Thursday, May 23, 2013

Create Joy Overview and Evaluation

Create Joy: Summary Overview
How can this program continue to bless my life?

Over the past year, as you have participated in the Create Joy program, you have studied and learned about:
·         Growing spiritually
·         Improving your self-care both mentally and physically
·         Enhancing your life management
·         Enriching your family relationships
·         Having a purpose
·         Uncluttering your living space
·         Improving your temporal stewardship
·         Becoming more conscious of opportunities to serve
As you apply these things in your life you will continue to see your self-respect and confidence grow. It is important to continue to set goals in each area of the Create Joy Spectrum. As you ponder upon each area of your life and set goals, ask yourself if that goal will bring joy and balance to your life. The following space is provided for setting goals.


(Once you identify your purpose, it will play a major role in your ability to set goals. It will help you stay on track as you make and keep promises to yourself.)

What would the Lord have me do?













Create Joy: Evaluation
How has participating in this program blessed my life?

Please take a few moments and share your feelings about the Create Joy program.

If you attended the classes, did you find them helpful, motivational, inspirational, etc.? Please share any experiences that you may have had specifically as a result of participating in this program.

Please share your thoughts and feelings for the handouts. Were they easy to read and ponder? Did the topics reach into your life and help you to live the doctrines they discussed?

Do you feel you grew spiritually as a result of participating in this program?

What areas did you most appreciate?

Is there any subject that you would like to study in more depth as a result of this program?

Please share any other thoughts or feelings that might convey how this program helped you grow spiritually or how it could be improved.

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