Wednesday, March 12, 2014

2 Nephi 20

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The destruction of Israel and Assyria is a type of the destruction of the wicked in any age, including the latter days.

HISTORY: In his mercy the Lord sent prophets repeatedly to call his people to repentance. When the prophets were rejected, the Lord allowed Assyria to become a punishing rod to His people. When that purpose had been fulfilled, the Lord then punished Assyria for its wickedness by the hand of another nation, Babylon.

1. What examples can you think of where unrighteousness laws are decreed as legal and good? What is promised to those who make such laws? Why is it so important to always uphold the laws of God?
2. What examples can you think of in our day for the poor and the windows are preyed upon my unrighteous individuals? What is your responsibility to the poor and the needy?
3. For those who seek well, how will it benefit them in the day of the visitation the Lord? Of what worth of worldly riches in comparison to the spiritual blessings that have promised at the time of the second coming of our savior, Jesus Christ?
4. Even in the day of destruction the Lord's hand is stretched out still? How does this attitude and invitation from the Lord touch your heart? How is it testified to you of his great love for all mankind?
5. What did The Lord mean by, 'o Assyrian, the rod of mine anger'?
6. Who is the hypocritical nation? What is a hypocrite?  How can you ensure that you avoid the sin of hypocrisy?
7. In this verse the king of Assyria doesn't realize he is a tool in gods hands. How can you be in instrument in the hands of the Lord for good? Are you always aware that you are fulfilling his purposes? Why or why not?
12-13.Why did the Assyrians think they had successfully conquered so many other nations?
15-19. What did the Lord say would happen to Assyria because they had boasted in their own strength?
16. What promise does the Lord give to all those who become proud and lifted up in their own eyes? Why does he promise to humble us? Why do you need to be humble? How will humility bless your life?
20. How completely do you depend on the hand of the Lord in your life? What do you think it will be like to live in a time when all people will turn to God for their support and their strength, depending on and trusting in His goodness?
22. What can you do now to ensure that you are not among the number of those who will be consumed by the righteousness of the Lord and destroyed in their wickedness and unfaithfulness to Him? How can personally forsaking wickedness and turning to the Lord help you fulfill your life's mission?
24. Are you afraid of those who would smite, persecute or ridicule you? What advise does Isaiah give you? How does seeking to please God allay the fears that come when one seeks to please man instead?
27. How is Satan's oppression often like a burden upon your back or a yoke across your shoulder? What can you do to get rid of it? What is the promise for the last days concerning this oppression? Who is it that will lift that oppression from off the earth?

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