Thursday, March 13, 2014

2 Nephi 22

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

1-6. What do you think is the most important way you can give the Lord your praise and love? Commit to doing one specific thing to give praise and gratitude to the Lord today.

1. What might make the Lord angry? What will turn away his anger? What doctrine in the Gospel do you find the most comforting in these times?
2. Do you ever seeing when you are really happy? How does placing your full trust in the Savior bring you joy?
3. What does the water that is drawn out of the wells of salvation represent? (See John 4:10) What is living water and how do you drink it?
4. In that Millennial day how highly will you recommend the Lord? How involved will you be in doing His work? How often will you come to Him in prayer and thanksgiving?
5. Ponder the changes that will come upon the earth when a knowledge of the gospel is happened and excepted throughout. What can you do now to what the knowledge of the gospel permeate your whole soul?
6. What is your testimony of the Savior? What feelings does it invoke within you? Does it instill within your heart a deep and abiding joy that feels you? What can you do to increase your testimony and the joy that it brings into your life? How can your testimony of the Savior sustain you through the trials and hardships that we are promised will precede His Millennial reign?

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