Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Alma 17

As you search the scriptures, pray, and fast, you can receive the Holy Ghost and teach with power. When you set a good example, the Lord can make you an instrument in His hands. Through service, you can help others prepare to accept the gospel. Wen you are in the Lord's service, you can have courage and be of good cheer.

1-3. Have you ever  been present when a relative or friend has come home from a mission after serving faithfully? What Christlike characteristics did you observe in these missionaries when they returned? What positive changes did you see in them after their missions? What do you think caused these changes? What was the relationship between Alma and the sons of Mosiah? How did Alma feel when he saw his friends again? Why do you think he felt this way? What had the sons of Mosiah done faithfully to keep their testimonies strong and to be successful missionaries? What blessings did they receive because of their study, fasting, and prayer? What can you do every day to keep your testimony strong and bright?
"Spending time each day in scripture study will, without doubt, strengthen our foundations of faith an d our testimonies of truth." - Thomas S Monson, GC, October 2006
"When we fast, ... we feel hunger. And for a short time, we literally put ourselves in the position of the hungry and the needy. As we do so, we have greater understanding of the deprivations they might feel. When we give to the bishop an offering to relieve the suffering of others, we not only do something sublime for othres, but we do something wonderful for ourselves as well." Joseph B Wirthlin, GC, April 2001
9. What did the sons of Mosiah and their companions pray for?
10-12. Why do you think their hearts took courage when they received the Lord's answer to their prayers?
11. What promise did the Lord give the sons of Mosiah regarding their missionary efforts? What does this mean to you? In what ways can you be an instrument in the Lord's hands? Why do you think that setting a good example is part of missionary work? What are some things people can learn about the gospel as they see your good example? What have the good examples of others helped you?
13-16. What was it like teaching the Lamanites in these verses? Why were the sons of Mosiah willing to suffer afflictions and go among the Lamanites?
19-39. What impresses you most about this story? How can following the example of Ammon help you draw closer to the Savior? What can you learn about this account?
25. What do you think is significant about Ammon telling the kind 'I will be thy servant'? When have you seen service lead to opportunities to share the gospel?
26-39. How does the way you serve influence others? How was Ammon a servant to the king and his people while on his mission? In what ways can you be of service to the Lord's children each day?
"Thousands of times every day, members of the Church are watched... by people curious to know something about our lives. Because we are under covenant to be witnesses, we will try to tell them how the gospel has brought us happiness. What theythink of what we say may depend largely on how much they sense we care for them. Those we meet will feel the love... It may not be in hours or days as it was for King Lamoni, but they will feel our love after testing our hearts. And when they find our concern sincere, the Holy Sp;irit can more easily touch them to allow us to teach and to testify, as it did for Ammon." - Henry B Eyring, GC, October 1996

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