Thursday, March 26, 2015

Alma 22

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

You must be willing to forsake all your sins in order to prepare for eternal life.

1-5. How important is the spirit of the Lord in missionary work? What role does the Holy Ghost play in missionary work? How did the spirit help the missionaries in these verses? When has the spirit directed you to teach or help someone in need?
"If there is one message I have repeated it to my brethren of the Twelve it is that it's the spirit that counts. It is the spirit that matters. I do not know how often I have said this, but I never tire of saying it – it is the spirit that matters most." – Ezra Taft Benson, Address at mission presidents seminar, April 3, 1985
1. What do you remember about Lamoni's father from the previous chapter? 
2-3. Who taught Lamoni's father? How was Aaron received? Why do you suppose that the king was still eager to learn when Aaron came to him instead of Ammon?
5-6. What answers it was the king specifically seeking?
7-14. How do the doctrines that Aaron taught the king answer the Kings questions from verse six?
15. What was the king willing to give up in order to receive joy and eternal life?  What does the Kings offering tell you about the value he began to place on the Savior?  What thoughts do you have as you consider what the king was willing to give up? What are you willing to give up in order to receive joy and eat ternal life?
"Each of us must surrender our sins if we are to really know Christ. For we do not know Him until we become like Hhim. There are some, like this king, who must pray until they, too, have a wicked spirit rooted from them so they can find the same joy. Attaining a righteous and virtuous life is within the capability of anyone of us if we will earnestly seek for it. If we do not have these character traits, the Lord has told us that we should ask, and you shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." – Ezra Taft Benson, GC, October 1983
16. What did Aaron say that the king needed to do?
17-18. How did the king demonstrate his desire to receive eternal life? What do you think it means to give away your sins? Why do you think it is necessary to repent of all of your sins, not only some of them? What can you learn from King Lamoni's father about preparing for eternal life?
"The gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to change. Repent is its most frequent message, and repenting means giving up all of our practices – personal, family, ethnic, and national – that are contrary to the commandments of God. The purpose of the gospel is to transform common creatures into celestial citizens, and that requires change." – Dallin H Oaks, GC, October 2003
"Do you have something in your life that you need to change? You can do this. You can repent because of the saviors infinite atoning sacrifice. He made it possible for you and me to change, to become pure and clean again, and to become like Him. And He has promised that when we do, He will remember our sins and mistakes no more." – Elaine S Dalton, GC, March 2012
5-18. From what you have learned in these verses about what is required to receive eternal life, what do you feel the Lord would ask you to do today so you can draw closer to Him? What evidence do you see that the king had become converted unto the Lord?

Alma 21

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

If you faithfully persist through trials, the Lord will help you to do His work.

1-23. Have you ever felt that you were doing your best to keep the Commandments and yet still faced challenges or felt discouraged? How did Aaron and his brethren endure their trials? What can you learn from Aaron and his brethren that can help you when you're faced challenges or feel discouraged?
1-4. How would you feel about serving a mission to your mortal enemies without a companion? To what city did Aaron go? Who were the Amalekites and the Ammulonites? Why do you think these former Nephites had hearts that were still harder even then those of the Lamanites? What influence did they have on the Lamanites? How is this similar to those who leave the church today? Why are the apostates sometimes the worst enemies of the church? What would you do to prepare for a mission among so many enemies of the church?
5-10. What can you do if someone wants to argue with you about religion or challenge your beliefs? How would you rank the contention level in the words of the Amalekite? What was the contention level in the word Aaron responded with? What did Aaron do instead of arguing with the man? What was Aaron able to teach from the Scriptures? How did the people of Jerusalem respond to Aaron's teaching from the Scriptures? What can you learn from his example? What can you do in your family to prepare to stand against the false doctrines taught by those who follow Satan?
"As we dread any disease that undermines the health of the body, so should we deplore contention, which is a corroding canker of the Spirit. I appreciate the Council of Abraham Lincoln, who said: 'Quarrel not at all. No man resolved it to make the most of himself can spare time for personal contention… Better give your path to a dog that to be bitten by him.'" – Russell M Nelson, GC, April 1989
12. Why aren't missionaries always able to convince people to listen to them?
13-15. What happened to the missionaries serving in the land of Middoni? What did they do as soon as they got out of prison?
16-17. How did the missionaries know where to go to teach? How did the lord help Aaron and his brethren do His work? What kind of work does God have for you to do now? What challenges might you face in trying to accomplish this work?
20-22. How can government leader sometimes make a difference for the missionaries? How important is personal freedom in one's choice to worship? How do you exercise your freedom to worship?
23. What kind of a missionary was Ammon? How did his example influence those that he taught? What can you learn from Ammon and his brethren about missionary work?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Alma 20

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

You can bear your testimony by word and example even when others try to persuade you to do what is wrong. As you show love and teach truth, you can help others soften their hearts and become receptive to the Gospel.

1-7. What are some things you can do to hear the voice of the Lord more clearly in your life?
"I have carefully observed the effect that diligently and humbly listening to the voice of the Lord has had in the lives of people… The voice of the Lord may be received by listening to the Lord's servants, studying the Scriptures, and being prompted through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost… I believe that our ability and our willingness to hear can be increased and that our ears can be opened to hear clearly the voice of the Lord." – Francisco J Vinas, GC, October 1996
1. Why do you think that Lamoni wished for Ammon to meet his father?
2. Why didn't Ammon agree to go with the king? How was Ammon protected and preserved? Why was it important for Ammon to hear the voice of the Lord? Have you heard the voice of the Lord in your life? When have you felt the protection of the Holy Spirit in your life?
3. What is it so important to act immediately upon the impressions you receive from the spirit? How has responding quickly to inspiration bless you and your life?
4. What faith did Lamoni demonstrate in his response to Ammon?
8-16. What feelings would you have if you were in Ammon's position and someone accused you of being a liar and a robber? How harmful is anger? What are some reasons people become angry? What are some examples you have seen of people losing their temper? Does anger usually solve the difficulty or make matters worse?
"A violent temper is such a terrible, corrosive thing. And the tragedy is that it accomplishes no good; it only feeds evil with resentment and rebellion and pain… May I suggest that you watch your temper, now, in these formative years of your life… this is the season to develop the power and capacity to discipline yourselves… anger is not an expression of strength. It is an indication of one's inability to control his thoughts, words, his emotions. Of course it is easy to get angry. When the weakness of anger takes over, the strength of reason leaves. Cultivate within yourself the mighty power of self-discipline." –Gordon B Hinckley, GC, October 1991
14. What did Lamoni's father want done to Ammon when they first met?
14-16. What lessons can you learn from Lamoni's response to his father?
17-25. When Lamoni's father saw the Ammon could kill him, what did he offer omen? What did Ammon ask for instead?
23. What was Lamoni's father willing to give if Ammon would spare his life?
24. What did Ammon ask for?
26-27. How did Ammon's love for Lamoni influence Lamoni's father? In what ways did the words of Ammon and Lamoni influence Lamoni's father?
26. What astonished Lamoni's father exceedingly?
27. What did Lamoni's father want to learn? What brought about this great change in Lamoni's father? What is the difference between the positive power of love and the destructive power of anger? What power do you employ most richly in your daily life?

Alma 19

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

My sharing your testimony and setting righteous examples, you can help others turn to the Lord.

1-36. When you drop a rock into a pool of water, what happens to the water? How can a person's actions be like the rock that was dropped into the water? What ripple effect do you see caused by Ammons desire to teach the Lamanites? What ripple effects have you seen in your own life for good? When has someone's example or testimony influenced you for good? What can you do today that might have a good influence on the people around you?
1-5. What knowledge did the queen have of Ammon? How did this knowledge give her hope for her husband's well-being? How can your faith bless others? How does your faith bless you?
6. What replaced the dark veil of unbelief? What names does this light have? What effect did this light have on Lamoni? What other experiences was Ammon familiar with where someone had fallen to the earth as if he were dead?
6. What was the king feeling? Have you ever been so full of joy that you physically felt weak? When have you felt the influence of the Spirit in a powerful way? When have you felt great joy?
9-10. What do you learn in these verses about the faith of the queen? How do you feel when you see faith demonstrated by others? In what ways has your own faith been strengthened by the faith you have seen and felt in the others? How important is a soft heart and a willingness to believe in receiving a witness from the Spirit?
12-13. What do you know of your Savior, Jesus Christ? What feelings does this knowledge evoke in your heart? What can you do to gain a fuller knowledge and deeper testimony of and for your Savior?
13. After King Lamoni awoke, what was his testimony centered upon? Why did the king, the queen, and Ammon fall to the earth again?
14. How did Ammon feel as he saw the spirit poured out upon a people who had once been the esteemed enemies of his own people? How do you feel when you see changes for good in your own enemies or adversaries? Do you forgive them freely so you can feel that great joy in the spirit, delighting in their faith and righteousness?
15-16. What words and phrases do you find in these verses that show that the servants were turning to God?
16-18. You process things from where you are at. Why did the Lamanite woman see a spiritual feast and the Lamanite people see an 'enemy' in the midst of the Kings house?
22. How has the Lord protected you from harm or evil in your life? Were you aware of it at the time? If not, how did you learn of this blessing?
23. How does trusting the welfare of your children to the Lord comfort, bless and help you as a parent when you are separated by distance or other circumstances from one of your children?
24-27. Why did the Lamanite people exhibit so many different opinions about Ammon's origin and his reason for being there in their land?
28. What was the result of the differing opinions of the Lamanites? How did the contention that resulted benefit the adversary? What does Lucifer like to see us contend one with another?
29. How did Abish's action show the strength of her testimony? How did the faith of one help to restore peace to the contentious situation? How can seeking the Spirit in volatile situations help to defuse the effects Satan is striving to achieve?
31. What overcame the contention among Lamoni's people? What is the power of your testimony as demonstrated in this verse? Have you ever have the opportunity and blessing of bearing down in pure testimony when influenced by the Spirit?
33. How does one overcome the desire to do evil? How can this change of heart bless you in your life?
36. What blessings are always extended to those who repent? What blessings are you personally aware of in your life that you have received through your efforts and determination to fully repent of your own shortcomings and sins? What are the requirements for receiving the spirit of the Lord?
"When we sin, we turn away from God. When we repent, we turn back toward God. The invitation to repent is rarely a voice of chastisement but rather a loving appeal to turn around and to “re-turn” toward God. It is the beckoning of a loving Father and His Only Begotten Son to be more than we are, to reach up to a higher way of life, to change, and to feel the happiness of keeping the commandments. Being disciples of Christ, we rejoice in the blessing of repenting and the joy of being forgiven. They become part of us, shaping the way we think and feel." – Neil L Andersen, GC, October 2009

Friday, March 20, 2015

Alma 18

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

As you serve others faithfully, you can help them prepare to receive the truths of the gospel. As you serve Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ faithfully, your ability to do Their work increases. As you understand your need for the Savior, you will desire to repent.

1-43. Have you ever been scared or felt inadequate when you were given an assignment or duty to perform? Have you ever felt that an assignment or duty was too difficult for you to accomplish? What can you do to overcome feelings such as these?
1-4. What ideas did the king and his servants have about Ammon's identity? What did Lamoni think Ammon's purpose was in coming?
1-5. What did the Lamanites call God? Who did King Lamoni think Ammon was? Why did Lamoni feel that the Great Spirit was angry with him? Where did Lamoni get his ideas about God?
5. What false understanding did the Lamanites have about their own conduct? How can a false understanding about God lead to such incorrect ideas about ourselves? How would false ideas about God change the way you feel about Him? Would that change the way you want to live? What power and purpose have come into your life from a correct understanding of who God really is? What can you do to come to understand Him better?
7. What types of gain did the robbers who scattered the kings flocks seek? As a sheep and member of the flock of the Good Shepherd, what 'robbers' threaten your spiritual standing and ability to follow the Good Shepherd? What can you do to avoid becoming separated from Christ?
8-9. How can you tell that Ammon was not seeking glory or honor for defending the kings flocks? How can an attitude of humility and service bless your life and the lives of those around you?
8-23. At this time Lamanites did not trust Nephites. Why is it easier to trust some people than others? What are some things you can do to build relationships of trust with others? How can you tell that Lamoni trusted Ammon? What ways can you follow Ammon's example with your family, friends and neighbors?
10. What impressed Lamoni besides the power Ammon demonstrated in defending the flocks?
11. What prevented the king from summoning Ammon even though he WANTED to talk to him? What might prevent you from approaching the Lord even when you earnestly desire to feel His presence? How can an awareness of your since cause you to feel unworthy to approach the Lord? Why is this a feeling that the adversary delights in? How does the Lord feel about you when you sin? What is more important to the Lord, the sin or the lessons you learned from it? How can knowing that the Lord is pulling for you,  ready to forgive you, help you begin and complete the true repentance process?
12-15. Why do you think Lamoni was silent before Ammon?
16-21. What evidence do you find in these verses that  the power of God was with Ammon? How did the Spirit of God help Ammon in this situation? What did Lamoni want to know from Ammon? At this point in the account, what did Lamoni know about Ammon?
20-39. What did Ammon do to show the king that he could be trusted? How would gaining this kind of trust help a missionary be more effective?
28-32. What is the first thing that Ammon taught about God? How did Ammon's teachings about the creation add to what the king already knew?
33-35. How did Ammon describe his ability to know the king's thoughts? How did he describe his ability to defend the king's flocks? What was Ammon able to do that was beyond his natural ability? How does Heavenly Father bless you when you serve Him faithfully? How might this principle apply to someone who feels afraid or inadequate or who feels that an assignment or duty is too difficult? When have you felt  that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have helped you do Their work?
36-39. Why do you think it is important to teach about the Creation and the Fall when we teach about the Atonement of Jesus Christ? How might learning the doctrines of the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement have helped Lamoni recognize his need for a Savior? Why do you think that Ammon taught the Fall of Adam before he taught about the plan of redemption?
"Before we can comprehend the Atonement of Christ,... we must first understand the Fall of Adam. And before we can understand the Fall of Adam, we must first understand the Creation. These three crucial components of the plan of salvation relate to each other... Eternal life, made possible by the Atonement, is the supreme purpose of the Creation." - Russell M Nelson, GC, October 1996

40-43. What did Lamoni's prayer show that he understood about himself and his people? What can you learn from Lamoni about what happens when you understand that you need the Savior? What can you do that will help you remember your need for the Savior?

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Alma 17

As you search the scriptures, pray, and fast, you can receive the Holy Ghost and teach with power. When you set a good example, the Lord can make you an instrument in His hands. Through service, you can help others prepare to accept the gospel. Wen you are in the Lord's service, you can have courage and be of good cheer.

1-3. Have you ever  been present when a relative or friend has come home from a mission after serving faithfully? What Christlike characteristics did you observe in these missionaries when they returned? What positive changes did you see in them after their missions? What do you think caused these changes? What was the relationship between Alma and the sons of Mosiah? How did Alma feel when he saw his friends again? Why do you think he felt this way? What had the sons of Mosiah done faithfully to keep their testimonies strong and to be successful missionaries? What blessings did they receive because of their study, fasting, and prayer? What can you do every day to keep your testimony strong and bright?
"Spending time each day in scripture study will, without doubt, strengthen our foundations of faith an d our testimonies of truth." - Thomas S Monson, GC, October 2006
"When we fast, ... we feel hunger. And for a short time, we literally put ourselves in the position of the hungry and the needy. As we do so, we have greater understanding of the deprivations they might feel. When we give to the bishop an offering to relieve the suffering of others, we not only do something sublime for othres, but we do something wonderful for ourselves as well." Joseph B Wirthlin, GC, April 2001
9. What did the sons of Mosiah and their companions pray for?
10-12. Why do you think their hearts took courage when they received the Lord's answer to their prayers?
11. What promise did the Lord give the sons of Mosiah regarding their missionary efforts? What does this mean to you? In what ways can you be an instrument in the Lord's hands? Why do you think that setting a good example is part of missionary work? What are some things people can learn about the gospel as they see your good example? What have the good examples of others helped you?
13-16. What was it like teaching the Lamanites in these verses? Why were the sons of Mosiah willing to suffer afflictions and go among the Lamanites?
19-39. What impresses you most about this story? How can following the example of Ammon help you draw closer to the Savior? What can you learn about this account?
25. What do you think is significant about Ammon telling the kind 'I will be thy servant'? When have you seen service lead to opportunities to share the gospel?
26-39. How does the way you serve influence others? How was Ammon a servant to the king and his people while on his mission? In what ways can you be of service to the Lord's children each day?
"Thousands of times every day, members of the Church are watched... by people curious to know something about our lives. Because we are under covenant to be witnesses, we will try to tell them how the gospel has brought us happiness. What theythink of what we say may depend largely on how much they sense we care for them. Those we meet will feel the love... It may not be in hours or days as it was for King Lamoni, but they will feel our love after testing our hearts. And when they find our concern sincere, the Holy Sp;irit can more easily touch them to allow us to teach and to testify, as it did for Ammon." - Henry B Eyring, GC, October 1996

Alma 16

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

As you seek and follow guidance from the Lord's prophets, the Lord strengthens and protects you.

1-11. What is a consequence? What does the Lord teach you about consequences in Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21? Why was the city of Ammonihah destroyed? What consequences had the inhabitants of Ammonihah been warned of? (See Alma 9:1, 18; Alma 10: 23; Alma 15:1) Why were the Nephites unable to defend the city of Ammonihah?
4-6. How did Alma's prophetic guidance help the Nephites? What principles can you learn from this account? How have you been blessed as you have listened to and followed prophetic guidance in your life? How has prophetic guidance helped you make correct decisions in difficult situations? Why is it wise to follow the prophet?
12-16. What are some of the things that the Lord does to help you be victorious over Satan? What are some of the things that the Lord's servants do to help you be victorious over Satan?
18-19. What things can you find listed in these verses that you should or should not do to be victorious over Satan?
21. What victory is spoken of here? How would it feel to be victorious over Satan? What do you need to do to be victorious over Satan? What is one thing that you can do to better fight in the battle against Satan?
"Satan will be bound by the power of God; but he will be bound also by the determination of the people of God not to listen to him, not to be governed by him. If Satan, therefore, has power with man, it is because man yields to his influence." George Q Cannon, Gospel Truth, 1:86-87

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Alma 15

Through your faith in Jesus Christ you can be healed and strengthened. Bishops and other priesthood leaders can help you receive the mercy and strength you need through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

1-3. What reasons are there that people get sick? Can your sins cause you to feel sick? 
3-5. What words or phrases describe Zeezrom's condition? Why do you think Zeezrom's guilt led him to suffer both spiritually and physically? Why did Zeezrom feel guilty?What do people in this condition need to do in order for their condition to change?
"I [once] asked a doctor of family medicine how much of his time was devoted purely to correcting physical disorders. He has a large practice, and after thoughtfully considering, he answered, 'Not more than 20 percent. The rest of the time I seem to be working on problems that very much affect the physical well-bing of my patients but do not originate in the body. These physical disorders,' the doctor concluded, 'are merely symptoms of some other kind of trouble.' In recent generations one after another of the major diseases has yielded to control or cure. Some very major ones still remain, but we now seem able to do something about most of them. There is another part of us, not so tangible, but quite as real as our physical body. This intangible part of us is described as mind, emotion, intellect, temperament, and many other things. Very seldom is it described as spiritual. But there is a spirit in man; to ignore it is to ignore reality. There are spiritual disorders, too, and spiritual diseases that can cause intense suffering. The body and the spirit of man are bound together." - Boyd K Packer, GC, October 1977
4. Whose help did Zeezrom seek? Why do you think he sent for Alma and Amulek? What word describes how Zeezrom responded when he heard the Alma and Amulek were nearby? How quickly did Alma and Amulek respond when they were invited to come to Zeezrom? Why do you think they responded so quickly? How important is it to respond to the Lord immediately when he calls you? How should you respond when the bishop asks you to do something? How quickly should children respond when their parents ask them to do something?
6-10. Why do you think Zeezrom needed to exercise faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement before he could be healed? Was Zeezrom physically or spiritually ill? Which would be a greater miracle, to heal a sick body or to heal a sick soul? What can you do to reach out to those who are suffering in the ward or in your neighborhood?
"The great call has come now in the sermons of the Brethren to aid those who are in need of aid, not just temporal aid, but spiritual aid. The greatest miracles I see today are not necessarily the healing of sick bodies, but the greatest miracles I see are the healing of sick souls, those who are sick in soul and spirit and are downhearted and distraught, on the verge of nervous breakdowns. We are reaching out to all such, because they are precious in the sight of the Lord, and we want no one to feel that they are forgotten." - Harold B Lee, Ensign, July 1973
8. What is the best way to overcome feelings of guilt?
11-12. By what power was Zeezrom healed? What evidence do you see that Zeezrom repented and received the Lord's mercy? In what ways have your priesthood leaders helped you receive the blessings of the Atonement?
13-15. What does a hard-hearted person do? How can you soften your heart? (See 1Nephi 2:16, <psoaj 21:15, Alma 24:8)
16. Amulek's family was blessed by their association with Alma (Alma 19:11). What caused them to turn away from and reject Amulek from among them? What kinds of things cause people to turn away from the people and things of God in your day?
16-19. What sorts of things would you do to prepare yourself if you knew that an enemy was coming to attack your or your home? Who is the enemy identified in these verses? What did it cost Amulek to follow Alma?
17. What did the Church members do to protect themselves against Satan?
18. How did Alma help Amulek?

Alma 14

When you trust in the Lord, he strengthens you during your trials. If you call on the Lord in faith, he will strengthen you in your afflictions and deliver you in His way and in His own time. As you trust in the Lord's will, He will increase your strength and power to endure difficulties.

1-29. What do you learn in these verses about how to endure trials inflicted by others? What are the sources of the trials in your life?
"Adversity comes from different sources. You may at times face trials as a consequence of your own pride and disobedience. These trials can be avoided through righteous living. Other trials are simply a natural part of life and make him at times when you are living righteously. For example, you may experience trials in times of sickness or uncertainty or at the deaths of loved ones. Adversity may sometimes come because of others poor choices and hurtful words and actions. Your success and happiness, both now and in the eternities, depend largely on your responses to the difficulties of life." – True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference [2004], 8-9
1. In what way does studying the scriptures assist one in the desire to and the process of repentance? In what way does repentance become more complete and full through scripture study? Why do repentance and scripture study compliment one another?
1-4. Who had more people in their group, the believers or the destroyers? Why were the wicked angry with Alma and Amulek? Why are the wicked often angry when they hear the truth? Have you ever been corrected for doing something wrong? Do you remember how you reacted to the correction? Who are you listening to when you get angry when you are called to repentance? What can you do to accept correction more humbly?
1-10. What did these people suffer?
6-7. How did Zeezrom feel when he realized his lies blinded the minds of the people? How did Zeezrom show he was sorry for what he did? How did the people treat him? Do you think Zeezrom felt better or worse after his efforts to correct his wrong? Did his actions please God or man? Why do you think Zeezrom was so anxious to correct his lies? What does this teach you about how damaging your actions can be to others?
10. Have you ever had an adversity, a trial, or an affliction that you wanted to be relieved of any yet even with prayer it was not taken from you? What might you learn from this experience? How can suffering and hardship help you grow and become more like your Father in Heaven?
11. What did Amulek suggest that he and Alma do? Why did Alma refuse to stop the destruction? Why did the Lord permits these women and children to be burned? According to Alma, help with the women and children be blessed for their trust in the Lord? How are you blessed when you place your trust in the Lord during times of trial and hardship? What are some reasons the Lord my permit you to suffer? How can the lessons gained from adversity enrich and bless your life?  How did Alma's words show his trust in the Lord? What have you learned about why the Lord allows innocent people to suffer at the hands of the wicked?
"The example of Alma and Amulek is enlightening. While striving to do good among the people of Ammonihah, they were taken captive. Amulek trusted his more seasoned companion, Alma, who led him to greater confidence in the Lord. Forced to observe women and children consumed by fire, Amulkek said, 'Perhaps they will burn us also.', Alma answered: 'Be it according to the will of the Lord' – a vital principal. 'But ... Our work is not finished; therefore they burn us not.' This life is an experience in profound trust – trust in Jesus Christ… To trust means to obey willingly without knowing the end from the beginning. To produce fruit, your trust in the Lord must be more powerful and enduring than your confidence in your own personal feelings and experience." – Richard G Scott, GC, April 1994
"Could the Lord have prevented these tragedies? The answer is, yes. The Lord is omnipotent, with all power to control our lives, save us a pain, prevent all accidents, drive all planes and cars, feed us, protect us, save us from labor, effort, sickness, even from death, if he will. But he will not… If we look at mortality as the whole of existence, then pain, sorrow, failure, and short life would be calamity. But if we look upon life as an eternal thing stretching far into the pre-mortal past and on into the eternal post-death future, then all happenings maybe put in proper perspective… If all the sick for whom we pre-were healed, if all the righteous were protected and the wicked destroyed, the whole program of the father would be in the old and the basic principle of the gospel, agency, would be ended… Should all prayers be immediately answered according to our selfish desires and are limited understanding, then there would be little or no suffering, sorrow, disappointment, or even death, and if these were not, there would also be no joy, success, resurrection, nor eternal life and godhood." – Spencer W Kimball, Faith Precedes  the Miracle, 96-97
14-25. What did Alma and Amulek suffer at the hands of the wicked leaders of Ammonihah? Which of these trials would have been most difficult for you? Why? When have you seen people suffer trials even though they were striving to be righteous?
25-29. Why were Alma and Amulek able to receive power and strength from the Lord? What principles can you learn from Alma and Amulek's experience in prison? What are some ways that you can exercise faith in Jesus Christ during difficult times?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Alma 13

The priesthood can be used and properly held ONLY by those who do not harden their hearts. Priesthood ordinances and the service of priesthood holders help you know how to look to Jesus Christ for redemption. Priesthood leaders help you look to Jesus Christ, repent, and live in peace. As you respond humbly to the invitation to repent, the Spirit will lead you into the rest of the Lord.

1-3. What do these verses teach you about priesthood holders? What blessings have come into your life through the Melchizedek Priesthood?
"The Nephites, who were faithful and true in keeping the law of Moses, had the Melchizedek Priesthood, which means they had also the fulness of the gospel... Some of our best information about the Melchizedek Priesthood is found in Alma 13." - Bruce R McConkie, The Promised Messiah [1978], p. 421
"Faithful men held priesthood power and authority first in pre-existence and then again on earth. Every man who has a calling to minister to the inhabitants of the world was ordained to that very purpose in the Grand Council of heaven before this world was." - Bruce R McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p. 477
2-6. How are faithful Melchizedek Priesthood holders different from those who followed the teachings of Nehor (see Alma 1:12-15)? The people of Ammonihah had previously been taught about the Melchizedek Priesthood and received blessings through the Melchizedek Priesthood. Why do you think it was important for the people in Ammonihah to be reminded of what they had previously learned abouthe Melchizedek Priesthood?
3. What did Alma mean when he said that high priests have been called and prepared from the foundation of the world? What does this verse teach you about what you need to do to fulfill your foreordained mission in life?
"Every man who has a calling to minister to the inhabitants of the world was ordained to that very purpose in the Grand Council of heaven before this world was. I suppose that I was ordained to this very office in that Grand Council." - Joseph Smith, Teachings of Presidents of the Church : Joseph Smith [2007], 511
"In the word before we came here, faithful women were given certain assignments while faithful men were foreordained to certain priesthood tasks. While we do not now remember the particulars, this does not alter the glorious reality of what we once agreed to." - Spencer W Kimball, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W Kimball [2006], 215-216 
3-13. What are some characteristics of faithful high priests? What are the characteristics of those who reject the Spirit of God? What can we do to be more like faithful high priests? 
3-5. When were Melchizedek Priesthood holders first called and prepared?
6. What duty do all Melchizedek Priesthood holders have?
7. Using this verse, how would you describe the Melchizedek Priesthood?
8. In what ways does the service of priesthood holders help you know how to look to Jesus Christ for redemption? (See also verses 2 & 16) When a man is ordained to an office in the priesthood, what should that ordination mean to him?
10. What are some qualifications for being ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood?
11-12. What do you think it means for someone's garments to be washed white through the blood of the Lamb? Why do you think that Melchizedek Priesthood holders need to be changed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ? In what ways can you follow their examples?
12. What does it mean to look upon sin with abhorrence? Can you think of an experience where you successfully did so?
13. What do you think it means to enter into the Savior's rest?
14-19. How would you describe Mechizedek? What did Melchizedek hold? How might the wicked people of Ammonihah benefitted from learning about Melchizedek?
15. Why do you think that Abraham paid his tithing to him?
16, 18. Why was Melchizedek called the Prince of Peace? Who else do you know in the scriptures with the title Prince of Peace? (See Isaiah 9:6) 
17. What were the people like when Melchizedek became their king? What were the people like when Melchizedek became their king? What words describe Melchizedek's people? How were these people similar to the people of Ammonihah?
18. What did Melchizedek do as the leader of his people? How did his leadership influence the people?  How was this influence different from the influence of those in Ammonihah who followed the teachings of Nehor? What principles of the gospel did Melchizedek teach his people that caused them to change their behavior? How can you use principles of faith and repentance to have peace in your life? How have you been blessed through the service of Church leaders?
20. What does the word 'wrest' mean? What happens to the faith of people who twist, distort, and pervert the words and teachings of God? Why would wresting the scriptures bring personal destruction? Have you ever been a situation when someone was twisting the scriptures for their own purposes? What should you do when people interpret a scripture for their personal benefit?
21. What do you think 'the day of salvation' refers to? How do you prepare for the Lord's coming?
24. How can you help the angels prepare the hearts of the children of men to receive his word?
25. When would Alma like the 'day of salvation' to be? What must you do to so that you will not be fearful but excited for the Lord's day of salvation?
27. What words in this verse show how Alma felt about the people and about his message? How do missionaries feel about the people they teach? Have you ever felt this depth of love for those who do not embrace the gospel plan? What made you feel this way?
28. What should you do to avoid being tempted beyond your ability to resist? How will the Spirit strengthen you if you do watch and pray continually?
29. What does it mean to you to enter into the rest of the Lord?
"The ancient prophets speak of entering into God's rest; what does it mean? To my mind, it means entering into the knowledge and love of God, having faith in his purpose and in his plan, to such an extent that we know we are right, and that we are not hunting for something else." - Joseph F Smith, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F Smith, [1998], 56
"True saints enter into the rest of the Lord while in this life, and by abiding in the truth, they continue in that blessed state until they rest with the Lord in heaven... The rest of the Lord, in eternity, is to inherit eternal life, to gain the fullness of the Lord's glory." - Bruce R McConkie, Mormon Doctrine [1966], 633
29-30. What blessings do you find in these verses that are the fruits of obedience? What consequences follow the failure to be obedient to gospel principles?

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Alma 12

The Holy Ghost can help us recognize the deceptions of the adversary. The Lord reveals spiritual truths to you according to the heed and diligence you give to His words. You will be held accountable before God for your thoughts, words, and actions. This life is a time for you to prepare to meet God

1-7. How secret are your thoughts? Is it possible to know what another person is thinking? (See also D&C 6:16) Who does know what you are thinking? Who besides God knew what Zeezrom was thinking? How were Alma and Amulek able to know Zeezrom's thoughts?
"Men's thoughts are secret and cannot be pried into by other men, or for that matter by devils... However, the Lord can and does on accasion reveal to his prophets the thoughts and intents of the hearts of men [Jacob 2:5; Alma 10:17]. This revealing of the thoughts of another is one of the gifts if the Spirit; it is akin to the spirit of prophecy; it comes by the power of God and not of man. Our Lord during his ministry frequently exercised the power to read the thoughts of those among whom he labored." -Bruce R McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p. 777
1-7. Whose plan was Zeezrom following? 
5-6. What did Alma say were the devil's intentions?
7. What enabled Alma to be able to see through the plan of the adversary?  How does the ability to recognize a temptation or deception help us to more quickly overcome it? Can the ability to recognize temptation help you completely avoid some of the temptations you will face in your life? Why or why not? How has the Holy Ghost helped you recognize and avoid temptation?
7-8. What evidence do you find in these verses that Zeezrom was beginning to put the honest effort needed to obtain spiritual knowledge? What do you see in these verses that indicates that Zeezrom's heart was beginning to change?
9. What did Alma teach about gaining spiritual knowledge? What is the relationship between the condition of your heart and your ability to receive spiritual truth? Who do you think is included in the 'many' that know the mysteries of God? What determines how much of the mysteries the prophets are able to share with us? 
9-12. From what Alma teaches in these verses, what is the best way to receive answers to your deepest questions?
10-12. What does it mean to have a hard heart? How does having a hard heart affect our obedience? What blessings are promised to those who do not harden their hearts? What do the hard-hearted lose? How does knowing these consequences influence your desire to seek greater spiritual knowledge?
12-15. What did Alma teach about resurrection and judgment? What things will condemn you? How do you think that this truth might have affected Zeezrom? Why do you think this truth had such a powerful impact on Zeezrom? Who was Zeezrom concerned about? What kinds of thoughts, words and actions do people struggle with that could condemn them if they do not repent? What difference will it make in your daily choices if you remember that you are responsible for your thoughts, words and actions? [CROSS REFERENCE: Mosiah 4:30] How does understanding your personal accountability before God influence your desire to recognize and avoid temptation? What is hardest to control, your thoughts, words or actions? Why do you think it is so hard to control your thoughts?
"First, we must stop the flow into our minds of ... vulgar stories, jokes, pictures, conversation, and a myriad of other satanic products... Now, assuming we have cut off the flow - not cut it down, but cut it off - the second thing we must do is to develop a filtering system that will cleanse the great reservoir of our mind so that the life-giving thoughts comingfrom it may again be pure and fit for our use... The secret to cleansing our spirit of what ever the impurity is not very complicated. It begins with prayer every morning and ends with prayer every night. This is the most important step I know in the cleansing process... Secondly, an added refinement will come in the filtering process : An added measure of spiritual purity, if you please, can be found in a daily study of the scriptures - not long, perhaps, but every day... Third, feed refreshment to your spirit that comes when you do something good for another that he or she doesn't expect. Keep it simple, but do it - daily. It may only be a cheery hello, a short visit t o [someone who is] homebound, a phone call, or a note... And finally, pick up a commandment you are still struggling with and give it an honest chance to bless your life." - H Burke Peterson, GC, October 1980
19-37. How confident would you feel explaining to someone who is not a member of the Church how we can be redeemed from the Fall? How can these verses help you? How does the Atonement of Christ allow you to overcome the effects of the Fall?
22. What does it mean for all mankind to be lost and fallen? (See footnotes)
24. What did Alma teach is the purpose of life? How has knowing the purpose of life helped guide you? How has your faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ helped you prepare to meet Them?
"The main purpose of earth life is to allow your spirits, which existed before the world was, to be united with our bodies for a time of great opportunity in mortality. The association of the two together has given us the privilege of growing, developing, and maturing as only we can with spirit and body united. With our bodies, we pass through a certain amount of trial in what is termed a probationary state of our existence. This is a time of learning and testing to prove ourselves worthy of eternal opportunities. It is all part of a divine plan our Father has for His children." - L Tom Perry, GC, April 1989
25-33. How many different names can you find in these verses for Heavenly Fathers plan? What other names do you know of for this plan?
"In the scriptures we read of the many names of the plan: 'the great plan of happiness,' 'the plan of redemption,' 'the merciful plan of the great Creator,' 'the plan of salvation,' 'the plan of justice,' and 'the great plan of the Eternal God.'" - L Aldin Porter, GC, October 1999

Alma 11

When you rely on the Holy Ghost, you can overcome temptation. As you live worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost, you can experience greater confidence to stand for truth and overcome temptation. When you believe in Jesus Christ, you can be redeemed from your sins. Through the atonement of Jesus Christ, all will be resurrected and judged according to their works.

1-20. What was the main job of the lawyers and judges? How did the Nephite lawyers and judges get paid?
3. How much money did the judge get for each days work?
20. What was the main goal for the judges in the city of Ammonihah? What did they do to get more work? In what way does this compare to your day?
21-22. Where did Zeezrom learn how to deal with people? What was his intent? How much money was Amulek offered to deny Christ? It may be helpful to know that an onti was equal to approximately 1 weeks wages. Why might Zeezrom's offer have been enticing to some people? Why do you think that Zeezrom offered Amulek so much money? What was Amulek willing to give up for the gospel? (See Alma 15:16) Why do you think that Zeezrom thought that Amulek could be bought with a bribe? What is an approximate equivalent in your day to 6 weeks worth of pay for a judge? Would you be tempted to deny God for that amount of money? Why or why not? Do you have a price for which you would deny the gospel?
22. How do you think being sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Ghost can help you overcome temptation? What are some situations in which youth might be tempted to act contrary to their testimonies? What are some situations in which adults might be tempted to act contrary to their testimonies? What do you do to rely on the Holy Ghost? How does that help you? When had the Holy Ghost helped you to overcome temptation?
"If you are slipping into things that you should not slip into or if you are associating with people who are pulling you away in the wrong direction, that is the time to assert your independence, your agency. Listen to the voice of the Spirit, and you will not be led astray... As a servant of the the Lord, I promise that you will be protected and shielded from the attacks of the adversary IF you will heed the promptings that come from the Holy Spirit." - Boyd K Packer, GC, October 2011
23. What was Amulek's response to Zeezrom's bribe? What does Amulek's response indicate about him? What can you learn from his answer?
24-25. Why did Zeezrom offer Amulek the money? What did Zeezrom plan to do if Amulek had accepted his offer? How is this similar to what Satan does when people give in to his temptations?
34. Why is it impossible to be saved in your sins? What is the difference between being saved in your sins and being saved from your sins? [See Helaman 5:10-11] 
40. What does it mean to you to believe in Jesus Christ? Why do you need to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved from your sins? Why do you need to believe in Jesus Christ in order to repent and be saved from your sins? How has having faith in Jesus Christ helped you to repent?
"We need a strong faith in Christ to be able to repent. Our faith has to include a correct idea of God's character, perfections, and attributes. If we believe that God knows all things, he is loving, and is merciful, we will be able to put our trust in him for our salvation without wavering. Faith in Christ will change our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that are not in harmony with God's will." – Dieter F Uchtdorf, GC, April 2007
40-42. Who will receive the blessing of redemption and who will not? Why might that doctrine make the wicked nervous?
41-45. How might someone live their life differently if they believed there was no life after death? How does this knowledge influence your choices and actions? What truths do you find in these verses that help motivate you to prepare to meet God? Why do truths about the resurrection bring peace and hope to the righteous?
42. Who will receive the blessings of the resurrection?
43-45. What will the resurrected body be like? What will your memories be like in the resurrection? What happens to you right after the resurrection? How is a mortal body different from a resurrected one?
44. How do you feel when you think about being resurrected and judged? What do you need to do to prepare to stand before God? How does your belief that you will be resurrected and judged affect the way you choose to live each day?
46. Why do you think someone might react in fear to Amulek's teachings? Which of the teachings in versus 41-45, do you think might have troubled Zeezrom? Why?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Alma 10

When you hear and obey the Lord's call, blessings come to you and to others.

1-4. Why do you think it might have been helpful for Amulek, who was well known in the community, to accompany Alma?
2. Why did Amulek include an experience to help the people identify his relationship to Aminadi? How does their familiarity with the experience of Aminadi testify that they had been taught the gospel of Jesus Christ? Does this tiny excerpt of the story instill in you a desire to know the rest of the story? What experiences have you had in your life that you would like your posterity to have a knowledge of in their fullness? What can you do to make it so?
5. What was the mistake Amulek had made in perceiving the things of God in his life? How did a renewal of Amuleks knowledge of Gods goodness and mercy give him clarity in the way that he saw the things around him? How did it awaken him to Gods majesty and power and the blessings that he had received?
6. What does it mean when Amulek said he was called many times? Who was calling him? What do you think Amulek meant when he said 'I would not hear' and 'I would not know'? Have you ever experienced anything similar in your life? What call did you receive to help you come to hear and know of God's goodness for yourself? What does it mean to be rebelling against the Lord? (See Mosiah 2:36-37) Why do you think some people ignore promptings from the Spirit? When have you failed to respond to a spiritual prompting?
"Casual members are usually very busy with the cares and the things of the world - much as honorable Amulek once was. Called many times, he would not hear. He really knew concerning the truths of the gospel, but Amulek would not acknowledge that he knew." - Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 1992
7. What blessings was Amulek promised if he would receive the prophet into his house and care for his needs? What blessings are you promised if you receive the words of the prophet into your heart and incorporate those teachings into your life?
7-10. How had Amulek's experiences prepared him to be a second witness of Alma's message to the people of Ammonihah? How do you think Amulek's decision to obey made a difference in his life?
8. How prompt was Amulek in obeying the words of the angel? How prompt are you in obeying the words of God's messengers (Holy Ghost, prophets, teachers, bishop, parents etc.)? How can acting promptly on a message from the Lord bless you in your life? How can it bless the lives of those around you? How did it bless Alma?
9-11. What was Amulek's testimony concerning Alma? What can you do to gain and/or strengthen your testimony of the servants of the Lord such as the prophet or a church leader or teacher? How might you receive a confirmation or witness that the person serving you in the assigned capacity has been called by the Lord to do so?
11. When have you felt that you were blessed because you obeyed a call from the Lord? How have you seen blessings come to others because you or someone else responded to the Lord's call? How do these experiences influence your desire to listen for and obey calls from the Lord?
13. When a person is of a mindset to find something wrong with another, what are the chances that they will be successful? (See v. 28-29) Have you ever done this yourself or seen others do it? Have you ever had someone pre-judge you is such a way? What have you learned about judging others from your experience?
17. What are some baits used on traps to make them work? How could bait and traps be compared to Satan's temptations? What are the traps of the devil? What are some baits and traps Satan uses today?
18-27. Who was helping Satan set traps for Amulek? Though Satan was the one setting the traps, what were the lawyers and judges doing that was wrong? What can you do to protect yourself from the traps of Satan and his followers today?
"No doubt one of the most infamous snares set out by the adversary is that of unchastity. The power to bring children into the world is God-given, and if that power is guarded and held sacred, it will result in happiness and blessings beyond measure. But if it is desecrated and polluted through illicit use, it will bring sorrow, misery, and self-condemnation." - Elray L Christiansen, GC, October 1974
"It is a sin to lie. It is a tragedy to be the victim of lies. Being trapped in the snares of dishonesty and misrepresentation does not happen instantaneously. One little lie or dishonest act leads to another until the perpetrator is caught in the web of deceit. As Samuel Johnson wrote, “The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.” Those who become victims of this entrapment often struggle through life bearing their heavy burden because they are unwilling to acknowledge their problem and make the effort to change. Many are unwilling to pay the price to be free from the chains of lies." -Marvin J Ashton, GC, April 1982
22-23. Does prayer really make a difference? What difference did prayer make for this city? What do you think the righteous were praying for that protected the city? When was the last time you prayed for your city?
"I know of no better way to inculcate love for country than for parents to pray before their children for the land in which we live, invoking the blessings of the Almighty upon it that it may be preserved in liberty and in peace. I know of no better way to build within the hearts of our children an much-needed respect for authority than remembering in the daily supplications of the family the President and the congress and others who carry the burdens of government." - Gordon B Hinckley, Era, January 1964 
24. In what ways might you respond if a parent or church leader were to correct you or ask you to change something you are doing? (You might ponder the following responses: become angry and defensive, doubt the importance of the counsel, criticize the person who gave the counsel, question or debate the counsel; humbly listen and obey). What are some reasons people might respond to correction in these ways? Why are prideful responses to correction spiritually dangerous? In what way did the people of Ammonihah respond to the correction and counsel of Alma and Amulek? What are some of the destructive consequences that come to individuals or groups of people when they disobey God's commandments? What truths have you learned from this chapter? How can these truths bless you?
"There is so much evil everywhere. Temptation, with all its titillating influences, is about us everywhere. We lose some to these destructive forces, unfortunately. We sorrow over everyone that is lost. We reach out to help them, to save them, but in too many cases our entreaties are spurned. Tragic is the course they are following. It is the way which leads down to destruction." - Gordon B Hinckley, GC, April 2000

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Alma 9

The Lord expects greater obedience from those who have received the knowledge and blessings of the gospel.

1-7. What reason did the people give for rejecting Alma's testimony? Are there times you can think of that going with a teammate or companion would provide you with an advantage? What reason does the Lord give for sending his servants out in twos? (See Deuteronomy 17:6, Matthew 18:16, D&C 6:28) What do you think will happen if the people reject the testimony of two witnesses?
1-7. How well did the people of Ammonihah understand the gospel and the power of God?
4. What did the people of Ammonihah boast about their city? Read Alma 16: 9-10. What does this teach you about the dangers of rejecting the Lord's servants?
8-13. Had the people of Ammonihah ever learned the gospel or been taught about the power of God? What are some reasons why people who have been taught the gospel might forget what they have learned or not understand what they have been taught? Which of the events that Alma reminded the people of Ammonihah of should have been fond memories? How might things have been different if they had remembered them better? What could be the price for their forgetfulness? What are some of the events you and your family should remember that will help you remain faithful? How can remembering the good things in your life bless you and those around you? How does it help you to always keep God in the forefront of your thoughts?
"When you look to the dictionary for the most important word, do you know what it is? It could be  'remember'... Our greatest need is to remember. That is why everyone goes to sacrament meeting ever Sabbath day ... 'Remember' is the word. 'Remember' is the program." - Spencer W Kimball, Circles of Exaltation, Charge to Religious Educators 2d ed. 28 June 1968, p. 8
8. What was the condition of the people of Ammonihah? What is the condition of the world today?
"Now there are many debts which we owe to the Lord. There is the debt of preaching this gospel to a wicked and a perverse generation, and those are the words of the Lord, so do not accuse me of calling the world wicked. It is. I can testify to that from what I have seen of it, and I have seen of the wickedness but a small part, I assure you. But the world today is filthy, drunken, saturated and stinking with tobacco. The world is full of immorality. It is a fallen world; it has been a fallen world since Adam was driven from the Garden of Eden, and yet we are in it, and the Lord has given us the mission of assisting Him, of being His agents in this world, to regenerate it, as far as it is possible to bring to pass that regeneration." - Joseph Fielding Smith, GC, April 1944
12. By what formula can the wicked escape from destruction? Why does the Lord allow the wicked to be destroyed? Is there any wickedness (thoughts, feelings actions) in your life that you need to repent of?
13. What promise is given those who will keep the commandments of the Lord?
"As Saints learn and obey the commandments of God, they will prosper. This promise has been recorded by prophets throughout time and in diverse places." - Russell M Nelson, GC, April 1986
14-17. What are some of your family traditions? What might make a tradition good or bad? What was the Nephite tradition? (See verse 13) What happened to the Lamanites because of their traditions?
14-24. Why do you think the Lord had higher expectations for the people of Ammonihah? Why is it fair for the Lord to have higher expectations for those who have received the knowledge and blessings of the gospel?
17. What did Alma prophesy would happen to the Lamanites? What personal and family traditions help bring you closer to Heavenly Father? What are some other activities you could make into family traditions to help with your eternal goals?
18-19. What reason is given that the Lord would allow the Nephites to be destroyed? (See also D&C 82:3)
19-23. What gifts and blessings had the Nephites (including the people of Ammonihah) experienced because they were the Lord's covenant people? What gifts and blessings have you experienced because you are a member of the Lord's church? What are some things the Lord expects of you because of the gifts and blessings you have received from Him?
20. In what ways are members of the Church today a highly favored people of the Lord?
20-22. In what ways did the Lord bless the Nephites with greater light?
23. What is the warning in this verse? How does this warning also apply to members of the church today?
24-30. What evidence do you see in these verses that the Lord expects greater obedience from those who have greater knowledge of the gospel? What blessings did Alma remind the people they could receive? What did Alma say that the people needed to do to receive these blessings? What are some ways you can stay true to the light and knowledge that you have received?
25-28. How does the Lord feel about the punishments that come upon the wicked? (See Ezekiel 33:11) What did the Lord do for the people of Ammonihah so they could escape punishment? What was the message of an angel sent to the people of Ammonihah? What did Alma teach about Jesus Christ? How was it a message of hope? What responsibility did he give to the people of Ammonihah? How did Alma feel about those people even though they had abused him? How should you feel about the people to persecute and despitefully use you? What hope do you find in the gospel of Jesus Christ?
"All of us have made wrong turns along the way. I believe the kind and merciful God, whose children we are, will judge us as lightly as He can for the wrongs that we have done and give us the maximum blessing for the good that we do. Alma's sublime utterance (verse 26) seems to me an affirmation of this." James E Faust, GC, October 1996
26. How does the Savior receive your earnest and heartfelt pleas for forgiveness?
"The principle of repentance - of rising again whenever we fall, brushing ourselves off, and setting off again on that upward trail - is the basis for our hope. It is through repentance that the Lord Jesus Christ can work his healing miracle, infusing us with strength when we are weak, health when we are sick, hope when we are downhearted, love when we feel empty, and understanding when we search for truth." - Spencer  W Kimball, Teachings of Spencer W Kimball, ed. Edward L Kimball (1992), 106.
28. What rewards are promised to the righteous? What rewards are promised to the wicked? Based on your actions, what rewards are promised to you?
30. How did Alma feel about the people of Ammonihah? Do you feel love for those who reject or persecute you? What can you do to fill your heart with feelings of love EVEN for those who would cast you away as though you were a dirty rag?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Alma 8

When we respond promptly to the word of the Lord, He helps us obey His commandments.

1. How many cities has Alma now worked in as a missionary? 
1-2. Why did Alma return to Zarahemla at this time? What benefits would resting bring to Alma? How does resting from your labors bless and strengthen you? How does it help you be more effective in the tasks that you do?
1-5. What were the results of Alma's preaching in the cities of  Zarahemla, Gideon and Melek? (See also chapter 6-8 headings) What challenges did he face in his missionary service? How do missionaries feel when their message is accepted?
8-10. What do these verses tell you about Alma's character?
9. Why did the people of Ammonihah reject the message of Alma?
10. How did Alma prepare himself to preach to the people of Ammonihah? Alma immersed himself in mighty prayer for the people. What does it mean to 'wrestle' with God? What was Alma struggling with? Was this prayer answered? What can you learn from Alma when it appears that your prayers might not have been answered? How can remembering that God always answers the prayer of the righteous comfort and motivate you? How can this knowledge help you have faith even when your righteous prayers are not answered immediately or in the way you had hoped or expected? How might you evaluate and seek to improve the strength of your prayers?
"I recognize that, on occasion, some of our most fervent prayers may seem to go unanswered. We wonder, 'Why?' I know that feeling! I know the fears and tears of such moments. But I also know that our prayers are never ignored. Our faith is never unappreciated. I know that an all-wise Heavenly Father's perspective is much broader than is ours. While we know of our mortal problems and pain, He knows of our immortal progress and potential." - Russell M Nelson, GC, October 2005
"May I ask you today to consider the effectiveness of your prayers? How close do you feel to your Heavenly Father? Do you feel that your prayers are answered? Do you feel that the time you spend in prayer enriches and uplifts your soul? Is there room for improvement? There are many reasons our prayers lack power. Sometimes they  become routine. Our prayers become hollow when we say similar words in similar ways over and over so often that the words become more of a recitation than an communication. This is what the Savior described as 'vain repetitions'. Such prayers, He said, will not be heard... Do your prayers at times sound and feel the same? Have you ever said a prayer mechanically, the words pouring forth as though cut from a machine? Do you sometimes bore yourself as you pray? Prayers that do not demand much of your thought will hardly merit much attention for our Heavenly Father. When you find yourself getting into a routine with your prayers, step back and think. Meditate for a while on the things for which you really are grateful." - Joseph B Wirthlin, BYU devotional address, January 21, 2003
11-13. How might you have responded to the treatment that Alma received?
12-13. How was Alma's message received?
14. How did the rejection of Alma's message to the people make him feel? How was Alma's reaction similar to or different from what yours might be in a similar situation?
15. What happened to Alma on the way to the city of Aaron? How might the words of the angel been comforting to Alma? How might the angels words be comforting to you? Why might it have been difficult for Alma to be obedient in this situation?
15-17. What was the message that the angel gave Alma?
18. How did Alma respond once he had received the message from the angel? What does the word speedily mean to you? What can you learn from Alma from the fact that he returned speedily to Ammonihah? What happens to your faith when you choose to obey quickly? When have you felt your faith in the Lord strengthened because of your quick and steady obedience?
"However much faith to obey God we now have, we will need to strengthen it continually and keep it refreshed constantly. We can do that by deciding now to be more quick to obey and more determined to endure. Learning to start early and to be steady are the keys to spiritual preparation... A loving Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son have given us all the help They can to pass the test of life set before us. But we must decide to obey and then do it. We build the faith to pass the tests of obedience over time and through our daily choices. We can decide now to do quickly whatever God asks of us. And we can decide to be steady in the small tests of obedience which build the faith to carry us through the great tests, which will surely come." - Henry B Eyring, GC, October 2005
19-26. How did the Lord bless Alma for being obedient? How is Alma's experience with Amulek an indication that the Lord heard and answered his prayers? What principles can you learn from Alma's experience?
20. Upon returning to Ammonihah, who did Alma meet?
22. What did Amulek do for Alma? What did Alma do for Amulek and his family?
26. Why was Alma so hungry? How was Alma's fasting and prayer answered?
"His fasting was almost immediately rewarded. He found that righteous forces had been at work, preparing the way before him. When he entered the city again, he met a man, apparently a stranger... This was Amulek, who had been specially prepared to receive a prophet of God and who would share in his work. As a result of his fast, Alma was assured by the Lord through the witness of Amulek that heavenly forces were prospering his efforts, and he was filled with the spirit of the Lord's work. Alma ended his fast, and then he an Amulek did a marvelous work which resulted in the righteous being called out of Ammonihah. The remainder of the city, being left without excuse, was found in the full ripeness of iniquity and destroyed." - Victor L Brown, GC, October 1977
27-32. What evidence do you find in these verses that indicates that if you are faithful and diligent, the Lord will help you obey His commandments?
28-29. What challenges did Alma and Amulek face as they went out to teach the people?
29-32. What did Alma and Amulek do that showed that the power of God was with them? Why do you think that the Lord showed such powerful signs to the people through Alma and Amulek? What signs of Gods power has the Lord shown us in our day? What can you do to be worthy of the Lord's blessings and be protected from the destruction's that are prophesied upon the wicked?
30-31. How did the Lord help Alma and Amulek? When have you felt that the Lord has helped you when you have been faithful and diligent?
"Surely the Lord loves, more than anything else, an unwavering determination to obey his counsel." - Howard W Hunter, GC, October 1982
1-32. What is something you will do today to show Heavenly Father that you will obey His counsel promptly and serve Him faithfully and diligently?