Thursday, March 5, 2015

Alma 10

When you hear and obey the Lord's call, blessings come to you and to others.

1-4. Why do you think it might have been helpful for Amulek, who was well known in the community, to accompany Alma?
2. Why did Amulek include an experience to help the people identify his relationship to Aminadi? How does their familiarity with the experience of Aminadi testify that they had been taught the gospel of Jesus Christ? Does this tiny excerpt of the story instill in you a desire to know the rest of the story? What experiences have you had in your life that you would like your posterity to have a knowledge of in their fullness? What can you do to make it so?
5. What was the mistake Amulek had made in perceiving the things of God in his life? How did a renewal of Amuleks knowledge of Gods goodness and mercy give him clarity in the way that he saw the things around him? How did it awaken him to Gods majesty and power and the blessings that he had received?
6. What does it mean when Amulek said he was called many times? Who was calling him? What do you think Amulek meant when he said 'I would not hear' and 'I would not know'? Have you ever experienced anything similar in your life? What call did you receive to help you come to hear and know of God's goodness for yourself? What does it mean to be rebelling against the Lord? (See Mosiah 2:36-37) Why do you think some people ignore promptings from the Spirit? When have you failed to respond to a spiritual prompting?
"Casual members are usually very busy with the cares and the things of the world - much as honorable Amulek once was. Called many times, he would not hear. He really knew concerning the truths of the gospel, but Amulek would not acknowledge that he knew." - Neal A Maxwell, GC, October 1992
7. What blessings was Amulek promised if he would receive the prophet into his house and care for his needs? What blessings are you promised if you receive the words of the prophet into your heart and incorporate those teachings into your life?
7-10. How had Amulek's experiences prepared him to be a second witness of Alma's message to the people of Ammonihah? How do you think Amulek's decision to obey made a difference in his life?
8. How prompt was Amulek in obeying the words of the angel? How prompt are you in obeying the words of God's messengers (Holy Ghost, prophets, teachers, bishop, parents etc.)? How can acting promptly on a message from the Lord bless you in your life? How can it bless the lives of those around you? How did it bless Alma?
9-11. What was Amulek's testimony concerning Alma? What can you do to gain and/or strengthen your testimony of the servants of the Lord such as the prophet or a church leader or teacher? How might you receive a confirmation or witness that the person serving you in the assigned capacity has been called by the Lord to do so?
11. When have you felt that you were blessed because you obeyed a call from the Lord? How have you seen blessings come to others because you or someone else responded to the Lord's call? How do these experiences influence your desire to listen for and obey calls from the Lord?
13. When a person is of a mindset to find something wrong with another, what are the chances that they will be successful? (See v. 28-29) Have you ever done this yourself or seen others do it? Have you ever had someone pre-judge you is such a way? What have you learned about judging others from your experience?
17. What are some baits used on traps to make them work? How could bait and traps be compared to Satan's temptations? What are the traps of the devil? What are some baits and traps Satan uses today?
18-27. Who was helping Satan set traps for Amulek? Though Satan was the one setting the traps, what were the lawyers and judges doing that was wrong? What can you do to protect yourself from the traps of Satan and his followers today?
"No doubt one of the most infamous snares set out by the adversary is that of unchastity. The power to bring children into the world is God-given, and if that power is guarded and held sacred, it will result in happiness and blessings beyond measure. But if it is desecrated and polluted through illicit use, it will bring sorrow, misery, and self-condemnation." - Elray L Christiansen, GC, October 1974
"It is a sin to lie. It is a tragedy to be the victim of lies. Being trapped in the snares of dishonesty and misrepresentation does not happen instantaneously. One little lie or dishonest act leads to another until the perpetrator is caught in the web of deceit. As Samuel Johnson wrote, “The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.” Those who become victims of this entrapment often struggle through life bearing their heavy burden because they are unwilling to acknowledge their problem and make the effort to change. Many are unwilling to pay the price to be free from the chains of lies." -Marvin J Ashton, GC, April 1982
22-23. Does prayer really make a difference? What difference did prayer make for this city? What do you think the righteous were praying for that protected the city? When was the last time you prayed for your city?
"I know of no better way to inculcate love for country than for parents to pray before their children for the land in which we live, invoking the blessings of the Almighty upon it that it may be preserved in liberty and in peace. I know of no better way to build within the hearts of our children an much-needed respect for authority than remembering in the daily supplications of the family the President and the congress and others who carry the burdens of government." - Gordon B Hinckley, Era, January 1964 
24. In what ways might you respond if a parent or church leader were to correct you or ask you to change something you are doing? (You might ponder the following responses: become angry and defensive, doubt the importance of the counsel, criticize the person who gave the counsel, question or debate the counsel; humbly listen and obey). What are some reasons people might respond to correction in these ways? Why are prideful responses to correction spiritually dangerous? In what way did the people of Ammonihah respond to the correction and counsel of Alma and Amulek? What are some of the destructive consequences that come to individuals or groups of people when they disobey God's commandments? What truths have you learned from this chapter? How can these truths bless you?
"There is so much evil everywhere. Temptation, with all its titillating influences, is about us everywhere. We lose some to these destructive forces, unfortunately. We sorrow over everyone that is lost. We reach out to help them, to save them, but in too many cases our entreaties are spurned. Tragic is the course they are following. It is the way which leads down to destruction." - Gordon B Hinckley, GC, April 2000

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