Sunday, May 26, 2013

Becoming a Gospel Teacher: Facilitation Revelation in the Classroom

Gospel Teaching:  Facilitating Revelation
“In order to more effectively teach the things pertaining to righteousness, it is important to understand that in addition to imparting information, we must facilitate revelation. This way the person being taught can feel the desire to know these principles for himself or herself… Leaders and teachers can watch over and nourish the members under their care, diligently teaching them all things pertaining to righteousness. This can be achieved more effectively if revelation is facilitated during the teaching process, thus creating in the people the desire to be enlightened by the Spirit of God.” ~Francisco J VinĂ£s, Ensign, May 2010

2 Nephi 6:3 - For I have exhorted you with all diligence; and I have taught you the words of my father; and I have spoken unto you concerning all things which are written, from the creation of the world.
“That is a formula by which the gospel has always been taught, a process used to this day – personal testimony, the teachings of the living prophets and the written record of the scriptures.” ~Jeffrey R Holland

Inspiration comes through the Spirit. To do this we strongly encourage you to emulate the Spirit in your teaching methods and incorporate the following 4 techniques into your lessons.

SPiRiT Search, Ponder insights, Record inspiration, Testify
·         Search – In each lesson ensure that you not only read from the scriptures, but allow the class members to PONDER on those words and give their own insights and thoughts. This will help you as a teacher know what needs to be discussed during the class to meet the needs of those you teach
·         Ponder insights – Encourage class members to share their insights and feelings about the scriptures and/or quotations they have read using quizzical questions from the next page
·         Record inspiration – Ensure that there is a small time allotment at any time during the class for class members to record their feelings, thoughts and inspiration in their Sunday Journals. This can be done at the end of the lesson after the conclusion, or at any time during the lesson.
·         Testify – Your testimony of the principles you teach should be given as often throughout the lesson as possible. Each principle you powerfully testify of will draw the spirit more strongly into the teaching process and facilitate personal revelation for not only the class members, but also you as the teacher. It will help you in both your personal life as well as in your teaching methods.
To teach with the SPiRiT (Search, Ponder insights, Record inspiration, Testify): READ from the scriptures, allow class members to PONDER and share their insights, give everyone an opportunity to RECORD their thoughts and inspiration and always be sure to TESTIFY strongly of the principles you have taught.

Questions that Encourage Feasting & Pondering Upon the Word
·         What do these verses mean to you?
·         How can you apply this in your life today?
·         What is the definition of that word?
·         What do these verses have to do with Jesus?
·         How do these verses strengthen your faith in Christ?
·         What things do you need to change in your life to live …?
·         How will doing … make a difference in your life?
·         What did the Lord teach in verses … about …?
·         What Gospel principles do you see in these verses?
·         How does … help you understand …?
·         What important things do you see in verse …?
·         What is another way to say …?
·         What should you underline or mark in these verses? Why?
·         How could you say this in your own words?
·         If you had to summarize this, what would you say? (Can someone summarize what these verses say?)
·         What are some conclusions you can draw from these verses?
·         How do you feel about what we have been reading? (What comments or feelings do you have about these verses?)
·         Would anyone like to tell about an experience they have had that illustrates this principle?
·         Do any of you have a testimony or experience of … that you would be willing to share?

·         How can you get a testimony of this principle?

October 2011 General Conference
Teaching after the Manner of the Spirit
Matthew O. Richardson
Second Counselor in the Sunday School General Presidency

While we are all teachers, we must fully realize that it is the Holy Ghost who is the teacher and witness of all truth.

Many years ago I was with my companion at the missionary training center when I heard the voice of a child say, “Grandma, are those real missionaries?” I turned to see a young girl holding her grandmother’s hand and pointing at me and my companion. I smiled, extended my hand, looked her square in the eye, and said, “Hello, I am Elder Richardson, and we are real missionaries.” Her face beamed as she looked at me, thrilled that she was in the company of genuine missionaries.
I walked away from that experience with renewed dedication. I wanted to be the type of missionary that the Savior, my family, and this young girl expected me to be. For the next two years, I worked hard to look like, think like, act like, and especially to teach like a real missionary.
Upon my return home, it became increasingly apparent that even though I had left my mission, my mission didn’t leave me. In fact, even after all these years, I still feel that my mission was the best two years for my life. One unexpected carryover from my mission was that young girl’s voice. Only now I was hearing in my mind, “Grandma, is that a real priesthood holder?” “Grandma, is that a real husband or a real father?” or “Grandma, is that a real member of the Church?”
I have learned that a key to becoming real in every aspect of our lives is our ability to teach in a way that does not restrict learning. You see, a real life requires real learning, which depends on real teaching. “The responsibility to teach [effectively] is not limited to those who have formal callings as teachers.”1 In fact, every family member, Church leader, and Church member (including the youth and children) has a responsibility to teach.
While we are all teachers, we must fully realize that it is the Holy Ghost who is the real teacher and witness of all truth. Those who do not fully understand this either try to take over for the Holy Ghost and do everything themselves, politely invite the Spirit to be with them but only in a supporting role, or believe they are turning all their teaching over to the Spirit when, in truth, they are actually just “winging it.” All parents, leaders, and teachers have the responsibility to teach “by the Spirit.”2 They should not teach “in front of the Spirit” or “behind the Spirit” but “by the Spirit” so the Spirit can teach the truth unrestrained.
Moroni helps us understand how we can teach by the Spirit without replacing, diluting, or dismissing the Holy Ghost as the real teacher. Moroni said the Saints conducted their experiences “after the manner of the workings of the Spirit.”3 This requires more than just having the Spirit with us. To conduct ourselves “after the manner” of the Holy Ghost means that we may need to change our way of teaching to emulate the way the Holy Ghost teaches. As we align our manner with the Holy Ghost’s manner, then the Holy Ghost can teach and testify without restraint. This important alignment may be illustrated by the following example.
Many years ago my children and I hiked to the top of South Sister, a 10,358-foot (3,157 m) mountain in Oregon. After several hours we encountered a long 45-degree slope of tiny volcanic pebbles. With the summit in sight, we pressed on only to find that with every step, our feet would sink in the pebbles, causing us to slide backward several inches. My 12-year-old son forged ahead as I stayed with my 8-year-old daughter. Fatigue and discouragement soon set in, and she was heartbroken, thinking that she might not join her brother at the top. My first impulse was to carry her. My spirit was willing, but sadly my flesh was weak. We sat down on the rocks, assessed our situation, and devised a new plan. I told her to put her hands in my back pants pockets, hold on tight, and—most important—as soon as I lifted my foot to take a step, she should quickly put her foot in its place. She mirrored my every move and relied on the lift that came from hanging on to my pockets. After what seemed like an eternity, we made it to the top of the mountain. Her expression of triumph and satisfaction was priceless. And yes, she and her brother were, in my estimation, real hikers.
My daughter’s success was a result of her diligent effort and how well she hiked after the manner that I hiked. As she synchronized her movement with mine, we achieved a rhythm together, allowing me to utilize my full energy. Such is the case when we teach “after the manner of the workings of the Spirit.” As we align the manner of our teaching to match that of the Holy Ghost, the Spirit strengthens us and, at the same time, is not constrained. With this in mind, please consider two fundamental “workings of the Spirit” worthy of our emulation.
First, the Holy Ghost teaches individuals in a very personal way. This makes it possible for us to intimately know truth for ourselves. Because of our different needs, circumstances, and progression, the Holy Ghost teaches what we must know and do so we may become what we must be. Please note that while the Holy Ghost teaches “the truth of all things,”4 He does not teach all truth all at once. The Spirit teaches truth “line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little.”5
Those who teach after the manner of the Spirit understand they teach people, not lessons. As such, they overcome the urge to cover everything in a manual or teach all they have learned on the subject and focus instead on those things that their family or class members need to know and do. Parents, leaders, and teachers who mirror how the Spirit teaches, quickly learn that real teaching involves much more than just talking and telling. As a result, they intentionally pause to listen, carefully observe, and then discern what to do next.6 When they do this, the Holy Ghost is in a position to teach both learners and teachers what they should do and say.7
Second, the Holy Ghost teaches by inviting, prompting, encouraging, and inspiring us to act. Christ assured us that we come to the truth when we live doctrine and act accordingly.8 The Spirit leads, guides, and shows us what to do.9 He will not, however, do for us what only we can do for ourselves. You see, the Holy Ghost cannot learn for us, feel for us, or act for us because this would be contrary to the doctrine of agency. He can facilitate opportunities and invite us to learn, feel, and act.
Those who teach after this manner of the Spirit help others by inviting, encouraging, and providing them opportunities to use their agency. Parents, leaders, and teachers realize they cannot feel for, learn for, or even repent for their family, congregation, or class members. Rather than asking, “What can I do for my children, class members, or others?” they ask, “How do I invite and help those around me to learn for themselves?” Parents who mirror the workings of the Holy Ghost create homes where families learn to value rather than just learn about values. In like manner, rather than just talking about doctrines, teachers help learners understand and live gospel doctrines. The Holy Ghost is unrestrained as individuals exercise their agency appropriately.
With the current conditions of the world, we desperately need real learning and teaching in our homes, meetings, and gospel classes. I know that your quest to improve may seem overwhelming at times. Please do not become discouraged with your progress. I think back on my experience hiking with my children. We agreed that every time we stopped to catch our breath, rather than focusing exclusively on how much farther we needed to go, we would immediately turn around and look down the mountain. We would take in the scenery and say to each other, “Look how far we’ve come.” Then we would take a deep breath, quickly turn, face uphill, and start climbing again one step at a time. Brothers and sisters, you can parent, lead, and teach after the manner of the workings of the Spirit. I know you can do this. I testify you can do this, and lives will change.
My life has been blessed by real teachers, who have taught with the Spirit and especially by the Spirit. I invite you to align the manner of your teaching after the manner of the Holy Ghost in all you do. I testify that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that His gospel is restored. Because of this we must be real parents, real leaders, real teachers, and real learners. I testify God will help you in your efforts, in the sacred name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.

1.  Teaching, No Greater Call: A Resource Guide for Gospel Teaching (1999), 3.
3.  Moroni 6:9.
4.  Moroni 10:5; see also Doctrine and Covenants 50:14True to the Faith: A Gospel Reference (2004), 82.
6. See David A. Bednar, “Seek Learning by Faith,” Liahona, Sept. 2007, 16–24; Ensign, Sept. 2007, 60–68.
7. See Luke 12:12.
8. See John 7:17.
9. See 2 Nephi 32:1–5.

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