Wednesday, April 2, 2014

2 Nephi 32

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

When we feast on the words of Christ, the words of Christ will guide us in ALL the things that we should do. As we pray always, we will e able to do all the Lord would have us do for the welfare of our souls.

1-7. Think of a time when someone gave you directions to get from one place to another. Was it easy to or difficult to understand those directions? Why is it important to have someone give clear directions?
1.What do you need to do to stay on the strait and narrow path once you have begun your journey upon it through baptismal covenants and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost?
2-3. Do you seek to speak with the Spirit? How should the Spirit influence ALL your communications? What does it mean to speak with the tongue of angels?
"You can speak with the tongue of angels, which simply means that you can speak with the power of the Holy Ghost." - Boyd K Packer, Ensign, August 2006

"The Lord has called for “cheerful hearts and countenances” (D&C 59:15). He has asked us to so speak and so act that we edify or build one another ... the fruit of receiving the Holy Ghost and listening to the promptings of the Spirit is that we may speak with “the tongue of angels” (2 Ne. 32:2). Thus we create a spirit of reverence and of revelation." - Robert S Wood, GC, October 1999

3. What does it mean to feast upon the words of Christ? How might the word feast be compared to the words snack or starve? Have you ever found yourself just snacking on the scriptures? What can you do to ensure that you feast and therefore never only snack or worse yet, starve? Consider each of the following opportunities to feast upon the words of Christ as ask yourself how well you feast at these times: personal scripture study, sacrament meeting, general conference, family scripture study, seminary, family home evening, Sunday classes, personal prayer.
"To feast means more than to taste. To feast means to savor. We savor the scriptures by studying them in a spirit of delightful discovery and faithful obedience. When we feast upon the words of Christ, they... become an integral part of our nature." - Russell M Nelson, GC, October 2000

"If you and I are to feast upon the words of Christ, we must study the scriptures and absorb His words through pondering them and making them a part of every thought and action." - Robert D Hales, GC, October 1998

"While reading the scriptures is good, reading by itself is insufficient to capture the full breadth and depth of the Savior’s teachings. Searching, pondering, and applying the words of Christ as taught in the scriptures will bring wisdom and knowledge beyond our mortal understanding. This will strengthen our commitment and provide the spiritual reserves to do our best in all situations." - Dean M Davies, GC, April 2013

"Insight found in scripture accumulates over time, so it is important to spend some time in the scriptures every day." -Julie B Beck, GC, April 2010

"Feasting upon the words of Christ is a unique experience. When we read and look for principles and doctrines that will help us in our daily lives, we will have a renewed enthusiasm." - Walter F Gonzalez, GC, October 2009

"Through studying and pondering the scriptures and the words of the latter-day prophets, we can feast upon the words of Christ, and the words will tell us all the things that we should do. Then we must nourish the word and allow it to take root. (See Alma 32:41–43.) After we hearken to the word and hold fast to it, we are promised that temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary will not overpower us. (See 1 Ne. 15:24.) We will be able to recognize the truth when we hear it just as the shepherds and the Wise Men knew when they were told about the Savior’s birth. The scriptures are the word of God and a light to us and the world, and we can follow this light as if they were our guiding star." -Betty Jo N Jepsen, GC, October 1992

"If [you] are acquainted with the revelations, there is no question - personal or social or political or occupational - that need go unanswered. Therein is contained the fulness of the everlasting gospel. Therein we find principles of truth that will resolve every confusion and every problem and every dilemma that will face the human family or any individual in it." - Boyd K Packer, Teach the Scriptures, [3rd ed.], 89

“Let us not treat lightly [His word]. … [It is] one of the most valuable gifts He has given us. … Recommit … immerse yourselves in them daily. … Read them in your families and teach your children to love and treasure them. Then prayerfully and in counsel with others, seek every way possible to encourage the members of the Church to follow your example.” (Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, May 1986, p. 82.)

"I promise you that daily family prayer and scripture study will build within the walls of your home a security and bonding that will enrich your lives and prepare your families to meet the challenges of today and the eternities to come. God grant unto us the desire to seek Him reverently and humbly in prayer and the sincere desire to study His word, as contained in His holy scriptures." - L Tom Perry, GC, April 1993

4. Why does it take work to remove darkness from your life? What kind of work is required of you to remove darkness? What does it mean to ask? What does it mean to knock? How can doing so bring light into your life? How might prayer be a good example of asking or knocking?
5. What blessing did Nephi promise you when you receive the Holy Ghost?
6. What does this verse teach about the doctrine of Christ?
7. What attitude did Nephi's people have that caused him to mourn for them? Why do these attitudes keep people from searching and understanding the scriptures? How well do you take advantage of opportunities to learn from the scriptures? What can you do to improve and be filled with light? Why is it important to you to study from the scriptures every day?
8. Who would not want you to pray any time, especially after you have sinned? Why? Why do you think that the Lord wants you to pray? Why do you think that Satan does not want you to pray?
9. How often should you pray? What blessings does the Lord promise to you if you pray always? What do you think it means to pray always? What can you do to ensure that you are in the habit of praying always?
"There may be things in our character, in our behavior, or concerning our spiritual growth about which we need to counsel with Heavenly Father in morning prayer. After expressing appropriate thanks for blessings received, we plead for understanding, direction, and help to do the things we cannot do in our own strength along... During the course of the day, we keep a prayer in our heart for continued assistance and guidance... We notice during this particular day that there are occasions where normally we would have a tendency to speak harshly, and we do not; or we might be inclined to anger, but we are not. We discern heavenly help and strength and humbly recognize answers to our prayer. Even in that moment of recognition, we offer a silent prayer of gratitude. At the end of our day, we kneel again and report back to our Father. We review the events of the day and express heartfelt thanks for the  blessings and the help we received. We repent and with the assistance of the Spirit of the Lord, identify ways we can do and become better tomorrow. Thus our evening prayer builds upon and is a continuation of our morning prayer. And our evening prayer also is a preparation for meaningful morning prayer. Morning and evening prayers - and all of the prayers in between - are not unrelated, discrete events; rather, they are linked together each day and across days, weeks, months, and even years. This is in part how we fulfill the scriptural admonitions to pray always. Such meaningful prayers are instrumental in obtaining he highest blessings God holds in store for  His faithful children." - David A Bednar, GC, October 2008
"I testify that prayer becomes more meaningful as we counsel with the Lord in all of our doings, as we express heartfelt gratitude, and as we pray for others with real intent and a sincere heart." - David A Bednar, GC, October 2008
"The acquisition of understanding and enthusiasm for the Lord comes from following simple rules. One of those rules is to read the word of the Lord. I know that within the demands of your studies there is little time to read anything else. But I promise you that if you will read the words of that writing which we call scripture, there will come into your heart an understanding and a warmth that will be pleasing to experience. Let the Lord speak for Himself to you, and His words will come with a quiet conviction that will make the words of His critics meaningless." - Gordon B Hinckley, Improvement Era, June 1966

9. What does it mean to be consecrated? How will the Lord consecrate your performance unto you?
"We tend to think of consecration only as yielding up, when divinely directed, our material possessions. But ultimate consecration is the yielding up of oneself to God. Heart, soul, and mind were the encompassing words of Christ in describing the first commandment, which is constantly, not periodically, operative (see Matt. 22:37). If kept, then our performances will, in turn, be fully consecrated for the lasting welfare of our souls." - Neal A Maxwell, April 2002

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