Friday, March 20, 2015

Alma 18

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

As you serve others faithfully, you can help them prepare to receive the truths of the gospel. As you serve Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ faithfully, your ability to do Their work increases. As you understand your need for the Savior, you will desire to repent.

1-43. Have you ever been scared or felt inadequate when you were given an assignment or duty to perform? Have you ever felt that an assignment or duty was too difficult for you to accomplish? What can you do to overcome feelings such as these?
1-4. What ideas did the king and his servants have about Ammon's identity? What did Lamoni think Ammon's purpose was in coming?
1-5. What did the Lamanites call God? Who did King Lamoni think Ammon was? Why did Lamoni feel that the Great Spirit was angry with him? Where did Lamoni get his ideas about God?
5. What false understanding did the Lamanites have about their own conduct? How can a false understanding about God lead to such incorrect ideas about ourselves? How would false ideas about God change the way you feel about Him? Would that change the way you want to live? What power and purpose have come into your life from a correct understanding of who God really is? What can you do to come to understand Him better?
7. What types of gain did the robbers who scattered the kings flocks seek? As a sheep and member of the flock of the Good Shepherd, what 'robbers' threaten your spiritual standing and ability to follow the Good Shepherd? What can you do to avoid becoming separated from Christ?
8-9. How can you tell that Ammon was not seeking glory or honor for defending the kings flocks? How can an attitude of humility and service bless your life and the lives of those around you?
8-23. At this time Lamanites did not trust Nephites. Why is it easier to trust some people than others? What are some things you can do to build relationships of trust with others? How can you tell that Lamoni trusted Ammon? What ways can you follow Ammon's example with your family, friends and neighbors?
10. What impressed Lamoni besides the power Ammon demonstrated in defending the flocks?
11. What prevented the king from summoning Ammon even though he WANTED to talk to him? What might prevent you from approaching the Lord even when you earnestly desire to feel His presence? How can an awareness of your since cause you to feel unworthy to approach the Lord? Why is this a feeling that the adversary delights in? How does the Lord feel about you when you sin? What is more important to the Lord, the sin or the lessons you learned from it? How can knowing that the Lord is pulling for you,  ready to forgive you, help you begin and complete the true repentance process?
12-15. Why do you think Lamoni was silent before Ammon?
16-21. What evidence do you find in these verses that  the power of God was with Ammon? How did the Spirit of God help Ammon in this situation? What did Lamoni want to know from Ammon? At this point in the account, what did Lamoni know about Ammon?
20-39. What did Ammon do to show the king that he could be trusted? How would gaining this kind of trust help a missionary be more effective?
28-32. What is the first thing that Ammon taught about God? How did Ammon's teachings about the creation add to what the king already knew?
33-35. How did Ammon describe his ability to know the king's thoughts? How did he describe his ability to defend the king's flocks? What was Ammon able to do that was beyond his natural ability? How does Heavenly Father bless you when you serve Him faithfully? How might this principle apply to someone who feels afraid or inadequate or who feels that an assignment or duty is too difficult? When have you felt  that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have helped you do Their work?
36-39. Why do you think it is important to teach about the Creation and the Fall when we teach about the Atonement of Jesus Christ? How might learning the doctrines of the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement have helped Lamoni recognize his need for a Savior? Why do you think that Ammon taught the Fall of Adam before he taught about the plan of redemption?
"Before we can comprehend the Atonement of Christ,... we must first understand the Fall of Adam. And before we can understand the Fall of Adam, we must first understand the Creation. These three crucial components of the plan of salvation relate to each other... Eternal life, made possible by the Atonement, is the supreme purpose of the Creation." - Russell M Nelson, GC, October 1996

40-43. What did Lamoni's prayer show that he understood about himself and his people? What can you learn from Lamoni about what happens when you understand that you need the Savior? What can you do that will help you remember your need for the Savior?

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