Tuesday, March 11, 2014

2 Nephi 18

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

1-22. What are the dangers of putting your trust in worldly things and influences rather than in The Lord? When have you turned  to The Lord for strength when you were initially tempted to turn to other sources? What did you learn from the experience?

1. What prophecy did Isaiah record? What symbolism was embedded in this prophecy?
2. Why did Isaiah require witnesses as he recorded this prophecy? How does the Lord use witnesses to teach you?
3-4. How quickly was destruction to come upon the people?
5-6. What symbolism do you find in the waters of Shiloah? Do you know anyone who has refused the gentle help of Christ? How does this make you feel?
7-8. How can adversity and hardships often feel like a flood of many waters? How do you stay afloat amidst such turbulence?
9. How is the act of turning from God rectified when ye are broken in pieces? How does adversity help you be humble? Can you think of a time when you turn toward God in humility and received of his strength and goodness?
10. What promise do you have if you faithfully and obediently keep the commandments and seek to follow God's will in your life?
11. In whose ways do you walk?
12. Are you ever affected by the fears of others? Have you ever found it easy to tell others the things they want to hear rather than the counsel of the Lord you have received for happiness and joy?
13. Who do you ultimately seek to please? Why is it dangerous to rely on public approval?
14. What do the stone and rock symbolize in this verse? Who is both a sanctuary and a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offense? How was the unbelief of Israel and Judah in Christ, a stumbling block to the people?
"The waters of Shiloah had long been Jerusalem's water supply… Water flowed to Shiloah from the spring Gihon, which represented the Lord's providence, whereas the waters of the river, Euphrates, represented the forces of Asyria. King Ahaz did not follow the prophets advice, so Judah was invaded and Jerusalem besieged. It was not conquered, however, thanks to The stronger faith and better behavior of the next king, Hezekiah, son of Ahaz. Jerusalem was saved by the Lord, as promised by the stretching out of his wings over the land of Emmanuel. Nevertheless, the country was almost overwhelmed by Assyrian forces, reaching nearly to 'the neck'. - Ellis T Rasmussen, A Latter-day Saint Commentary on the Old Testament, p. 510

15. In our day many of the Jewish faith struggle with the concept and belief of Christianity? In what ways is a belief in the Savior a stumbling block to them? When this occurs, who is it that has snared and taken them captive?
16. How often do you take time to record your testimony?
17. What does it mean to wait upon the Lord? How can knowing that the Lord will bless you help you to seek for and acknowledge the blessings you received at his hand every day?
18. How did Isaiah and his sons become a symbol and a witness against the people in their day? How can you and your children be a reminder to the wayward that the Lord lives?
19. What is the danger of seeking for signs?
"To secret information… through any way contrary to the instruction the Lord has given is sin. The Lord gave positive instructions to Israel… that they were to go to him for revelation and to avoid the devices prevalent among the heathen nations." – Joseph Fielding Smith

21. Though many trials and hardships we suffer are the result of our own actions, why is it so typical to turn and curse God for the consequences of our own actions?
22. Why does sin and wickedness always thrust one into despair and spiritual darkness? What can you do to help and assist those who are on the threshold of spiritual darkness, to once again find and turn to the light of Christ?

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