Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Like the SAVIOR                                   

The only way that we can really know another person is to walk in their shoes: think what they think, learn what they know, and what they would say, do what they would do. Christ said, “Be ye therefore perfect”. We can only accomplish this as we become like him.
This program is to help us as sisters in the gospel, come to know and understand our Savior better. As you ponder each series of scriptures, ask yourself, “What does this scripture teach me about Christ?” In the space provided, jot down what you learned. Once you have gone through each scripture, write about the things you have learned that help you to better understand the characteristics of the Savior. Then apply those same principles to your life. What can you do to improve or draw closer to the Lord?

“We must lose our lives in the service of others. Reach out, reach out to others; be as Christ is… I bear witness that our faith in Christ will be a badge of honor to us. … As we seek the Lord, He comes to us.” Neil L Andersen, Ensign, Sep 2009, News of the Church

“Building on His firm foundation requires us to emulate Christ’s character. There is no joy nor is there any security in giving Him mere lip service. Emulating Him is the key, and our emerging character is the refined structure of our souls. After all the circumstantial scaffolding comes down, character is what is left.” –Neal A Maxwell, The Precious Promise, April 2004, BYU Women’s Conference

It is evident that if the Master served, we should serve. If He taught, we should teach. If He prayed, we should also pray. He knew that if we would catch the spirit of His ministry, our hearts and our souls would be so full of that which we have received that we could not be content unless we were sharing, serving, teaching and praying together.
L Tom Perry, Ensign, May 1984

How to use this program:
  1. Before even opening the workbook, seek the Spirit in prayer, that you might be taught and edified as you ponder the life of the Savior.
  2. Read the Theme at the top of the page and then the questions. Ponder those things for a few moments.
  3. Begin studying the scriptures. With each scripture reference ask yourself what it teaches about the Savior, how he felt about that principle, and what you can learn about Him as you apply it to His perfect life.
  4. Jot down your thoughts and impressions about each scripture in the space provided.
  5. Review the things you have learned from the scriptures that you have made note of.
  6. In the journaling portion of the worksheet, begin to write about the life of the Savior in relation to the topic at the top. Answer the questions about His life, and then begin to apply those things to your life.
  7. If you desire, make a goal that you can work on to help you ‘Become’ more like Him.
  8. (Optional) Attend the monthly Relief Society meeting that will provide you with further tools to know and understand the Savior better. Bring something you can share if you desire (a quote, scripture, poem, story etc. that will help those in attendance further appreciate the topics discussed.)

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