Monday, April 21, 2014

Words of Mormon 1

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)
The Lord knows ALL things. Understanding and believing in this truth helps you to develop faith and to obey the promptings from the Holy Ghost that you receive. The Lord calls prophets who can lead people to peace despite challenges. We can find peace by following the inspired leadership of the prophets. In the strength of the Lord, we can overcome challenges.

1. What had Mormon witnessed? What do you think he might have been feeling at this time?
2. Why does Mormon desire that his son Moroni will survive the destruction of the Nephites? How does this desire convey the love that Mormon has for the Lamanite people? How important do you think it is to love your enemies? What can you do to love those who despitefully use you or persecute you in any way?
3. How does this insert by Mormon, who abridged the Nephite records, help you understand better the contents of the gold plates which Joseph Smith translated? How did Mormon's inspiration to include the small plates of Nephi prove to be wisdom and a blessing for you?
4. Why did Mormon include the small plates of Nephi? What pleased him about this record? How have the prophecies of Christ included in the Book of Mormon blessed your life?
5. Where does the remainder of the record Mormon abridged come from?
6. Why are the records of the prophesyings and revelations of the prophets considered to be very choice to Mormon? How highly do you esteem these records for yourself?
7. Did Mormon feel inspired in the records he included in his abridgement? When have you felt the direction of the Lord in your life? Do you always know the purpose for which you are inspired to act? How does trusting in the knowledge of God and knowing of His love for you help you to act upon the promptings you receive?
7. Think of a time when you felt prompted by the Spirit to do something. Did you know how everything would turn out if you followed this prompting? What gave you the determination and confidence to act on the prompting? How can you better prepare to recognize and respond to the Lord's promptings?
8. Were Mormon's prayers centered on himself or others? Why did Mormon pray for his enemies the Lamanites? What was Mormon's hope for them? What can this teach you about your own prayers?
8. How highly do you value the spiritual welfare of those who wander without the blessings of the gospel? In what way did Mormon's life's work of abridging Nephite records convey his deep concern for and desire to restore the blessings of the Lord to the Lamanite people?
9. How does the Lord bless the work you do for and behalf of others? How does the influence of the Holy Ghost increase the effect of your mortal efforts? What do you do to be worthy of these blessings?
10. How important was record keeping to the Nephite people? What records do you keep that might be of worth to your posterity?
11-13. What does Mormon tell us about King Benjamin? What kind of a king was King Benjamin?
14. How did the Lord help and assist King Benjamin and his people? Why is it wise to include the Lord in ALL the things that you do? When was the last time you specifically included the Lord in one of your challenges?
15. With the Lord on his side, how did King Benjamin deal with false Christs? How can the Lord strengthen you when you meet those who profess to believe that there is no God?
16. 18. What did King Benjamin do to establish peace over the land?
17. What description does Mormon give of King Benjamin's character? Which character traits does King Benjamin have that you would also like to have said about you? How can you cultivate and develop these characteristics in your own life? What role should the Lord play as you work to improve yourself? How often do you turn to the Lord as you seek to improve yourself?

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