Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Alma 20

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

You can bear your testimony by word and example even when others try to persuade you to do what is wrong. As you show love and teach truth, you can help others soften their hearts and become receptive to the Gospel.

1-7. What are some things you can do to hear the voice of the Lord more clearly in your life?
"I have carefully observed the effect that diligently and humbly listening to the voice of the Lord has had in the lives of people… The voice of the Lord may be received by listening to the Lord's servants, studying the Scriptures, and being prompted through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost… I believe that our ability and our willingness to hear can be increased and that our ears can be opened to hear clearly the voice of the Lord." – Francisco J Vinas, GC, October 1996
1. Why do you think that Lamoni wished for Ammon to meet his father?
2. Why didn't Ammon agree to go with the king? How was Ammon protected and preserved? Why was it important for Ammon to hear the voice of the Lord? Have you heard the voice of the Lord in your life? When have you felt the protection of the Holy Spirit in your life?
3. What is it so important to act immediately upon the impressions you receive from the spirit? How has responding quickly to inspiration bless you and your life?
4. What faith did Lamoni demonstrate in his response to Ammon?
8-16. What feelings would you have if you were in Ammon's position and someone accused you of being a liar and a robber? How harmful is anger? What are some reasons people become angry? What are some examples you have seen of people losing their temper? Does anger usually solve the difficulty or make matters worse?
"A violent temper is such a terrible, corrosive thing. And the tragedy is that it accomplishes no good; it only feeds evil with resentment and rebellion and pain… May I suggest that you watch your temper, now, in these formative years of your life… this is the season to develop the power and capacity to discipline yourselves… anger is not an expression of strength. It is an indication of one's inability to control his thoughts, words, his emotions. Of course it is easy to get angry. When the weakness of anger takes over, the strength of reason leaves. Cultivate within yourself the mighty power of self-discipline." –Gordon B Hinckley, GC, October 1991
14. What did Lamoni's father want done to Ammon when they first met?
14-16. What lessons can you learn from Lamoni's response to his father?
17-25. When Lamoni's father saw the Ammon could kill him, what did he offer omen? What did Ammon ask for instead?
23. What was Lamoni's father willing to give if Ammon would spare his life?
24. What did Ammon ask for?
26-27. How did Ammon's love for Lamoni influence Lamoni's father? In what ways did the words of Ammon and Lamoni influence Lamoni's father?
26. What astonished Lamoni's father exceedingly?
27. What did Lamoni's father want to learn? What brought about this great change in Lamoni's father? What is the difference between the positive power of love and the destructive power of anger? What power do you employ most richly in your daily life?

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