Tuesday, March 11, 2014

2 Nephi 16

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

We can be cleansed from unworthiness through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

SERAPHIM: angels who reside in the presence of God. The wings symbolize their power to move and act.
SMOKE: May indicate the presence of The Lord
UNCLEAN LIPS: Unworthiness
LIVE COAL: Purifying agent, like the cleansing power of the Holy Ghost
ALTAR: Literally, an altar was the place where sacrifices were made. It may refer here to the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ on our behalf - the Atonement.

1-13. Why do missionaries need to go to the temple before they go on a mission? Why do think Isaiah sees in vision the Lord's heavenly temple before he is called to serve?
1. What symbol in this verse symbolizes power and authority? If the temple is a symbol of the celestial kingdom, how full is it of The power of God?
2. How can you, like the angel covering his eyes, show reverence and respect for Your Father in Heaven and his Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ? How do angels help in furthering the work of God? Do you allow angels to minister to you? Do you ever find yourself so busy with things of the world that the lines of communication between yourself and Heaven are faint at best? What can you do to increase your ability to receive inspiration EVEN while engaged in the cares of mortality?
3. Can you imagine the conditions you would be living in when the whole earth is filed with His glory? What can you do in your life to be worthy of living in this period of time?
4. How is God's presence a cleansing influence?
"God Almighty Himself, dwells in eternal fire; flesh and blood cannot go there, for all corruption is devoured by the fire." - Joseph Smith

5. Why do you think Isaiah felt undone when he saw The Lord?  Do you ever feel unworthy to be in the Lord's presence? What can you do to change that? How does coming to understand the character and nature of God as you study from the scriptures, help you to realize the great extent to which you rely upon Him? How does learning of Him and His love for you encourage you to reach ever toward perfection, trusting in Him to help you along the path?
6. How does the live coal symbolize the Atonement?
7. How does the atonement help you to overcome your inadequacies, sins and imperfections? By what power is your iniquity taken from you? How grateful are you for this blessing? What must you do in order to stand in the presence of The Lord with confidence?
8. Now that Isaiah was cleansed from sin, how did he answer when The Lord said: 'Whom shall I send?' Who else answered a call with these same words? (Abraham 3:24-27) how would this experience prepare Isaiah to go out among the people and preach repentance?
9-11. What was Isaiah supposed to do when he preached?
"The Lord said that the more Isaiah taught the truth, the more the people would close their eyes and ears to it. Therefore, Isaiah's calling was to teach and testify until the people' sears were entirely shut and their eyes entirely closed or... until there is no one to preach to." -Book of Mormon Student Study Guide [2000], p. 48

10. How is the teachings and counsel of the prophets part of the process of making you accountable? Why is it so important that you be accountable for your actions? How active are you spiritual senses of sight, sound and feeling?
"There is self hardening in evil... sin from it's very nature bears it's own punishment. An evil act in itself is the result of self-determination proceeding from a man's own will. An individual cannot resist or reject the truth without eventually becoming spiritually hardened." - Old Testament Institute Manual, Isaiah 6:10

11. How long will people have the opportunity to accept the gospel?

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