Monday, March 10, 2014

2 Nephi 8

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

There is neither peace nor comfort in sin, true peace and comfort come of following the Saviour.

1-25. Is there anything or anyone you can always depend on in this life? What foundation can you build your life on that will never fail? How significant of a blessing is this in your life? How frequently do you do things to build upon this foundation? What more can you do to ensure that you are worthy to receive the full blessing of relying upon your Savior, Jesus Christ?
1-16. What do people rely upon to make them happy and prosperous in this life? What things did The Lord say would bring happiness? What blessings come to those who trust and follow the Savior?
6-8, 12. What will happen to the things of this world? Why do you think that so many people put so much trust in the things of men instead of trying to get close to The Lord? What can you do to ensure that you more consistently place your trust more fully in The Lord during these troubled times in which you live?
7. How much should the opinions of others influence your actions? How much should the opinions of God influence your actions? What can you do to be less influenced by the world and more influenced by God?
9, 17. In what way did Israel need to awake? How is being ensnared in sin similar to being asleep? What can one do to awake and put on the strength of The Lord?
17-20. What has happened to most of the sons of Jerusalem?
19. How are these two sons different?
20. Why are they lying in the streets? What kind of animal are they compared to? Is a bull captured in a net still dangerous? Who are these two sons?
"These two shall be followers of that humble man, Joseph Smith, through whom The Lord of Heaven restored the fullness of his everlasting gospel in this final dispensation of grace. No doubt they will be members of the Council of the Twelve or the First Presidency of the Church." -- Bruce R McConkie

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