(Below is a list of questions and quotes that help me think about each verse as I read it. The numbers represent the verses in the chapter.)

1-2. How many people gathered to hear the last words of King Benjamin? How do you think the people felt about him? Why? When do Church members gather together to listen to the prophet today? How have the words of the prophets in general conference helped you? Read verses 4 and 31. What blessings came to the people who gathered to hear King Benjamin? What similar blessings do we obtain from general conference? What can you do to learn more while listening to or watching general conference?
"If you want to know what the Lord has for this people at the present time, I would admonish you to get and read the discourses that have been delivered at this conference, for what these brethren have spoken by the power of the Holy Ghost is the mind of the Lord, the will of the Lord, the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto Salvation." -Harold B Lee, Ensign, April 1973
3. What would the people do when they visited the temple? How did the intention of offering sacrifices at the temple help the people prepare to be taught by their King in righteousness? What do you do in preparation to be taught before you attend meetings where you will be taught by the Lord's servants?
4. It is interesting that they still thank God for bringing them out of Jerusalem, after all about 476 years have passed. Do you feel genuine gratitude for your pioneer heritage dating back less than 200 years?
5. How is the importance of family indicated in this verse? What do you do to strengthen and build up your family on a regular basis? On a daily basis?
6. Why did the people pitch their tents with the door facing the temple? Why is it so important to set yourself to continually view the temple? How can keeping your eye on the temple and the standards you must live by help you avoid sin and temptation?
7-8. What did King Benjamin do to ensure that as many people as possible were able to hear his words? By what means do you hear the words of our prophets, leaders and teachers today? How is today's means of electronic communication, satellite and internet similar to King Benjamin's tower? Why is it so important to use the towers of communication wisely? Consider how the Zoramites used the tower of Rameumpton (see Alma 31). How was their use of their tower to their condemnation?
5-8. Why are the messages of general conference important to our family?
"For the next six months, your conference edition of the Ensign should stand next to your standard works and be referred to frequently. As my dear friend and brother Harold B Lee said, we should let these conference addresses by the guide to [our] walk and talk during the next six months. These are the important matters the Lord sees fit to reveal to this people in this day." - Ezra Taft Benson, GC, April 1988
9. What counsel does King Benjamin offer to the people before he begins speaking to them? In what ways did he desire them to open their ears, hearts and minds? In what ways do you ensure that your ears are able to hear the words of God? What do you do to prepare yourself to be taught by the Lord's servants? How can you open your heart to understand the words which the servants of the Lord deliver to you? What does it mean to you to have a soft, receptive heart? What are the mysteries of God? How is it possible for you to have the mysteries of God unfolded to your view?
10. In what way does King Benjamin convey his humility to the people? Why would he be concerned that the people might fear him?
10-18. How does King Benjamin's attitude about service make him a good king?
11. To whom does King Benjamin attribute his talents and strengths? To whom does King Benjamin give credit for his role as the next king?
12-13. What rules and laws does King Benjamin uphold? How does he expect his people to live? Why does he feel it is so important that he as their king, sets the example for upright conduct? What would others determine about you based on your conduct? Is there anything you need to change or do differently? What can you do to set a better example this week?
14. What kind of a king was King Benjamin? How would it be to have a king such as King Benjamin ruling the land? What things would be different? What things would stay the same?
15. Why is it so important to King Benjamin to be able to answer to God with a clear conscience? If you had to stand before God today, what condition would your conscience be in? Is there anything you need to repent of or forgive others for that you might be able to stand with confidence in the presence of God?
16-17. Think about a time when someone blessed your life by serving you. How did you (or how would you) show your appreciation to God for the person who served both you and God in righteousness? How did you show your appreciation to that person?
16. When King Benjamin serves his people, who does he consider himself serving? How do you feel when you have selflessly served another? Why do you suppose that it feels so good to serve others?
"Service is not something we endure on this earth so we can earn the right to live in the celestial kingdom. Service is the very fiber of which an exalted life in the celestial kingdom is made. Knowing that service is what gives our Father in Heaven fulfilment, and knowing that we want to be where He is and as He is, why must we be commanded to serve one another? Oh, for the glorious day when these things all come naturally because of the purity of our hearts. In that day there will be no need for a commandment because we will have experienced for ourselves that we are truly happy only when we are engaged in unselfish service." Marion G Romney, GC, October 1982
"It is important to be appreciated. But our focus should be on righteousness, not recognition; on service, not status." - Howard W Hunter, GC, October 1992
17. If you wanted to show God the true depth of your gratitude for all the many blessings He has bestowed upon you, how might service be a good avenue to do so?
18. King Benjamin points out that if he, as king can serve the people, then they should be able to serve one another. Why do you think that service was so important to the Savior during his ministry? How does His example of service help you serve others better?
19-26. What kind of attitude are we to have if we are to serve God?
19. How do you feel towards those who have helped you, assisted you or blessed your life in any way? How should the desire we feel to express heartfelt gratitude to those who have helped us reflect the degree of gratitude we feel and express toward our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ?
20-21. Is it possible to ever convey the complete depth of our gratitude to our Father in Heaven for His bountiful and merciful blessings which He bestows upon us EVERY day of our lives? Why is it so important to try? In what ways do you show your gratitude to your Father in Heaven? How does service convey this feeling of gratitude to the Lord so effectively?
21. Why did King Benjamin say we are 'unprofitable servants'? (See verse 24)
22. What does the Lord require of you in order for you to receive the many blessings He has promised you? How complicated is His formula for deciding whether you have earned a blessing or not? How does the simplicity of His plan bless your life and bring further heavenly blessings to your attention?
23-24. In what ways has the Lord blessed your life? How often do you receive blessings? Why is it important for us to remember our indebtedness to God?
"The most important of those blessings is, of course, the gift of the Atonement. The price Jesus Christ paid to redeem us from sin and death is infinite, a price we never can repay. We should not, however, think that God compares all he has done for us with what we do for Him. He loves us and is delighted with our every effort to serve and obey." - Book of Mormon Student Study Guide, 74
25. What can we do that the dust never does? While the dust will never disobey God, what may we become that the dust never will? What do we learn in this verse about the principle of humility that can help us achieve our greatest potential? (See D&C 136:32-33)
26. How highly does King Benjamin establish himself in comparison to the people? How does his attitude convey his humility?
27-28. How did King Benjamin's lifestyle of service help him to feel he could stand before God with a clear conscience? What does it mean 'rid my garments of your blood'? Who are you responsible to teach and testify to? How does doing so spiritually speaking, rid your garments of their blood? What must you do to ensure that your garments are not stained with the blood of your fellow men?
29-30. Why was King Benjamin no longer able to serve as their teacher or their king?
31. What promise does King Benjamin give to those who choose to keep the commandments of God? What does this promise mean to you? Is there anything you need to repent of, in order to obtain this blessing?
32-37. What warning is given to those who refuse to repent?
32-37. What warning is given to those who refuse to repent?
32. What does King Benjamin caution his people against? What does it mean 'list to obey the evil spirit'?
33. What wo is pronounced upon those who choose to obey the evil spirit?Why are the consequences of CHOOSING evil works over good works so serious?
34. What does it mean to be eternally indebted to your Heavenly Father? How grateful do you feel - to what measure is the gratitude you feel in your heart toward your Father in Heaven and His goodness and blessings toward you? How would you feel toward Him if you could recognize EVERY blessing He has ever bestowed upon you? Would you be surprised at the frequency of His hand in your life? Recognizing this, would your gratitude toward Him increase?
35. Consider a time when you discovered words of comfort and strength in the scriptures? Did you recognize God's hand? Did you offer up thanksgiving for the blessing of scriptures? For the blessing of righteous examples which they contain?
36. When one willfully chooses to turn from Gods law - what do they also choose to have withdrawn from them? How important is the Spirit of The Lord in your life? How has it blessed you with wisdom beyond your own?
"We should... endeavor to discern when we 'withdraw [ourselves] from the Spirit of the Lord...' The standard is clear. If something we think, see, hear, or do distances us from the Holy Ghost, then we should stop thinking, seeing, hearing, or doing that thing. If that which is intended to entertain, for example, alienates us from the Holy Spirit, then certainly that type of entertainment is not for us. Because the Spirit cannot abide that which is vulgar, crude, or immodest, then clearly such things are not for us. Because we estrange the Spirit of the Lord when we engage in activities we know we should shun, then such things definitely are not for us." - David A Bednar, GC, April 2006
37-38. How can choosing to obey God prevent the pain and anguish outlined in these verses? How can feelings of guilt and remorse feel like an unquenchable fire?
38.How will the unrepentant feel at death?
38.How will the unrepentant feel at death?
39. Why does mercy not have any claim on those who willfully rebel against God? How do you feel about the mercy that The Lord extends to you?
41. What will happen to those who keep the commandments of God? What must you do to avoid never-ending torment and obtain never-ending happiness?
"Some people knowingly break God's commandments, planning to repent later, such as before they go to the temple or serve a mission. Such deliberate sin mocks the Savior's Atonement." - For the Strength of Youth [booklet 2011], 29
41. What will happen to those who keep the commandments of God? What must you do to avoid never-ending torment and obtain never-ending happiness?
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