Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Alma 19

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

My sharing your testimony and setting righteous examples, you can help others turn to the Lord.

1-36. When you drop a rock into a pool of water, what happens to the water? How can a person's actions be like the rock that was dropped into the water? What ripple effect do you see caused by Ammons desire to teach the Lamanites? What ripple effects have you seen in your own life for good? When has someone's example or testimony influenced you for good? What can you do today that might have a good influence on the people around you?
1-5. What knowledge did the queen have of Ammon? How did this knowledge give her hope for her husband's well-being? How can your faith bless others? How does your faith bless you?
6. What replaced the dark veil of unbelief? What names does this light have? What effect did this light have on Lamoni? What other experiences was Ammon familiar with where someone had fallen to the earth as if he were dead?
6. What was the king feeling? Have you ever been so full of joy that you physically felt weak? When have you felt the influence of the Spirit in a powerful way? When have you felt great joy?
9-10. What do you learn in these verses about the faith of the queen? How do you feel when you see faith demonstrated by others? In what ways has your own faith been strengthened by the faith you have seen and felt in the others? How important is a soft heart and a willingness to believe in receiving a witness from the Spirit?
12-13. What do you know of your Savior, Jesus Christ? What feelings does this knowledge evoke in your heart? What can you do to gain a fuller knowledge and deeper testimony of and for your Savior?
13. After King Lamoni awoke, what was his testimony centered upon? Why did the king, the queen, and Ammon fall to the earth again?
14. How did Ammon feel as he saw the spirit poured out upon a people who had once been the esteemed enemies of his own people? How do you feel when you see changes for good in your own enemies or adversaries? Do you forgive them freely so you can feel that great joy in the spirit, delighting in their faith and righteousness?
15-16. What words and phrases do you find in these verses that show that the servants were turning to God?
16-18. You process things from where you are at. Why did the Lamanite woman see a spiritual feast and the Lamanite people see an 'enemy' in the midst of the Kings house?
22. How has the Lord protected you from harm or evil in your life? Were you aware of it at the time? If not, how did you learn of this blessing?
23. How does trusting the welfare of your children to the Lord comfort, bless and help you as a parent when you are separated by distance or other circumstances from one of your children?
24-27. Why did the Lamanite people exhibit so many different opinions about Ammon's origin and his reason for being there in their land?
28. What was the result of the differing opinions of the Lamanites? How did the contention that resulted benefit the adversary? What does Lucifer like to see us contend one with another?
29. How did Abish's action show the strength of her testimony? How did the faith of one help to restore peace to the contentious situation? How can seeking the Spirit in volatile situations help to defuse the effects Satan is striving to achieve?
31. What overcame the contention among Lamoni's people? What is the power of your testimony as demonstrated in this verse? Have you ever have the opportunity and blessing of bearing down in pure testimony when influenced by the Spirit?
33. How does one overcome the desire to do evil? How can this change of heart bless you in your life?
36. What blessings are always extended to those who repent? What blessings are you personally aware of in your life that you have received through your efforts and determination to fully repent of your own shortcomings and sins? What are the requirements for receiving the spirit of the Lord?
"When we sin, we turn away from God. When we repent, we turn back toward God. The invitation to repent is rarely a voice of chastisement but rather a loving appeal to turn around and to “re-turn” toward God. It is the beckoning of a loving Father and His Only Begotten Son to be more than we are, to reach up to a higher way of life, to change, and to feel the happiness of keeping the commandments. Being disciples of Christ, we rejoice in the blessing of repenting and the joy of being forgiven. They become part of us, shaping the way we think and feel." – Neil L Andersen, GC, October 2009

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