Saturday, April 5, 2014

Jacob 1

(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

Priesthood leaders labor diligently to help us come to Christ. Priesthood leaders have a divine responsibility to teach the word of God and warn against sin.

1-4. Why are you grateful that Jacob  and others felt impressed to write sacred things?
2-3. Whenhave you felt a priesthood leader's love and concern for you? When have you felt that a priesthood leader's words or actions were inspired by God to help you?
6-8. Why do you think priesthood leaders in your family as well as local and general priesthood leaders, warn you about sin and teach you the gospel so diligently?
7-8. What did Jacob wnt his people to do? What does the prophet want you to do? What do the prophets today seem most anxious about? How do they know what they should talk about in conference?
10-11. How did the people feel about Nephi? What had he done for them that won their love? Who are the 'Nephis' you can follow today?
15. What wiced practices were the Nephites getting involved in? How do those sins compare to the wicked practices that exist in the world today? Can you detect these same wicked practices in the list of acceptable things to do by society in general?
15-16. Why is it a blessing to have priesthood leaders who warn us about problems when or even before they begin?
17. Why is it important to understand that Church leaders are held accountable fortheir efforts to teach you what The Lord wants you to know?
19. How do you magnify your callings in the Church? What errands and responsibilities have you been given that make you similar to Jacob?
"President John Taylor cautioned us, 'If you do not magnify your callings, God will hold you responsible for those whom you might have saved had you done your duty.' ... How does one magnify a calling? Simply by performing the service that pertains to it." - Thomas S Monson

"I am convinced that there are many, many thousand... who, with warmth and welcome can be led to the eternal truths of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. They are looking for something better than they have. They must be friendshipped. They must be fellowshipped. They must be made to feel comfortable and at home, so they can observe in the lives of the members of the Church those virtues they wish for themselves... The world is our responsibility. We cannot evade it, I think of the words of Jacov in the Book of Mormon, who with his brother Joseph had been consecrated a priest and teacher unto the people." - Gordon B Hinckley, GC, April 1986

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