Tuesday, March 11, 2014

2 Nephi 13

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The children of Israel had become so sinful that they lost their ability to blush. Isaiah foresees the breakdown of the traditional family. If you sow righteousness you shall reap goodness.

1-15. What if your world crumbled? What would have been to your country if food, water, government, judges, prophets law-enforcement, wise men and women, scientist, and skilled workers were taken away? How will the young treat those who are older? How will the unrespectable treat the respectable?  Have you noticed any of these attitudes among your friends or peers?
8-9, 11, 15. List the evil things the children of Israel needed to repent of.
10. What hope was given to the righteous in the midst of all this turmoil?
16. Who are the daughters of Zion?
16-24. What do these verses teach us about some of the daughters of Zion in the last days? How can following after worldly fashions cause spiritual problems? What has the Lord said through his prophet that can help keep us safe?
"Prophets of God have always canceled his children to dress modestly. The way you dress is a reflection of what you are on the inside. Your dress and grooming send messages about you to others and influence the way you and others act. When you are well groomed and modestly dressed, you invite the companionship of the Spirit and can't exercise a good influence on those around you." – For the Strength of Youth, p. 14-15

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