner material. How is this process similar to what happens to you spiritually when you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost?
"The baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost... cleanses, heals, and purifies the soul." - Marion G Romney, Learning for the Eternities [1977], 133

18. What does the word STRAIT mean? According to this verse how can you know if you are on the strait and narrow path? How has the companionship of the Holy Ghost helped you stay on the strait and narrow path? In what other ways has the Holy Ghost blessed your life?
"In your journey through life, you meet many obstacles and make some mistakes. Scriptural guidance helps you to recognize error and make the necessary correction. You stop going in the wrong direction. you carefully study the scriptural road map. Then you proceed with repentance and restitution required to get on the strait and narrow path which leads to eternal life." - Russell M Nelson, GC, October 2000

20. What steps do you discover in this verse that will help you on your path to eternal life? How important is it to extend love to others throughout your mortal journey? What does it mean to you to press forward with a steadfastness in Christ? What does it mean to feast upon the word of Christ? How is feasting upon the word different from just reading it? how can feasting upon the word help you love God and your fellow-man more?
21. Why is it so critical that you walk this path?

Friday, March 28, 2014

2 Nephi 30

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The Book of Mormon can help all people come to know Jesus Christ ans live His gospel. Satan will not have power over the hearts of people during the Millennium, and righteousness and peace will prevail.

1. What is the danger of allowing yourself to think and feel that you are more righteous than someone else? What can you do to avoid this? What is the true measure of righteousness according to this verse? How does focusing on keeping the commandments on a personal level help you avoid putting on 'airs' of righteousness?
2. What do you need to do before the Lord will enter into a covenant with you? Who are the Lord's Covenant people today?
"To be a member of the house of Israel, entitled to all the blessings of the covenant family, requires more than ancestry. Those not born to the house of Israel become members of the covenant family through their faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, and making covenants at baptism, which the Atonement of Jesus Christ makes possible." - Book of Mormon Student Study Guide, [2000], 57
"We are a covenant people... We make that covenant when we are baptized... and great are the obligations that go with that covenant." - Gordon B Hinckley, Friend, January 2000

3-8. Besides the Spirit, what is the greatest single tool available to every missionary? What reasons do you find in these verses that illustrate why the Book of Mormon is a powerful missionary tool? What groups of people will be touched by the Book of Mormon? How has the Book of Mormon help you you come to know the Savior? Why is it important that you share your testimony of the Book of Mormon with others? How will you use the Book of Mormon to help others come to know the Savior?
"The Book of Mormon has been at the center of missionary work since the gospel was restored through the Prophet Joseph. We use it every day in missionary work. One fact about the Book of Mormon being the key to power in each part of missionary work is this: the Book of Moron is a testament of Jesus Christ. The title page tells us that. It says that the purpose of the book is to show what great things the Lord has done for His people, to help them know that the covenants the Lord has made with His people are still in force, and to convince all people that Jesus is the Christ." - Henry B Eyring, New Era, May 2008
"Combined with the Spirit of the Lord, the Book of Mormon is the greatest single tool which God has given us to convert the world If we are to have the harvest of souls that President Kimball envisions, then we must use the instrument which God has designed for that task - the Book of Mormon." - Ezra Taft Benson, GC, October 1984

6. What does the phrase 'their scales of darkness shall begin to fall from their eyes' mean to you?
9-11. Have you seen a great division separating the righteous from the wicked? What will eventually happen to the wicked? (See D&C 101:24-25)
12-18. What do you learn about the Millennium from these verses? What can you do to help yourself, your family and others prepare for this period of peace and righteousness? What do you feel would be most anticipated about being worthy to live during the time period described in these verses? How can a knowledge of the Millennium be a blessing to you today?
"Each day the forces of evil and the forces of good enlist new recruits. Each day we personally make many decisions showing the cause we support. The final outcome is certain - the forces of righteousness will win. But what remains to be seen is where each of us personally, now and in the future, will stand in this battle - and how tall we will stand. Will we be true to our last days and fulfill our foreordained missions?" - Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, September 1988

12-14. How will the animals behave during this period of time? (See D&C 101:26; Isaiah 65:25)
16-17. Do you look forward to the time when ALL things shall be revealed? Why or why not? (See D&C 101:32-34)
18. What will happen to Satan during the Millennium? (SEE D&C 101:28, Revelations 20:1-3; 1 Nephi 22:26) What can you do to limit the power Satan has in your life right now?

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

2 Nephi 29

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The Lord provides scriptures as a second witness and to gather people to His covenant.

1. What is the marvelous work referred to in this verse?
"This marvelous work is the restoration of the church and the gospel with all its power and authority, keys and blessings which pertain to this great work of salvation of the children of men." - Joseph Fielding Smith, Church History and Modern Revelation, 1:35
"The Book of Mormon is the preeminent statement of God's covenant with and his love for his children here on earth." - Jeffrey R Holland, Christ and the New Covenant: The Messianic Message of the Book of  Mormon [1997], 4
1-2. What blessings can you identify in these verses that extend through this marvelous work? Do any of these promises apply to you?
"The Book of Mormon is to be used for a standard unto my people, which are of the house of Israel, the Lord says, and its words shall hiss forth unto the ends of the earth. We the members of the Church, and particularly the missionaries, have to be the 'hissers', or the tellers and testifiers, of the Book of Mormon unto the ends of the earth." - Ezra Taft Benson, GC, April 1975
3-6. What will people say when the Book of Mormon 'hisses' forth? What group of people wrote the Bible? What thanks have the Jews been given for preserving this important book? How can you show your gratitude for all those who have helped preserve scripture?
6-14. What blessings come to God's children when they have both the Bible and the Book of Mormon? What advantage will you have if you study from the scriptures daily?
6. When the Book of Mormon comes forth, what will many people say? How do you think it makes the Lord feel when people reject a sacred book He has sent to them? 
8-11. What does the Lord tell those who reject a second witness of his dealings with his children (the Book of Mormon)? How does knowing that the Lord continues to speak to his children on the earth today help you receive and accept further revelation through his prophets?
11. How is having a testimony of both the Bible and the Book of Mormon and other scripture a blessing in these last days?
"For me there could be no more impelling reason for reading the Book of Mormon than this statement that we who have the Book of Mormon shall be judged by what is written in it." - Marion G Romney
13-14. What is going to happen to all these records in the last days?
13. How does it make you feel to know that the Lord has prepared further scriptures which are records of his dealings with the other tribes of Israel, and that one day they will be revealed to the world?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

2 Nephi 28

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The Book of Mormon exposes the false ideas of the devil and strengthens us against his evil designs. Satan uses many tactics to try to overpower us, such as by stirring us up to anger, pacifying us and lulling us and flattering us.

1-32. what have you learned from this chapter that will help you overcome Satan's tactics? What are some places, activities, or attitudes you want to avoid so you are not exposed to Satan's influence? What are some of the warning signs this chapter helps you recognize of spiritual danger?
1-19. How do the warnings contained in the Book of Mormon help you avoid influences that are harmful to your spirit?
"The Book of Mormon exposes the enemies of Christ. It confounds false doctrines and lays down contention. It fortifies the humble followers of Christ against the evil designs, strategies, and doctrines of the devil in our day. The type of apostates in the Book of Mormon are similar to the type we have today. God, with his infinite foreknowledge, so molded the Book of Mormon that we might see the error and know how to combat the false educational, political, religious, and philosophical concepts of our time." - Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, January 1988

1. How does the witness of the Spirit of God help you proceed with confidence in life?
2. How highly do you value the things recorded in the scriptures?
3. Why is it so confusing to have such a vast number of churches proclaiming to be of The Lord?
4. How does the contention between the churches of the world help one determine if they are based on the fullness of the gospel of Christ? Why might a church criticize and turn from another church? Is this behavior of God or from another source? How can the Holy Spirit help one determine and know of the truthfulness of the church?
5. Do the churches of the world believe that God still speaks to his children on the earth today? Why or why not? What logic is there in believing that God would turn his back on His children when all through the ages he has sent prophets to declare repentance to all people?
6. Have miracles ceased to exist? Why is faith necessary to be the recipient of a miracle? What miracles have you experienced in your life?
7-8. How does Satan try to make you think that his way of doing things will bring you happiness? How does Satan seek to tempt you with his views? Through what medium are his temptations often delivered? How does Satan want you to feel? Through what means does the Lord promote those things that he has counseled us to do? How does the Lord want you to feel? What difference do you see between the fun that Satan offers and the joy that Heavenly Father has promised you?
"For the most part, Satan has made great strides in establishing and selling his value system, which is based upon the son of man, not the Son of God: “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die” (2 Nephi 28:7) and “There is no hell” (2 Nephi 28:22). His is a value system based upon selfishness, self-indulgence, and immediate gratification. Thus we see devastating decisions constantly being made by those of your age. We see cultures infested with drugs, sex, alcohol, pornography, laziness, and many other spiritually devastating practices. But that does not have to be you." - Richard C Edgley, CES Fireside, November 3, 2002
"I wish to say in the strongest language of which I am capable, stay away from moral iniquity. You know what is right and wrong. You cannot use ignorance as an excuse for unacceptable behavior. . . ." - Gordon B Hinckley, GC, October 2002
"It should come as no surprise that one of the adversary’s tactics in the latter days is stirring up hatred among the children of men. He loves to see us criticize each other, make fun or take advantage of our neighbor’s known flaws, and generally pick on each other. The Book of Mormon is clear from where all anger, malice, greed, and hate come." - Marvin J Ashton, GC, April 1992

7-9. What is the folly of believing that we can eat, drink and be merry (or sin against God) and yet reap little or no consequences for our behavior? How is this view of God cynical and shallow? How would you define the phrase 'premeditated repentance'? What is the folly of premeditated repentance? How are these attitudes and teachings of the world the products of pride? What can you do to guard against them?
"All of our covenants must not only be received through ordinances, but to be eternal, must also be sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise.This divine stamp of approval is placed upon our ordinances and covenants only through faithfulness. The false idea of so-called premeditated repentance involves an element of deception, but the Holy Spirit of Promise cannot be deceived." - James E Faust, GC, October 2000
8-9. What does the phrase 'a few stripes' mean? Read Doctrine and Covenants 19:16-20. Is 'a few stripes' an accurate description of what our punishment will be like if we do not repent? Why is the idea of paying for your own sins a false, vain, and foolish doctrine?
10-15. What does pride found in the congregation of worshipers cause them to care most about? What should good Christian Saints be the most concerned about? How far down the list do education, wealth, and prestige come into play?
15.What do you think 'wo, wo, wo' means? (This triple wo is only found in three other places in scripture) Why is it important to pay attention to what the Lord is talking about when he uses the word 'wo'?
16. What examples have you seen in your life of behavior or attitudes that discredit the value of righteousness as being of no worth?
"Good returns good. Evil returns evil. You govern yourself by subjecting yourself to the discipline of law. If you are obedient to God’s law, you remain free. You progress and are perfected. If you are disobedient to God’s law, you bind yourself to that which restricts your progress. You become defiled and unworthy to be an associate with those who are more clean and pure." - William R Bradford, GC, October 1979

20. Why will the hearts of men be fooled into being angry over that which is good? How can you guard yourself against this malady? How does Satan use anger to deceive and destroy individuals, families, and communities?
20-25. What tactics of the devil are exposed in these verses? After identifying them, ponder your experiences. Have you ever observed these attitudes and beliefs in others? In yourself?
21. What does the word pacify mean? What is the danger of allowing Satan to calm, lull, or put you spiritually to sleep? What methods that Satan used to try to pacify and lead you into his power? What are some examples that you have seen of how some people have been pacified and become blinded to the dangers of Satan?
"We cannot say we will so a few wild oats in our youth or that we will just dabble a little around the fringes of sin. There are no fringes of sin. Every act, good or bad, has a consequence. Every good act improves our ability to do good and more firmly stand against sin or failure. Every transgression, regardless of how minor, makes us more susceptible to Satan's influence the next time he tempts us. Satan takes us an inch at a time, deceiving us as to the consequences of so-called minor sins until he captures us in major transgressions. Nephi describes this technique as one of pacifying, lulling, and flattering us away until Satan grasps us with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance." Richard C Edgley, GC, October 1994

22. What is the danger of doubting the existence of spiritual crocodiles when you can't see them?
"Those ahead of you in life have probed about the waterholes a bit and raise a voice of warning about crocodiles. Not just the big, gray lizards that can bite you to pieces, but spiritual crocodiles, infinitely more dangerous, and more deceptive and less visible, even than those well-camouflaged reptiles of Africa. These spiritual crocodiles can kill or mutilate your souls. They can destroy your peace of mind and the peace of mind of those who love you. Those are the ones to be warned against, and there is hardly a watering place in all of mortality now that is not infested with them." – Boyd K Packer, GC, April 1976

28. How do you build upon the rock? What is the difference between a rock foundation and a sandy foundation? How is trusting in the Savior like building upon a foundation of rock, a foundation of security?
30-32. Why does God call some people blessed? How will harkening to God's counsel hope you overcome the Devils tactics?
30. How does the Lord bless us? Why do you think that He blesses little by little, a little at a time? How can you ensure that you are ready to receive knowledge and wisdom from Him? What promise does he give to those who choose to receive His wisdom?
32. What is the Lord saying when he says that he will lengthen out his arm all the day long? How does this make your feel - especially when you make mistakes?

Monday, March 24, 2014

2 Nephi 27

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The coming forth of the Book of Mormon is one of the ways God will accomplish His work in the latter days.

1-23. How does the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy about the Book of Mormon strengthen your testimony of the book and it's role in the Restoration of the Lords Church?
1-5. Are you ever concerned about living in the last days when all these troubles are happening? (Read D&C 38:29) Why would unprepared people need to fear? What kind of preparation would help you not to be afraid?
1. How is being lost in sin like being drunk? Why don't the wicked see the results of their wrong choices?
3. How are those who fight against the truth like a starving man who dreams about eating?
6-11 Why weren't all the gold plates translated?
"He has withheld the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon from us because it is beyond our present ability to comprehend. We have not made that spiritual progression which qualifies us to understand its doctrine." -- Bruce R McConkie, Ensign, September 1975
12-14. What do these verses teach that the Lord would do to establish the truth of the book that would come forth in the last days?
When we left our Father in Heaven's presence, we came to earth to see if we would walk by faith. This life is a test to see if we will believe in and follow God while being out of his presence. To help us during this test, God "ordained the law of witnesses, the law whereby he reveals himself to prophets and righteous men and sends them forth to teach his laws and bear testimony of their truth and divinity." - Bruce R McConkie, Promised Messiah, 84
14. How do you also serve as a witness to the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon? What can you do to strengthen your conviction of the truthfulness of the book of Mormon?
"I ask that my testimony of the Book of Mormon and all that it implies, given today under my own oath and office, be recorded by man on earth and angels in heaven… I want it absolutely clear when I stand before the judgment bar of God that I declared to the world, in the most straightforward language I could summon, that the Book of Mormon is true, that it came forth the way Joseph said it came forth and was given to bring happiness and hope to the faithful in the travail of the latter days." – Jeffrey R Holland, GC, October 2009

24-35. What are some of the conditions that would exist in the world when the Lord began this marvelous work of restoration? How has the Book of Mormon and the Restoration help you avoid those conditions? What blessings have come forth because of the Book of Mormon and the Restoration of the Gospel?
26. How could the restoration of this gospel and the translation of the Book of Mormon qualify as a marvelous work and a wonder? How does it make you feel to know you live in a day that the prophets testified of and looked forward to?

Sunday, March 23, 2014

2 Nephi 26

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Everything the Lord does is for the benefit of the world. The Lord loves all people and invites all to come unto Him and partake of His salvation.

1-11. From these verses, list three gospel topics you would include if you were assigned to give a talk on preparing to be with the Savior at His Second Coming.
"The record of the Nephite history just prior to the Saviors visit reveals many parallels to our own day as we anticipate the Saviors second coming." – Ezra Taft Benson, GC, April 1987

7. How do you think Nephi felt about seeing the destruction of his people? How would you feel if you were in his position?
8-9. What blessings did Nephi say would come to his righteous descendants?
11. What kinds of things will cause the Spirit to stop striving with man?
"God grant that we will come to our senses and protect our moral environment from this mist of darkness which deepens day by day. The fate of all humanity hangs precariously in the balance." – Boyd K Packer, GC, April 1992

12-13. How can you invite Jesus into your life? Imagine the picture of the Savior standing outside the door and knocking. Why is Jesus knocking? Why doesn't he just walk in? What does this door represent? How is your heart like a door with no not on the outside? What can you do to open the door and let Jesus into your life? What does Nephi suggest in these verses that will help you invite the Savior into your fife? In what ways can the Savior bless you when you open your heart to Him and invite Him into your life?
13. How does Jesus Christ manifest Himself to those who exercise faith in him? How have you witnessed or experienced to some of these manifestations of Jesus Christ?
14-17. What would it be like to stand in a cemetery where your ancestors are buried and hear them speaking to you? What kinds of things might they say? How valuable with their message be to you? Who did Nephi say would whisper out of the dust? Why would they not be forgotten? Where are their voices recorded? What value is there in hearing their voices and listening to the messages?
20-22. What kinds of things does the devil invite the Gentiles to do?
23-28, 33. List three things in these verses that tell you what the Lord is like. What difference does it make for you to know that particular truth about the Lord?
23. In contrast to the devils dark works, what does Nephi teach you about the Savior?
24. The devil seeks to bind people to him. How does the Savior draw people to him? Who's invitation is more inviting? How does the church help the Lord send invitations? What can you do to make sure that you accept the right invitations?
"Indeed, all truth, both spiritual and temporal, testifies of Him. When we learn to read the signs, and wonders, and types, and shadows properly, with the eyes of faith, we will realize that all of history, all of science, all of nature, all divinely revealed knowledge of any sort, testifies of him.  He is the very personification of truth and light, of life and love, of beauty and goodness. All that he did was done out of love." – Alexander B Morrison, GC, April 1992

29. What is priestcraft? Why do you think the Lord forbids priestcraft? Why is it so dangerous? What do you think priestcrafts are damaging to the church?
"To seek after the praise of men, the scriptures caution us, is to be led carefully away from the only safe path to follow in life. And the scriptures warn us plainly what follows when we aspire to the honors of men (Doctrine and Covenants 121:35)" – Boyd K Packer, GC, April 2007
"Let us beware of false prophets and false teachers, both men and women, who are self-appointed declares of the doctrines of the church and who seek to spread their false gospel and attract followers by sponsoring symposia, books, and journals whose contents challenge fundamental doctrines of the church. Beware of those who speak and publish in opposition to God's true prophet who actively proselyte others with reckless disregard for the eternal well-being of those whom they seduce. Like Nehor and Korihor in the Book of Mormon, they rely on sophistry to deceive and entice others to their views. They set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain in praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion." – M Russell Ballard, GC, October 1999
"The temptation to seek personal recognition and reward from our service to others is ever-present. The pattern was established in the pre-earth life of Satan himself. There, when the Father explained His plan of salvation for the inhabitants of this earth and the need for a Redeemer, Satan responded by saying: Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy Son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor. (Moses 4:1) In contrast, Christ showed us for all time that God's work is to be done with an attitude of Thine, not mine. Said He: Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever. (Moses 4:2) Those who seek honor and gain for themselves in doing the Lords work are guilty of what the scriptures call priestcraft. Of this sin, Nephi stated: Priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion.… There is something particularly noble about the good works of those who act without restraint or compulsion and with no expectation of reward or recognition. Their goodness has its source in the desires of their hearts and is the result of pure motives." – Marlin K Jensen, GC, October 1989

30. How can charity be an antidote for the sin of priestcraft?
31. Why do your bishop and other ward members serve? What does this teach you about what should motivate you to serve in the church?
32. How can a Singlestrand of thread become the strong chords which the devil uses to bind those who follow him? How would you counsel a friend to avoid the traps of the devil?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

2 Nephi 25

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Because of Jesus Christ, we can be saved by grace after all we can do. Through the saviors atonement, we can receive a remission of our sins.  We are always warned by prophets before iniquity destroys us.

1-8. Why were the writings of Isaiah hard to understand? What five things can you find in these verses that are keys to understanding Isaiah?
4. What is the spirit of prophecy? (See Revelations 19:10) How do you think the spirit of prophecy could help you better understand the Scriptures, particularly the words of Isaiah?
"The spirit of prophecy refers to the spirit of revelation. This means that when you diligently and prayerfully study the Scriptures and seek to understand their meaning, you can have the spirit of revelation, and the Holy Ghost will enlighten your mind and your understanding.... As you grow in your knowledge and testimony of the Savior, your understanding of the Scriptures – including the teachings of Isaiah – will increase and you will better understand how the teachings relate to you." – Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home-study Seminary Students [2012], 68
5. Nephi delights in the words of Isaiah? How do you feel about the words of Isaiah? What can you do so that you may be able to come to delight in them as well?
9-20. What warnings has the Lord sent us in your day about coming destructions? What do you think you should do to prepare for the things that are prophesied for the future?
23-26. What reasons do you find in these verses as to why believing in Jesus Christ is the right way?
23. Ponder the meaning and application of grace in your life. How well do you understand it? How grateful are you for it? What is the relationship between the Lord's grace and your efforts to live the gospel? What does the phrase all we can do mean to you?
"The word Grace, as used in the scriptures, refers primarily to the divine help and strength we receive through the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ… Through grace, made available by the Saviors  Atoning sacrifice, all people will be resurrected and received immortality... The phrase after all we can do teaches that effort is required on our part to receive the fullness of the Lord's grace and be made worthy to dwell with him. The Lord has commanded us to obey His gospel, which includes having faith in him, repenting of our sins, being baptized, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end… In addition to needing grace for your ultimate salvation, you need this enabling power every day of your life. As you draw near to your heavenly father in diligence, humility, and meekness, he will uplift and strengthen you through his grace." – True to the Faith: A GospelReference [2004], 77-78
"Repentance means striving to change. It would mock the Savior’s suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross for us to expect that He should transform us into angelic beings with no real effort on our part. Rather, we seek His grace to complement and reward our most diligent efforts (see 2 Nephi 25:23). Perhaps as much as praying for mercy, we should pray for time and opportunity to work and strive and overcome. Surely the Lord smiles upon one who desires to come to judgment worthily, who resolutely labors day by day to replace weakness with strength. Real repentance, real change may require repeated attempts, but there is something refining and holy in such striving. Divine forgiveness and healing flow quite naturally to such a soul, for indeed “virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; [and] mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own” (D&C 88:40)." - D Todd Christofferson, GC, October 2011
"Salvation and eternal life would not be possible if it were not for the Atonement, brought about by our Savior, to whom we owe everything. But in order for these supreme blessings to be effective in our lives, we should first do our part, “for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.” Let us with faith, enthusiasm, dedication, responsibility, and love do all that is within our reach, and we will be doing all that is possible to achieve the impossible—that is, to achieve what for the human mind is impossible but with the divine intervention of our loving Father and the infinite sacrifice brought about by our Savior becomes the greatest gift, the most glorious of realities, to live forever with God and with our families." -  Jorge F. Zeballos, GC, October 2009
"Nephi taught, “For we labor diligently … to persuade our children … to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do” (2 Ne. 25:23). And what is “all we can do”? It surely includes repentance (see Alma 24:11) and baptism, keeping the commandments, and enduring to the end. Moroni pleaded, “Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ” (Moro. 10:32).We are not saved in our sins, as by being unconditionally saved through confessing Christ and then, inevitably, committing sins in our remaining lives (see Alma 11:36–37). We are saved from our sins (see Hel. 5:10) by a weekly renewal of our repentance and cleansing through the grace of God and His blessed plan of salvation (see 3 Ne. 9:20–22)." - Dallin H Oaks, GC, April 1998

25. What does the word reconciled mean?
26. In what ways do you worship a review Jesus Christ? What activities show others that you believe in and worship Jesus Christ? What can you do to better worship the Savior with all your might, mind, and strength?
28-30. How does the sacrament help you remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ?

Saturday, March 15, 2014

2 Nephi 24

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The righteous will finally have peace during the Millenium. The righteous will triumph over all their enemies, because they have trusted in and relied upon the Lord.

SYMBOLS: The story of Lucifer's pride and his fall from heaven typify the king of Babylon's ambitions and eventual downfall.

1. How does the message of mercy in this verse speak to you of the faithfulness of your Father in Heaven?
2-3. What will happen to the oppressors during the Millenium? What will happen to the oppressed who were righteous?
4. The wicked confidently declare that nothing can destroy their empires. What is prophesied regarding these things? Why is equality a divine principle? How can you share your wealth and blessings with those who are not so materially blessed? How can the poor bless the wealthy?
5. What is this verse teaching about the power of those who rule in Babylon?
7. Think of a restful moment. What qualities did you most appreciate about it? What thoughts and feelings come to mind when you consider the possibility of the whole earth being at rest? Is your own heart at rest? How can you feel the peace of God even amidst turmoil?
10-11. What will the wicked say to Satan when his kingdom is destroyed? Why will they mock him?
12-14. How do these verses highlight the arrogance and pride of Satan?
"Those who constantly love the praise of men more than the praise of God are faint reflections of another—meaning Satan, of course—who in the preexistence wanted to save all mankind, but with one condition attached—that the honor and glory go to him, not to God. He was more concerned with credit than with results; glory and praise were the end in themselves. ...On the crucial issues, if individuals are more concerned with pleasing men than pleasing God, then they suffer from the same virus Satan had, for there are many situations where seeking the praise of men will clearly result in their hurting, not helping, mankind for they will do expedient and temporary things instead of those which are lasting and beneficial." - N Eldon Tanner, GC, October 1975

15-16. What will ultimately happen to Satan? How will people feel about him when they see him for what he is?
"In the premortal council, it was pride that felled Lucifer, “a son of the morning.” ...Lucifer placed his proposal in competition with the Father’s plan as advocated by Jesus Christ. (See Moses 4:1–3.) He wished to be honored above all others. (See 2 Ne. 24:13.) In short, his prideful desire was to dethrone God." - Ezra Taft Benson, GC, April 1989

22. What gives comfort to the righteous? What can you dange in your life today to be more obedient? How can you resolve to stay obedient?
30. What is the ultimate fate of those who choose not to repent and turn to the Lord?

Friday, March 14, 2014

2 Nephi 23

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Well the wicked will be punished in the last days, the Lord will watch over and protect His people. Babylon - Satan's kingdom will be destroyed by the Savior, NEVER again to be rebuilt!

BACKGROUND: Isaiah compared the destruction of ancient Babylon to Lucifer's fall from heaven. He spoke of Lucifer as the symbolic king of Babylon, meaning the whole weekend world.

1. What has Babylon come to symbolize for us in our day? (See Bible Dictionary : Babylon) How can we avoid being part of Babylon today?
"To come to Zion, it is not enough for you or me to be somewhat less wicked than others. We are to become not only good but holy men and women. Recalling Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s phrase, let us once and for all establish our residence in Zion and give up the summer cottage in Babylon (see Neal A. Maxwell, A Wonderful Flood of Light [1990], 47)." - D Todd Christofferson, GC, October 2008

2-4. What are the righteous doing in this verse? Why is the Lord gathering his righteous forces in the last days?
3. How does the Lord feel about those who rejoice in and glorify his name? What can you do to consistently and continually rejoice in and glorify the name of God?
6. What will the wicked in the last days howl and scream when the Lord returns? How will this wicked feel in the presence of the Lord? If you were to stand before the Lord right now how would you feel? Is there anything in your life that you need to change so you can be comfortable and confident in his presents? Make a goal to make that change.
7. In this verse it is described that man's heart shall melt. What is this telling will happen to the courage of the wicked? How does truth and honesty and uprightness give you courage and confidence and make your heart strong?
8. Have you experienced a moment when you're your face turned a flaming red? How did you feel in that moment? How will the wicked feel in the last days when the distractions of the Lord, on them? Why are we required to suffer the consequences of our sins? Is there anyway to get out of that condition? Why or why not?
9. We know that the Lord is a loving and righteous God. Why will the wicked perceive his coming to be cruel and his wrath to be a fierce anger? How do the perceptions of those who do not feel the spirit of God did her from those who do? How can it bless your life to perceive all events and experiences through the Spirit of the Lord?
"Even though the Savior will appear to the entire world, the experiences the righteous have will be very different from the experiences of the wicked." – Scripture Study for Latter-day Saint Families: The Book of Mormon, 76

10. How is embracing wickedness much like the condition of having no sun moon or stars to give one light in their lives? What do he practices do you engage and to ensure that your choices and actions are guided by light?
11. In our day much of what is good is called evil and much of what is evil is called good by those who wish to indulge in it. At that last day, the day of the Lord, how will that proud opinion be brought into humility? What can you do now to seek humility in your life?
12-23. How did Lucifer fall from heaven?
"The full of the king of Babylon is compared to the fall of Lucifer. When the king of Babylon fell, the children of God on earth rejoiced; but when Lucifer, a son of the morning, fell, the heavens wept over him." – The Book of Mormon for Latter Day Saint Families, 126
"Because our Heavenly Father chose Jesus Christ to be our Savior, Satan became angry and rebelled. There was war in heaven. Satan and his followers fought against Jesus and His followers. In this great rebellion, Satan and all the spirits who followed him were sent away from the presence of God and cast down from heaven. One-third of the spirits in heaven were punished for following Satan: they were denied the right to receive mortal bodies." – Gospel Principles, 18-19

12. What is the worth of a man who survives the desolation of the last days? What does this tell you about the number who will survive those calamities?
14. How were the feelings of those who have been comfortable participating in the activities of Babylon change the that day? Are there any activities of Babylon that you're currently comfortable participating in? What can you do to purge these actions and attitudes from your life that you may feel safe in the Lords arms when he returns?
15-16. What will happen to those who are found to be proud in that day? According to these verses how terrible will they feel when they are found in this condition?
17-19. Will there be anything left of Babylon? How can the utter overthrow of them usher in the great and last dispensation when the Lord himself will reign over the earth? What can you do to ensure that no part of you resides in Babylon?
22. How much time does Babylon have left?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

2 Nephi 22

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

1-6. What do you think is the most important way you can give the Lord your praise and love? Commit to doing one specific thing to give praise and gratitude to the Lord today.

1. What might make the Lord angry? What will turn away his anger? What doctrine in the Gospel do you find the most comforting in these times?
2. Do you ever seeing when you are really happy? How does placing your full trust in the Savior bring you joy?
3. What does the water that is drawn out of the wells of salvation represent? (See John 4:10) What is living water and how do you drink it?
4. In that Millennial day how highly will you recommend the Lord? How involved will you be in doing His work? How often will you come to Him in prayer and thanksgiving?
5. Ponder the changes that will come upon the earth when a knowledge of the gospel is happened and excepted throughout. What can you do now to what the knowledge of the gospel permeate your whole soul?
6. What is your testimony of the Savior? What feelings does it invoke within you? Does it instill within your heart a deep and abiding joy that feels you? What can you do to increase your testimony and the joy that it brings into your life? How can your testimony of the Savior sustain you through the trials and hardships that we are promised will precede His Millennial reign?

2 Nephi 21

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The Lord has restored His gospel and His Church through the Prophet Joseph Smith and is now gathering His people in the last days. During the Millennium, the earth will be a place of peace because it will be full of the knowledge of the Lord.

1-9. Is the thought of being judged by Jesus Christ a frightening idea or a comforting one? What sort of person might be afraid of being judged by Jesus Christ? What it be worth it to keep the commandments to have the kind of experience at the final judgment described in Doctrine and Covenants 45:3-5?
1-2. Who is the stem? (See D&C 113:1-2)
"It is clear from the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants that the principal character in this passage is Jesus Christ." – Jeffrey R Holland, Christ and the new covenant, 86

2-5. Make a list of the characteristics and attributes of the Savior from these verses. What characteristic or attribute do you need to work on? How can you develop this characteristic more fully in your life? Determined to begin today.
1, 10. Who is the rod and the root? What modern day servant of Christ do you know that was given the keys of the kingdom? (See D&C 110:11-16)  what do these verses teach you about the importance of the mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith?
"Are we amiss in saying that the prophet here mentioned is Joseph Smith, to whom the priesthood came, who received the keys of the kingdom, and who raise the ensign for the gathering of the Lord's people in our dispensation? And is he not also the servant in the hands of Christ, who is partly a descendent of Jesse as well as of Ephraim, or of the house of Joseph, on whom there is laid much power?" – Bruce R McConkie, Millennial Messiah [1982], 339-340
"Certainly the priesthood power bestowed on Joseph Smith, the Prophet of the Restoration, qualifies him to be this servant. Consider also the Angel Moroni's proclamation, following a recitation of the 11th chapter of Isaiah to young Joseph, that it was about to be fulfilled. Furthermore, the ancient seer Joseph, he who rose to such power in ancient Egypt, prophesied that one of his descendants bearing the name of Joseph would be raised up to do a great work for the Lord." – Hoyt W Brewster, Jr., Isaiah  Plain and Simple, p. 109
"I know that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet of the living God. I testify that he saw and spoke with God and with His Son Jesus Christ. The Lord gave me this living testimony and it has been burning within my soul ever since I received it. I now give it unto the whole world. I not only testify to all mankind that Joseph Smith was sent of God and that the work that was established through him is the work of God, but warn all the nations of the earth concerning the predictions made by the Prophet, and testify in the most solemn manner that I know them to be true." - Lorenzo Snow, Teachings of Presidents of the Church, Chapter 23
6-9. What will the Millennium be like? How will the behavior of animals change during the Millennium? What do you look forward to the most about the Millennium? 
"On the paradisaical earth the enmity of beasts, yea, the enmity of all flesh, shall cease. All animals shall mingle together in peace, and the appetites of the carnivorous beast shall be changed so that the grass of the field becomes the common diet of the animal world." – Bruce R McConkie, Mormon  Doctrine, p. 496
"Man and all forms of life will be vegetarians in the coming day; the eating of meat will cease, because, for one thing, death as we know it ceases. There will be no shedding of blood, because man and animals are changed (quickened) and blood no longer flows in their veins." –Bruce R McConkie, Mormon  Doctrine, p. 658

9. How will the fulfillment of the prophecy that the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord affect people around the world? How will the fulfillment of this prophecy affect you? How does the knowledge of the Lord influence your life today?
10. Why do some people feel so strongly about their flag? What is something mentioned in this verse that is very much like a flag or a banner?
11-16.  What do you consider to be the most remarkable thing God will do in the gathering of his people in the last days? Which aspects of the millennium would you like to have in your life right now? What could you do to receive some of these blessings? How is the gathering a demonstration of the Lord's love for his people? How was your family gathered; in other words, where and when did your ancestors join the church? What can your family do to serve the Lord by assisting in the gathering of Israel?