Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Alma 9

The Lord expects greater obedience from those who have received the knowledge and blessings of the gospel.

1-7. What reason did the people give for rejecting Alma's testimony? Are there times you can think of that going with a teammate or companion would provide you with an advantage? What reason does the Lord give for sending his servants out in twos? (See Deuteronomy 17:6, Matthew 18:16, D&C 6:28) What do you think will happen if the people reject the testimony of two witnesses?
1-7. How well did the people of Ammonihah understand the gospel and the power of God?
4. What did the people of Ammonihah boast about their city? Read Alma 16: 9-10. What does this teach you about the dangers of rejecting the Lord's servants?
8-13. Had the people of Ammonihah ever learned the gospel or been taught about the power of God? What are some reasons why people who have been taught the gospel might forget what they have learned or not understand what they have been taught? Which of the events that Alma reminded the people of Ammonihah of should have been fond memories? How might things have been different if they had remembered them better? What could be the price for their forgetfulness? What are some of the events you and your family should remember that will help you remain faithful? How can remembering the good things in your life bless you and those around you? How does it help you to always keep God in the forefront of your thoughts?
"When you look to the dictionary for the most important word, do you know what it is? It could be  'remember'... Our greatest need is to remember. That is why everyone goes to sacrament meeting ever Sabbath day ... 'Remember' is the word. 'Remember' is the program." - Spencer W Kimball, Circles of Exaltation, Charge to Religious Educators 2d ed. 28 June 1968, p. 8
8. What was the condition of the people of Ammonihah? What is the condition of the world today?
"Now there are many debts which we owe to the Lord. There is the debt of preaching this gospel to a wicked and a perverse generation, and those are the words of the Lord, so do not accuse me of calling the world wicked. It is. I can testify to that from what I have seen of it, and I have seen of the wickedness but a small part, I assure you. But the world today is filthy, drunken, saturated and stinking with tobacco. The world is full of immorality. It is a fallen world; it has been a fallen world since Adam was driven from the Garden of Eden, and yet we are in it, and the Lord has given us the mission of assisting Him, of being His agents in this world, to regenerate it, as far as it is possible to bring to pass that regeneration." - Joseph Fielding Smith, GC, April 1944
12. By what formula can the wicked escape from destruction? Why does the Lord allow the wicked to be destroyed? Is there any wickedness (thoughts, feelings actions) in your life that you need to repent of?
13. What promise is given those who will keep the commandments of the Lord?
"As Saints learn and obey the commandments of God, they will prosper. This promise has been recorded by prophets throughout time and in diverse places." - Russell M Nelson, GC, April 1986
14-17. What are some of your family traditions? What might make a tradition good or bad? What was the Nephite tradition? (See verse 13) What happened to the Lamanites because of their traditions?
14-24. Why do you think the Lord had higher expectations for the people of Ammonihah? Why is it fair for the Lord to have higher expectations for those who have received the knowledge and blessings of the gospel?
17. What did Alma prophesy would happen to the Lamanites? What personal and family traditions help bring you closer to Heavenly Father? What are some other activities you could make into family traditions to help with your eternal goals?
18-19. What reason is given that the Lord would allow the Nephites to be destroyed? (See also D&C 82:3)
19-23. What gifts and blessings had the Nephites (including the people of Ammonihah) experienced because they were the Lord's covenant people? What gifts and blessings have you experienced because you are a member of the Lord's church? What are some things the Lord expects of you because of the gifts and blessings you have received from Him?
20. In what ways are members of the Church today a highly favored people of the Lord?
20-22. In what ways did the Lord bless the Nephites with greater light?
23. What is the warning in this verse? How does this warning also apply to members of the church today?
24-30. What evidence do you see in these verses that the Lord expects greater obedience from those who have greater knowledge of the gospel? What blessings did Alma remind the people they could receive? What did Alma say that the people needed to do to receive these blessings? What are some ways you can stay true to the light and knowledge that you have received?
25-28. How does the Lord feel about the punishments that come upon the wicked? (See Ezekiel 33:11) What did the Lord do for the people of Ammonihah so they could escape punishment? What was the message of an angel sent to the people of Ammonihah? What did Alma teach about Jesus Christ? How was it a message of hope? What responsibility did he give to the people of Ammonihah? How did Alma feel about those people even though they had abused him? How should you feel about the people to persecute and despitefully use you? What hope do you find in the gospel of Jesus Christ?
"All of us have made wrong turns along the way. I believe the kind and merciful God, whose children we are, will judge us as lightly as He can for the wrongs that we have done and give us the maximum blessing for the good that we do. Alma's sublime utterance (verse 26) seems to me an affirmation of this." James E Faust, GC, October 1996
26. How does the Savior receive your earnest and heartfelt pleas for forgiveness?
"The principle of repentance - of rising again whenever we fall, brushing ourselves off, and setting off again on that upward trail - is the basis for our hope. It is through repentance that the Lord Jesus Christ can work his healing miracle, infusing us with strength when we are weak, health when we are sick, hope when we are downhearted, love when we feel empty, and understanding when we search for truth." - Spencer  W Kimball, Teachings of Spencer W Kimball, ed. Edward L Kimball (1992), 106.
28. What rewards are promised to the righteous? What rewards are promised to the wicked? Based on your actions, what rewards are promised to you?
30. How did Alma feel about the people of Ammonihah? Do you feel love for those who reject or persecute you? What can you do to fill your heart with feelings of love EVEN for those who would cast you away as though you were a dirty rag?

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