Tuesday, March 11, 2014

2 Nephi 11

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

The Lord calls prophets to bear witness of him. By studying the testimonies of witnesses of Jesus Christ, we can strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ and rejoice in him.

1-8. Why do you think it is important to have a witness of Jesus Christ from multiple prophets?
2. What is one reason that Nephi loved the words of Isaiah? As a prophet who had seen the Redeemer, why do you think Isaiah's words touched Nephi so powerfully? How do you feel about the words of the prophets? What is it about them that makes you love their teachings so much that you would want to pass them on to your posterity?
"Eternal principles will take root in us as we take time not only to read the teachings of the prophets and the scriptures but also to ponder them in the spirit of prayer. " - Walter F Gonzalez, GC, October, 2007
"Notably, Nephi often remembers his sources of delight in the midst of affliction, serving to lift and focus his spirit on eternal blessings." -Susan W Tanner, GC, April 2008

3. How does God prove His words to His children? What witnesses have you received of the truth of the words of the prophets?
"The Lord's manner of teaching and affirming, especially when it involves a covenant, has always provided more than one testimony." – Jeffrey R Holland, Christ and the New Covenant, P. 33

4-7. What things make you happy? What things made Nephi happy?
4. What is it about Gods word that causes Nephi's soul to be filled with delight? How does God's word make your soul feel? How can His word fill you with even greater joy?
4. What does it mean that ALL things typify of Christ? What can you learn about Christ and His gospel in the things around you? How does this awareness increase your testimony of Jesus Christ?
"All things “from the beginning of the world bear record of [God].”  They are designed to point us to Christ, typifying Him, so that we might follow Him, have faith in Him, and keep His commandments." -Neal A Maxwell, GC, April 1986
"It is not just the prophets lives that remind us of the Savior. Jesus himself used many ordinary things to symbolize His role in our lives. For example, He taught that He was like bread, water, light, a vine, and even a hen." – Book of Mormon Student Study Guide [2000]
"If we had sufficient insight, we would see in every Gospel ordinance, in every right that is part of revealed religion, in every performance commanded of God, in all things deity gives his people, something that typifies the eternal ministry of the Eternal Christ." – Bruce R McConkie, The Promised Messiah [1978], 378

5. How do you feel about the covenants that you have made with The Lord? Are they a burden or a delight?
"To be a woman of covenant is a sacred and holy calling. Our covenants should ennoble us, serving as inspiration and incentive. A deepened understanding of our covenants lifts our vision to the loftier vistas awaiting us." -Elaine L Jack, GC, April 1992

5. How do you feel about the grace of God? How can you come to appreciate this gift more fully? Why is grace of great worth to you?
5. How do you feel about the plan of salvation? What can you do to increase your gratitude for the great plan of your God?
"We know, that mortality is not an accident of nature. It is a brief segment of the great plan of our loving Father in Heaven to make it possible for us, His sons and daughters, to achieve the same blessings He enjoys, if we are willing." -Dennis E Simmons, GC, April 2004

6-7. What is Nephi's reasoning as to the existence of God? How do Nephi's teachings strengthen your testimony of the Savior?
8. What can you do to ensure that the words of Isaiah lift up your heart and cause you to rejoice?

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