Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Jacob 3

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

God will console the pure in heart in their afflictions.

1-2. What does it mean to be pure in heart? What would cause your hands to be unclean to the Lord? What would cause your heart to be impure to the Lord? Which comes first, bad thoughts or bad actions? What blessings does the lord promise to those with clean hands and pure hearts (see Psalms 24:3-4)?
"To become pure in heart - to achieve exaltation - we must alter our attitudes and priorities to a condition of spirituality, we must control our thoughts, we must reform our motives, and we must perfect our desires." - Dallin H Oaks, Pure in Heart, 140

1. Have you ever suffered because of the pride or sins of others? What does Jacob exhort the pure in heart to do? What does God promise the pure in heart? How can you look unto God with a firmness of mind? What do you think it means to pray unto God with exceeding faith during a time of trial?
2. How do you know that you are pure in heart? How do you feast upon God's love? How can studying the scriptures be a way to feast upon God's love?
1-2. How has God consoled you in you afflictions as you have tried to follow Him? How has praying with exceeding faith helped you during a time of trial? When has receiving God's word helped you to feel His love?
3-4. What awaits those who are not pure in heart? What can one do to change the condition of their heart?
5. Who did the Nephites think the filthy people were? Who did Jacob say was the most filthy? What commandment did the Lamanites keep better than the Nephites? How did the prejudice of the Nephites against the Lamanites hinder their ability to see their own guilt before God? 
6. How does this verse teach the principle that even those who do not profess His name, will be blessed by God for their righteous acts?
7-8. What was the condition of the family at this time among the Lamanites? What was the condition of the family at this time among the Nephites? Why is it so important to ensure the strength and unity of your family relationships?
9. Why do you think Jacob so clearly teaches the Nephite people to withhold judgement and hatred from the Lamanites? How might this type of attitude by portrayed today? What can you do personally, to ensure that you do not discredit the good in one or more people based on what you are told  by others about them?
9. Shy do you think a prophet would clearly identify the sins of the people? How can pointing out a person's sins help him or her to change?
"The more I see of life, the more I am convinced that we must impress you young people with the awfulness of sin rather than to content ourselves with merely teaching the way of repentance." - Harold B Lee, Youth and the Church, 87-88
"The heaviest burden that one has to bear in this life is the burden of sin." - Harold B Lee, Ensign, July 1973

10. What effect does the bad example of a parent have upon their children? What impact has the love of your family had upon your life? What blessings do you consider yours that have come to you through your family?
"The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." - William G Dyer and Philip R Kunz, Effective Mormon Families, 104
11. What does it mean to arouse your faculties? How is indulging in sin and evil like going into a drug induced sleep? How does one come out of the effects of sin and wickedness? What outcome awaits those who choose not to repent and turn unto God?
12. What are fornication and lasciviousness? Why is it so important to know the awful consequences of moral transgressions? Why do sins of this ilk cause a decrease of love and trust within families?

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