Saturday, April 19, 2014

Omni 1

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

If we come unto Christ and endure to the end, we will be saved.

1-11. How often do you write in your journal? What were the descendants of Jacob commanded to write on the plates of gold (see Jacob 1:1-4)? Following Jacobs description, what could you do to be sure that your own personal record contains that which is MOST precious?
1. How did Omni honour his father in this verse? How do you honour your father?
2. How did Omni judge himself? Have you ever felt like you do not keep the commandments as strictly as you should? How can this feeling or prompting be a blessing to you?
3. What did the Nephite people see much of? How did the times of war help them appreciate the times of peace? Do you appreciate your blessings more after experiencing hardships or trials?
4. How did Amaron honour his father? When you choose to honour a parent, in what way do you glorify your Father in Heaven?
5. What happened to the wicked Nephites? How does this evidence the Lords promise that the people would prosper in righteousness, but be destroyed in wickedness?
6. How do you know that you can ALWAYS trust in the Lord's promises?
7. How were the righteous blessed when the judgements of the Lord came upon the Nephite people? What will it be like for the righteous at the time of the Lord's second coming?
8. How did the continual passing of the plates indicate the great trust and respect that these men felt for the Lord?
9. What did Chemish feel to tell us? Why was it so important generation after generation to make sure that a record had been kept?
10. What has Abinadom spent much of his life doing? Why is it so important to be ever watchful against the threat of the enemy? What enemy do you have to battle daily in defence of your spirit?
11. Do people need to hear new revelations to keep obeying the Lord? How does knowing that all the Lord has taught, regardless of the dispensation, will be fulfilled and that His words are words to live by even in our day? Ponder on what our prophets teach us. Are they teaching anything new or are they just reinforcing that which the Lord has continually taught from the beginning of the world? Why is it important to you to have a prophet that continually reminds you of the Lords promises and commandments?
12. Why was Mosiah I commanded to take his people and flee from the land of Nephi? Where were they to go?
13. Who led the people in their flight from the land of Nephi? Where did the Lord lead the people of Nephi? Why was it so important for the Mosiah and his people to trust that the Lord had a purpose in the command He gave? When the prophet speaks, do you trust that by heeding his counsel, you will be blessed in ways that only the Lord can know?
14. What did the Nephites discover as they allowed the Lord to guide them? How did this discovery make them feel? How did the people in Zarahemla feel when Mosiah and his people joined them? How was the coming of the Nephites an answer to prayer for those who lived in Zarahemla? How important are the scriptures to you? What can you do to show the Lord that you value His word?
14. How did the lack of scriptures affect the people of Zarahemla? How might knowing this help you feel more grateful for the scriptures and be more diligent in studying them?
15-16. What was the history of the people of Zarahemla?
17. What did the people of Zarahemla experience that was similar to what the people of Nephi experienced? Why is it so necessary to have trials and challenges? How do you feel about your trials and challenges? How was the absence of scripture one of the greatest challenges that the people of Zarahemla faces?
18. What did Mosiah do to overcome the communication barrier? What did he do to correct the traditions of the people of Zarahemla that had strayed from what the Lord had taught? How did Mosiah's willingness to follow the Lord (v. 13) become a great blessing to the people of Zarahemla? How has the obedience of others affected your life?
19. How was the love Mosiah gave the people of Zarahemla received? Why is love so important to offer when establishing a relationship? When you meet someone new are you most inclined to love them or judge them? What happens when you extend love? What happens when you pass judgement?
20-21. What record did Mosiah translate from the stone? By what power was Mosiah able to translate this record? Why was it of interest to the people? Why is it of interest to you?
22. At what period in history did the story of Coriantumr begin? How does this strengthen you testimony of the Book of Mormon?
23. Who was the king that succeeded King Mosiah I?
24. What challenges still face the Nephites under King Benjamin's reign?
25. Who did Amaleki choose to pass the gold plate on to in order to preserve the record of his people? What is Amaleki's testimony? Who is the source of ALL goodness? How does this help you choose between good and evil? 
25-26. What invitation does Amaleki offer three times in these verses? What three answers does he give to those who truly desire to come unto Christ? What promise is extended to those who follow this counsel?
26. Have you accepted the invitation he extends? How can you offer your whole soul to Christ? Why do you think Amaleki cares if you accept his invitation to come unto Christ or not? How can seeking to follow the Savior be a blessing and strength to you throughout your life?
"Only through sacrifice can we become worthy to live in the presence of God. Only through sacrifice can we enjoy eternal life. Many who have lived before us have sacrificed all they had. We must be willing to do the same if we would earn the rich reward they enjoy."  - Gospel Principles, 175
"Knowing by the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ is important and necessary. But earnestly coming unto Him and giving our whole souls as an offering requires much more than merely knowing. Conversion requires all of our heart, all of our might, and all of our mind and strength ...the key characteristics associated with conversion are experiencing a mighty change in our hearts, having a disposition to do good continually, going forward in the path of duty, walking circumspectly before God, keeping the commandments, and serving with unwearied diligence." - David A Bednar,GC, October 2012

27-30. Can you find Amaleki's brother in the Book of Mormon? (See Mosiah 9-22) Who was the leader of this group? What did they do when they got to the land of Lehi-Nephi?
27. What other group does Amaleki tell us about in his record?
28. What happened to the group of people who sought to obtain the land of Nephi once again?
29. What did this group do after returning to Zarahemla?
30. Why do you think this group of people caused such anxiety within Amaleki? Why do you think that he mentioned them in his record? How does what he recorded help us understand the events that followed?

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