Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Jacob 2

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Even the sternest of prophets teach from the depths of a sensitive soul. We should seek the kingdom of God above all other interests. The Lord delights in chastity.

1-12. How did Jacob feel about his difficult task of calling his people to repentance? Why is it difficult to tell people what they need to hear?
1. How does The Lord continue to deliver his word to His people after the death of a prophet?
2. How keenly does the prophet feel his responsibility from The Lord to teach and preach to the people? How keenly do you feel your responsibility to listen to and hearken to the words of the prophets?
3. How do you know that the Lords servants fulfill their responsibilities with diligence? When have you felt a priesthood leaders love and concern for you? When have you felt that a priesthood leader's words or actions were inspired by God to help you?
4. How do you feel about listening to and obeying the word of The Lord?
5. Where does all sin begin? Why does the content of your thoughts affect your standing with God? Why is thinking about sin abominable to God? 
6. How do your thoughts reflect the condition of your heart?
7. Why do wicked and unchaste thoughts hurt your family members if you indulge in them?
8. How does the pleasing word of God heal you when your soul is wounded? How do you feel about attending conferences and you weekly Sunday meetings?
9. What does Jacob say that helps you recognize his empathy for his people?
10. Why is God so strict regarding the contents of our thoughts and the desires of our hearts? What does it mean to you to be pure in heart?
12-13. What were the Nephites seeking? Where do you receive your blessings from? How can remembering the true source of your blessings and abilities, bless your life?
12. What is the danger you are subject to when you begin to seek after the riches of the world?
13. Who blesses you with the wealth of this world? What serious problem can come to those who misunderstand the purposes of wealth? What happens to those who refuse to share their wealth (See D&C 56:16)? What does it mean to be lifted up in the pride of your heart? What causes this condition? Why does the possession of wealth foster pride in the hearts of men? On Gods scale, is one man more important than another? How should you act toward your fellow man? Has there ever been a time in your life when you have acted in a prideful manner? What can help you overcome pride (see v. 17-21)?
"If you work for wealth, you can get it; but before you make it an end in itself, take a look at those men who have sacrificed all to the accomplishment of this purpose, at those who have desired wealth for the sake of wealth itself. Gold does not corrupt man; it is in the motive of acquiring that god that corruption occurs." - David O McKay, home memories of President David O McKay, 242

14. How does the Lord feel about pride in the hearts of his children? What lies in store for those who refuse to humble themselves?
15. Do you fully comprehend the power of your God?
16. How does allowing pride to enter into your heart destroy your soul?
17. What attitude and feelings should you develop regarding the things of the world? Why?
18. What are you counseled to seek before you seek for riches? What are you asked to do when the Lord blesses you with wealth? 
19. What does it mean to obtain a hope in Christ? What do you think it means to seek after the kingdom of God? How can wealth help you seek after the kingdom of God? What is the purpose of wealth? How is it to be used? How would seeking the kingdom of God and obtaining a hope in Christ influence how you view and treat others?
20. Have you ever been guilty of acting prideful toward others? What do you have to say for yourself? Have you humbled yourself before God and begged his forgiveness as well as the forgiveness of those you looked down on?
"Most of us think of pride as self-centeredness, conceit, boastfulness, arrogance, or haughtiness. All of these are elements of the sin, but the heart, or the core, is still missing. The central feature of pride is enmity - enmity toward God and enmity toward our fellow-men. Enmity means 'hatred toward, hostility to, or a state of opposition.' It is the power by which Satan wishes to reign over us. Pride is essentially competitive in nature. We pit our will against God's. When we direct our pride toward God, it is in the spirit of 'my will and not thine be done.' As Paul said, they 'seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's.'" - Ezra Taft Benson, GC, April 1989

21. How does The Lord feel about you? How perfectly and exactly do you strive to keep the commandments? How often do you glorify and praise your Father in Heaven?
22-23. What does the word whoredoms mean? How serious is sexual immorality? 
"Any sexual intimacy outside of the bonds of marriage - I mean any intentional contact with the sacred, private parts of another's body, with or without clothing - is a sin and is forbidden by God. It is also a transgression to intentionally stimulate these emotions within your own body." - Richard G Scott, GC, October 1994
23-24. How did the Nephites seek to excuse their sins in these verses? How do people seek to excuse sexual immorality today?
23. What is the danger of misinterpreting the scriptures? What comfort do you find in knowing that the word of The Lord is constant and unchanging? What does the word abominable mean? How does this word help you understand how the Lord feels about pride? What is the curse for pride? How can you be more humble?
24. What is the Lords law of morality? 
25. Why did The Lord lead out from Jerusalem a portion of His people? How did this allow them to be taught of The Lord and become a pure and righteous people before him?
27. How does The Lord view the practice of taking more than one wife? 
28. How does The Lord feel about the chastity of women?
31-35. What are the negative consequences of sexual sin as indicated in these verses? How does sexual immorality affect families? How might immorality affect a teenager and his or her family? Why do you think the Lord considers immorality to be such a serious sin? How will living according to the Lord's law of chastity bless you and your posterity?  What joy have you experienced as a result of being obedient to the Lord's commandment of chastity?
"The plaguing sin of this generation is sexual immorality. This, the Prophet Joseph said, would be the source of more temptations, more buffetings, and more difficulties for the elders of Israel than any other." - The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, 277
"The Lord has made us attractive one to each other for a great purpose. But this very attraction becomes a powder keg unless it is kept under control. It is beautiful when handled in the right way. It is deadly if it gets out of hand. Those who indulge in sexual activity outside the bonds of marriage do irreparable damage to themselves and rob the one with whom they are involved of that which can never be restored... I plead with you to be careful, to stand safely back from the cliff of sin over which it is so easy to fall. Keep yourselves clean from the dark and disappointing evil of sexual transgression. Walk in the sunlight of that peace which comes from virtue." - Gordon B Hinckley, Way to Be, 58-60
31, 35. What suffering had the Nephites sins caused already? How does The Lord feel about the feelings of His daughters? Why do unchaste behaviors cause them to mourn? Why can unchaste thoughts in one cause their spouse to mourn?
32. What will The Lord hold the men of His people accountable for if the indulge in wickedness and immorality?

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