Thursday, March 26, 2015

Alma 21

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

If you faithfully persist through trials, the Lord will help you to do His work.

1-23. Have you ever felt that you were doing your best to keep the Commandments and yet still faced challenges or felt discouraged? How did Aaron and his brethren endure their trials? What can you learn from Aaron and his brethren that can help you when you're faced challenges or feel discouraged?
1-4. How would you feel about serving a mission to your mortal enemies without a companion? To what city did Aaron go? Who were the Amalekites and the Ammulonites? Why do you think these former Nephites had hearts that were still harder even then those of the Lamanites? What influence did they have on the Lamanites? How is this similar to those who leave the church today? Why are the apostates sometimes the worst enemies of the church? What would you do to prepare for a mission among so many enemies of the church?
5-10. What can you do if someone wants to argue with you about religion or challenge your beliefs? How would you rank the contention level in the words of the Amalekite? What was the contention level in the word Aaron responded with? What did Aaron do instead of arguing with the man? What was Aaron able to teach from the Scriptures? How did the people of Jerusalem respond to Aaron's teaching from the Scriptures? What can you learn from his example? What can you do in your family to prepare to stand against the false doctrines taught by those who follow Satan?
"As we dread any disease that undermines the health of the body, so should we deplore contention, which is a corroding canker of the Spirit. I appreciate the Council of Abraham Lincoln, who said: 'Quarrel not at all. No man resolved it to make the most of himself can spare time for personal contention… Better give your path to a dog that to be bitten by him.'" – Russell M Nelson, GC, April 1989
12. Why aren't missionaries always able to convince people to listen to them?
13-15. What happened to the missionaries serving in the land of Middoni? What did they do as soon as they got out of prison?
16-17. How did the missionaries know where to go to teach? How did the lord help Aaron and his brethren do His work? What kind of work does God have for you to do now? What challenges might you face in trying to accomplish this work?
20-22. How can government leader sometimes make a difference for the missionaries? How important is personal freedom in one's choice to worship? How do you exercise your freedom to worship?
23. What kind of a missionary was Ammon? How did his example influence those that he taught? What can you learn from Ammon and his brethren about missionary work?

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