Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Jacob 7

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

As we rely on the Lord we can overcome challenges to our faith. We cannot be shaken in our faith if our testimonies are based on revelation and true spiritual experiences. As we respond to questions or criticisms of our faith in ways the invite the Spirit, we can help others turn to the Lord. Even though life sometimes seems difficult we, like Jacob, can find great strength in our relationship with the Lord.

1-5. What talents or abilities did Sherem possess? What was the source of Sherem's power? What were Jacob's strengths? What was the source of Jacob's power? What kind of people would have been most influenced  by Sherem? what kind of people would have rejected Sherem and followed Jacob? Why do you think so many people today follow those who tell them flattering falsehoods?
1-2. What kind of a man was Sherem? What were his doctrines? What is an anti-Christ?
"An anti-Christ is someone who vigorously or intensely opposes Christ and tries to destroy other people's faith in Him, His true Church, His gospel, or the plan of salvation." - Book of Mormon Study Guide for Home-study Seminary Students [2012], 95

3. What effect did Sherem have on the people? Why does one who is anti-Christ seek to destroy the faith of others? Have you ever known or seen someone persecute another for their belief in Christ? How would you respond to one to seeks to lead your heart away from Christ?
"One of mortality's great tests comes when our beliefs are questioned or criticized. In such moments, we may want to respond aggressively... But these are important opportunities to step back, pray, and follow the Savior's example. Remember that Jesus Himself was despised and rejected by the world... When we respond to our accusers as the Savior did, we not only become more Christlike, we invite others to feel His love and follow Him as well." -Robert D Hales, GC, October 2008

4. Why is it sometimes difficult to defend your faith against someone who is learned and has much power of speech? What is flattery? Why are people so quickly deceived by one who uses flattering words? How can you gain the spirit of discernment that you may discern these attitudes BEFORE they can take you from the Savior? How does daily scriptures study and prayer assist you in obtaining the power of discernment?
5. How would you respond to a person like Sherem? Why was Sherem unable to shake Jacob from teh truth? What kept Jacob from being flattered and deceived by Sherem? How does remembering past experiences that strengthened your faith help you rely on the Lord in times of persecution? How does a firm testimony in Jesus Christ help you stand firmly against the flattering designs of evil men?
5. How can you strengthen your testimony so that it will not be shaken when what you believe is questioned or criticized?
5. Notice that because of Jacob's previous spiritual experiences his faith became unshakable. What are some experiences that have strengthened your faith? How can remembering or recording these experiences help you when someone questions or criticizes your faith?
6-7. What did Sherem want the people to believe? How did Sherem misinterpret the doctrine of Christ? In what ways can you identify false doctrine? What was wrong with Sherem's contention that the 'doctrine of Christ' was against the law of Moses (See also Jacob 4:4-5)?
8. How do you stand firm in the face of false claims such as those of Sherem? How does relying on the guidance and strength from the Holy Ghost help you to rely on the Lord in times of persecution? What do you need to do to be able to have the Spirit poured into your soul? How has the Holy Ghost helped you as you have dealt with questions or criticisms about your faith?
9. How did Jacob's testimony of Christ differ from that of Sherem? How did Sherem try to sidestep the question? What did Sherem say in this verse that contradicts what he said in verse 7? What does that teach you about telling lies?
"When a false theory has to be maintained, it requires to be set forth with much care; it requires a study, and learning, and cunning sophistry to gild over a falsehood and give it the semblance of truth, and make it plausible and congenial to the feelings of the people; but the most simple and unlearned person can tell you the truth. A child can tell you the truth, in child-like language, while falsehood requires the lawyer and the priest to tell it to make it at all plausible; it requires a scholastic education to make falsehood pass for truth." – Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 11:214

10-11. Who do the scriptures testify of? How is it possible that Sherem could claim to believe the scriptures and yet deny Christ? Why is it so important to seek the spirit as you read and study the scriptures? How can this practice help you avoid the spiritual condition that Sherem is in? How can a daily habit of studying the scriptures and the words of latter-day prophets help you in circumstances when others question or criticize your faith? How can testifying of the scriptures and words of the prophets help you rely on the Lord in the face of persecution?
12. How strong is your testimony of Christ? Do you KNOW for yourself of the power of the Atonement? How can this sure knowledge protect you from anti-Christ or atheist beliefs? When have you shared your testimony with someone who has questioned or criticized your faith? What was the result?
13-14. Have you ever secretly wished that those who persecute you for your beliefs could be punished in some obvious way by God? Do you ever wish that you could choose the punishment? How did Jacob face this temptation? Why is it so important that we leave the outcome of the choices of others firmly in Gods hands?
13. Have you ever used the phrase 'Prove it!'? When you use that phrase, what are you usually asking for? What phrase did Sherem use that was his way of saying 'Prove it'? What happens that lets you know that the Lord was not pleased that Sherem demanded a sign? What dangers are there in seeking a sign that God lives? How many signs exist around you every day?
"Show me a sign, said Sherem, but a sign was not really what he wanted. Satan had convinced Sherem that it was not possible to know something that could not be seen. Jacob knew that even though we cannot see the Holy Ghost, his power is undeniable. Believers in Jesus Christ our promised signs, not to create faith but because of their faith. Those who seek signs without faith will be condemned by the evidence they seek." – Book of Mormon Student Study Guide [2000], 66

14.What was Jacob's counsel to Sherem on seeking a sign from God? Who did Jacob allow to decided if a sign would be given? Rather than seeking to prove the truthfulness of his testimony when Sherem sought  for a sign, Jacob left the outcome in the Lord's hands. How can it help you to know that you don't need to prove the truthfulness of your testimony to those who challenge your faith?
15-23. What do you think it means to see opportunity in the midst of opposition? What good resulted from Jacob's encounter with Sherem?
"When we do not retaliate - when we turn the other cheek and resist feelings of anger - we… stand with the Savior. We show forth His love, which is the only power that can subdue the adversary and answer our accusers without accusing them in return. That is not weakness. That is christian courage. Through the years we learn that challenges to our faith are not new, and they aren't likely to disappear soon. But true disciples of Christ see opportunity in the midst of opposition… Fortunately, the Lord knows the hearts of our accusers and how we can most effectively respond to them. As true disciples seek guidance from the spirit, they received inspiration tailored to each encounter. And in every encounter, true disciples respond in ways that invite the spirit of the Lord." – Robert D Hales, GC, October 2008

15. What did the Lord do to Sherem? What do you suppose Sherem learned in the many days that he was 'nourished'?
16. Why do you suppose Sherem desired to speak to the people before he died? Why was it important that he do so?
17. How had Sherem's beliefs changed? What doctrine did he embrace? Why did he desire that the people know of his change of heart?
18. What did Sherem attribute his false teachings to? Who had deceived him? Why do you think that Satan had been able to deceive him?
19. Why is it so wrong to lie unto God? Can you ever fool God into believing something other than the truth? What did Sherem fear would be his eternal reward? Even recognizing this possibility, why was his confession of such importance to his own spiritual progression even in the face of death? How are we blessed when we seek to correct our mistakes, even if we cannot undo the consequences of those choices?
21-25. What blessings came as a result of this spiritual crisis? What evidence is there that this experience increased the Nephites trust in God? How did they overcome Sherem's teachings? What can you do to avoid the deceptions of the world today?
21. How powerfully did the Spirit witness to the people that Sherem was now testifying of true doctrine? How did it affect the people? Why did the people fall to the earth? What do find most interesting about Sherem's confession? What was Sherem's greatest fear in the end?
22. How was this manifestation of the Spirit a blessing for Jacob? 
23. How did Sherem's confession and the power of the Spirit help to restore peace and love among the people? How was searching the scriptures a type of insulation from any such teachings affecting the people again? Do you insulate and protect yourself from evil with daily scripture study? What can you do to ensure that you are protected from the influence of false doctrines?
24. How did the unity of the Nephite people influence how they felt about the Lamanites? What did they desire for the Lamanites? How do you feel about your enemies?
25. Who did the Nephite people put their trust in? How did trusting in God help them to overcome their enemies? What can you do to overcome spiritual darts thrown by your enemies? What is one thing you will do to prepare for a time when someone challenges your faith?
26. How did Jacob describe his days? How are your days similar? Even though trials and adversity are a part of life, what brought Jacob joy? What is the source of your joy and happiness?

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