Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mosiah 1

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Searching the Scriptures helps us to know and keep the Commandments.

1-8. What blessings would the Nephites have lost if they had not had the scriptures? What blessings would you be missing in your life if you did not have the scriptures?
1. How did King Benjamin get rid of contention in his kingdom? What can you do to eradicate contention from your life?
2. What is one thing you have learned from your mother or father? What is one additional thing you would love to have your mother or father teach you? What does the Lord expect parents to teach their children? (See Doctrine and Covenants 68:25-28) Why do you think the Lord expects that of parents? Why would it be important to hear the testimony of your parents?
2-3. Why had King Benjamin educated his sons? How does your education help you understand the prophecies recorded in the Scriptures? What are the mysteries of God? How does divine revelation reveal the mysteries of God to you? What do these verses teach you about King Benjamin as a father?
"Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children… Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, and to observe the Commandments of God." – The Family: A Proclamation to the World 

4. How did the scriptures help Lehi and his posterity? How do the scriptures bless your life? How do you hope the scriptures will bless the lives of your posterity?
5-7. If profit can be thought of as income minus expenses, what does it mean to profit from the scriptures? What expenses are therefore scripture study? What are some benefits of scripture study? How have you profited from scripture study? What do you think would happen to your family if you neglected to study the scriptures that you have?
"One would not forgo partaking of the sacrament because he is trying to lose weight, get some neglect the Scriptures because they are too busy minding the pressing cares of the world." – Neal A Maxwell,Things  as They Really Are, 97
"No father, no son, no mother, no daughter should get so busy that he or she does not have time to study the Scriptures and the words of modern prophets." – Spencer W Kimball, GC, April 1976

5. What does it mean to have the commandments of The Lord always before your eyes? What can you do to always have His commandments before your eyes?
6. What did King Benjamin tell his sons? In what way does the testimony of your parents influence or encourage your desire to study and trust in the words of the scriptures?
7. How does King Benjamin counsel his sons to study the scriptures? In what way can your study of the scriptures become more meaningful to you? How are you blessed for studying the scriptures?
8. What sorts of things do you think King Benjamin taught his sons? What sorts of other things have your parents taught you? What would you hope to teach your own children?
9. What did King Benjamin do to ensure that the was ready to leave this life? How does living a righteous life help one feel more prepared to meet the Lord than living a carnal life?
10. Why did asking ?Benjamin feel Mosiah would make a good King?
11. What made the people worthy of receiving a special name to be known by? Why did King Benjamin wish to give his people a name to be know by?  What does it mean to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ?
"Please remember this one thing. If our lives and our faith are centered upon Jesus Christ and his restored gospel, nothing can ever go permanently wrong. On the other hand, if our lives are not centered on the Savior and his teachings, no other success can ever be permanently right." – Howard W Hunter, Fear Not, Little Flock, 1988-89 Devotional and Fireside Speeches, 112
"As his followers, we cannot do a mean or shoddy or ungracious thing without tarnishing his image. Nor can we do a good and gracious and generous act without burnishing more brightly the symbol of him whose name we have taken it upon ourselves." – Gordon B Hinckley, Be Thou an Example, 90

12. What is the only thing that can blot out the name of honor that was bestowed by King Benjamin on his people?
13. Us does sin weaken people and take away their steength? Is all your strength your own? How do you know that a portion of your strength comes directly from your Heavenly Father?
14. How had the Neohites thus far been preserved from the Lamanites? How does The Lord preserve you from your enemies?
17. What are the consequences of unfaithfulness? Do you think these same consequences exist today for the unfaithful? Why or why not? What can you do to help those who have left the church to come back?

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