Sunday, March 8, 2015

Alma 12

The Holy Ghost can help us recognize the deceptions of the adversary. The Lord reveals spiritual truths to you according to the heed and diligence you give to His words. You will be held accountable before God for your thoughts, words, and actions. This life is a time for you to prepare to meet God

1-7. How secret are your thoughts? Is it possible to know what another person is thinking? (See also D&C 6:16) Who does know what you are thinking? Who besides God knew what Zeezrom was thinking? How were Alma and Amulek able to know Zeezrom's thoughts?
"Men's thoughts are secret and cannot be pried into by other men, or for that matter by devils... However, the Lord can and does on accasion reveal to his prophets the thoughts and intents of the hearts of men [Jacob 2:5; Alma 10:17]. This revealing of the thoughts of another is one of the gifts if the Spirit; it is akin to the spirit of prophecy; it comes by the power of God and not of man. Our Lord during his ministry frequently exercised the power to read the thoughts of those among whom he labored." -Bruce R McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p. 777
1-7. Whose plan was Zeezrom following? 
5-6. What did Alma say were the devil's intentions?
7. What enabled Alma to be able to see through the plan of the adversary?  How does the ability to recognize a temptation or deception help us to more quickly overcome it? Can the ability to recognize temptation help you completely avoid some of the temptations you will face in your life? Why or why not? How has the Holy Ghost helped you recognize and avoid temptation?
7-8. What evidence do you find in these verses that Zeezrom was beginning to put the honest effort needed to obtain spiritual knowledge? What do you see in these verses that indicates that Zeezrom's heart was beginning to change?
9. What did Alma teach about gaining spiritual knowledge? What is the relationship between the condition of your heart and your ability to receive spiritual truth? Who do you think is included in the 'many' that know the mysteries of God? What determines how much of the mysteries the prophets are able to share with us? 
9-12. From what Alma teaches in these verses, what is the best way to receive answers to your deepest questions?
10-12. What does it mean to have a hard heart? How does having a hard heart affect our obedience? What blessings are promised to those who do not harden their hearts? What do the hard-hearted lose? How does knowing these consequences influence your desire to seek greater spiritual knowledge?
12-15. What did Alma teach about resurrection and judgment? What things will condemn you? How do you think that this truth might have affected Zeezrom? Why do you think this truth had such a powerful impact on Zeezrom? Who was Zeezrom concerned about? What kinds of thoughts, words and actions do people struggle with that could condemn them if they do not repent? What difference will it make in your daily choices if you remember that you are responsible for your thoughts, words and actions? [CROSS REFERENCE: Mosiah 4:30] How does understanding your personal accountability before God influence your desire to recognize and avoid temptation? What is hardest to control, your thoughts, words or actions? Why do you think it is so hard to control your thoughts?
"First, we must stop the flow into our minds of ... vulgar stories, jokes, pictures, conversation, and a myriad of other satanic products... Now, assuming we have cut off the flow - not cut it down, but cut it off - the second thing we must do is to develop a filtering system that will cleanse the great reservoir of our mind so that the life-giving thoughts comingfrom it may again be pure and fit for our use... The secret to cleansing our spirit of what ever the impurity is not very complicated. It begins with prayer every morning and ends with prayer every night. This is the most important step I know in the cleansing process... Secondly, an added refinement will come in the filtering process : An added measure of spiritual purity, if you please, can be found in a daily study of the scriptures - not long, perhaps, but every day... Third, feed refreshment to your spirit that comes when you do something good for another that he or she doesn't expect. Keep it simple, but do it - daily. It may only be a cheery hello, a short visit t o [someone who is] homebound, a phone call, or a note... And finally, pick up a commandment you are still struggling with and give it an honest chance to bless your life." - H Burke Peterson, GC, October 1980
19-37. How confident would you feel explaining to someone who is not a member of the Church how we can be redeemed from the Fall? How can these verses help you? How does the Atonement of Christ allow you to overcome the effects of the Fall?
22. What does it mean for all mankind to be lost and fallen? (See footnotes)
24. What did Alma teach is the purpose of life? How has knowing the purpose of life helped guide you? How has your faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ helped you prepare to meet Them?
"The main purpose of earth life is to allow your spirits, which existed before the world was, to be united with our bodies for a time of great opportunity in mortality. The association of the two together has given us the privilege of growing, developing, and maturing as only we can with spirit and body united. With our bodies, we pass through a certain amount of trial in what is termed a probationary state of our existence. This is a time of learning and testing to prove ourselves worthy of eternal opportunities. It is all part of a divine plan our Father has for His children." - L Tom Perry, GC, April 1989
25-33. How many different names can you find in these verses for Heavenly Fathers plan? What other names do you know of for this plan?
"In the scriptures we read of the many names of the plan: 'the great plan of happiness,' 'the plan of redemption,' 'the merciful plan of the great Creator,' 'the plan of salvation,' 'the plan of justice,' and 'the great plan of the Eternal God.'" - L Aldin Porter, GC, October 1999

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