Thursday, May 23, 2013

Create Joy Supplement: The Atonement


Laying on of Hands – The recipient has been touched by the hand of God (Doctrine and Covenants 36:2)
Consecrated Oil – Represents the Holy Ghost (Doctrine and Covenants 45:56-57) It also suggests the oil that came forth from the olive press at the olive garden at Gethsemane.
Healing – Healing of the physically sick is a type of spiritual healing which is only available through the Atonement (3 Nephi 9:13)
Baptism by Immersion – Immersion in the water symbolizes being fully washed, fully entering into the covenant and fully being covered by that Living Water. (1 Nephi 11:25)
Baptismal Font – A reminder of the death we will each pass through and our resurrection through the power of Christ. (Doctrine and Covenants 128:12-13)

Sacrament Emblems  - we receive the gift of the Atonement as we partake of the emblems of the sacrament and internalizing Jesus’ offering (Doctrine and Covenants 88:33)

Sacrament Bread – represents the Bread of Life or the Savior, Jesus Christ. (John 6:51)

Sacrament Water – represents the Blood of Christ, which was shed for us. (JST Matthew 26:22,24)
Temple Ordinances – The epitome of atonement work on the earth. Those entering the temple do ordinance work as “Saviors on mount Zion” for their deceased kin. (Obadiah 1:21)

Washing – Washing with water points to Jesus’ atoning blood, which serves as a cleansing agent from sin. (Revelations 1:5)
Clothing – We shall be clothed with an immortal body (1 Corinthians 15:54)
Coat of Skins – Cover the nakedness or guilt one feels having sinned. The coat of skins, made from a sacrificed animal, covers that nakedness and symbolizes the atonement. (Genesis 3:21)
Eve – The seed of the woman would have power to crush the serpents’ head (Genesis 3:15)
Abel – He was a shepherd, was obedient to the Lord and made an acceptable sacrifice. Abel’s life was taken by his wicked brother for the purpose of getting gain. (Moses 5:29-33)
Abraham and Isaac – Isaac’s birth was prophesied and his birth was miraculous. Isaac was Abraham’s only son. Isaac was to be offered as a burnt offering, which was a symbol of the Atonement that would yet come. Isaac went willingly to be sacrificed and even carried the wood. For Isaac it was a three-day journey home from the place of sacrifice. (Genesis 22)
Joseph of Egypt – Joseph was a shepherd and was clothed in authority and power (the coat of many colors was a symbol of priesthood authority). Joseph was obedient to his father. Joseph was sold for a price. Later Joseph was tempted with great sin but refused the enticement. (Genesis 34; 37-39) He was falsely accused.
Moses – Moses delivered the Israelites out of bondage. Through Moses the words of the Lord were received. He was a teacher, prophet and lawgiver. He performed signs and miracles, fasted forty days, controlled the sea and was sent from God. (Exodus 3, 20, 34)
Job – One that was ‘perfect and upright’ and shunned evil. Experienced enormous sufferings, lost all he had and even his friends. (Job 1-2)
Jonah – Spent 3 days and nights inside a whale.

Veil – The veil stands between us and the Celestial kingdom the same way that the Savior stands between us and the blessings of eternal life. (John 14:6)


“I realize that no mortal mind can adequately conceive, nor can human tongue appropriately express, the full significance of all that Jesus Christ has done for our Heavenly Father’s children through his Atonement. Yet it is vital that we each learn what we can about it. The Atonement is that essential ingredient of our Father in Heaven’s plan of happiness without which that plan would have no significant meaning.
“I strongly believe that there is an imperative need for you to strengthen your understanding of the significance of the Atonement of Jesus Christ so that it will become the secure foundation upon which to build the balance of your life … Your understanding of and faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ will provide much-needed strength and capacity in your life. It will also bring confidence in times of trial and peace in moments of turmoil.
“I energetically encourage you to establish a personal plan to better understand and appreciate the incomparable, eternal, infinite consequences of the perfect fulfillment by Jesus Christ of His divinely appointed calling as our Savior and Redeemer … Please establish for yourself a must-be-accomplished goal to acquire a better understanding of the Atonement…
“…As an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ – and I do not use those words lightly – I testify that your understanding of the Atonement and the insight it provides for your life will greatly enhance your productive use of all of the [other] knowledge, experience, and skills you acquire.”  (Richard G Scott, “To Establish a Secure Foundation for Life”, 4-5)

(Dallin H Oaks, Ensign, February 2010, 35)

·  We dress properly, including wearing appropriate shoes, to show that we understand the sacred nature of the ordinance.
·  We come to sacrament meeting with a broken heart and a contrite spirit.
·  We are quietly seated well before the meeting begins.
·  We bring a spirit of prayer, meekness, and devotion.
·  We engage in prayerful meditation, reflecting on the mission of the Savior and our worthiness to partake of the sacrament.
·  We join in the worship of singing the sacrament hymn.
·  We ponder the importance of renewing our covenants.
·  We avoid reading books or magazines during the administration of the sacrament.
·  We avoid whispered conversations and cell-phone texting.
·  Participating priesthood holders are well groomed, wear white shirts and ties, and prepare, bless and pass the sacrament in a spirit of worthiness, reverence, and dignity.
·  Priesthood holders speak the sacrament prayers slowly and distinctly.

Even if we could live perfect lives, why would we still need the Atonement?


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