Eternal Family: Temple Covenants
How can I
nourish and serve my family today?
you nourish and seek to create joy for your family members, you may face
challenges that pull at your spiritual strength. When you feel the need for an
ever-deeper spirituality you will find it by attending the temple.
President Ezra Taft
Benson said, “Many parents, in and out of the Church, are concerned about
protection against a cascading avalanche of wickedness, which threatens to
engulf the world. There is a power associated with the ordinances of heaven, even
the power of godliness, which can and will thwart the forces of evil, if we
will but be worthy of those sacred covenants made in the temple of the Lord.
Our families will be protected, our children will be safeguarded as we live the
gospel, visit the temple, and live close to the Lord.” (Ezra Taft Benson as
quoted in Come Unto Christ Through Temple Ordinances and Covenants, 1987,
In the temple “truths are taught and ordinances are
performed that bring knowledge of things eternal” which motivate us to “live
with an understanding of [our] divine inheritance as a child of God and an
awareness of [our] potential as an eternal being.” (Temples, 1988, p.2)
When “we go into the temple we raise our hands and
covenant that we will serve the Lord and observe his commandments and keep
ourselves unspotted from the world. If we realize what we are doing, then the
endowment will be a protection to us all our lives – a protection which a man
who does not go to the temple does not have.” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Utah
Genealogical and Historical Magazine, July 1930, 103; Temples p. 14)
endow is to enrich, to give to another something long-lasting and of much
worth. As we attend the temple as often as our schedules permit, we will be
spiritually enriched and strengthened through the ordinances we receive there.
· As
I attend the temple often, rich spiritual blessings can come into my life and
the lives of my family members.
· By
preparing spiritually to attend the temple I can more fully understand the
doctrine of eternal life and be led by the Holy Ghost.
· I
can have rich spiritual experiences by gathering family data and preparing to
take the names of my ancestors to the temple.
· As
I keep the covenants I make in the temple I am blessed with spiritual gifts.
As I attend the temple often, rich spiritual
blessings can come into my life and the lives of my family members.
that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt
go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day.”
(Doctrine and Covenants 59:9)
yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of
prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of
glory, a house of order, a house of God;” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:119)
“Implicit in the building of temples is the
principle of regular temple attendance by the Saints. Nothing builds
spirituality and our understanding of the priesthood principles more than
regular temple attendance.” (Spencer W Kimball, Ensign, May 1982, 4)
things are accomplished by our attendance at the temple – we comply with the
instructions of the Lord to accomplish our own ordinance work, we bless our
families by the sealing ordinances, and we share our blessings with others by
doing for them what they cannot do for themselves. In addition to these, we
lift our own thoughts, grow closer to the Lord, honor our priesthood, and
spiritualize our lives.” (Howard W Hunter, Come Unto Christ Through Temple
Ordinances and Covenants, p. 5)
a privilege it is to be able to go to the temple, where we may experience the
sanctifying influence of the Spirit of the Lord.” (Thomas S Monson, Until We
Meet Again, Ensign, May 2009, p. 113)
“When members of
the Church are troubled or when critical decisions weigh heavily upon their
minds, it is a common thing for them to go to the temple. It is a good place to
take our cares. In the temple we can receive spiritual perspective. There,
during the time of the temple service, we are put ‘out of the world’… There is
something cleansing and clarifying about the spiritual atmosphere of the
temple.” (Boyd K Packer, Come Unto Christ Through Temple Ordinances and
Covenants, p. 5)
Lord will bless you as you attend to the sacred ordinance work in the temple.
And the blessings He gives you will not be limited to your time in the temple.
He will bless you in all aspects of your life. Your labors in the temple will
strengthen you and refine you spiritually.” (True to the Faith, p. 174)
promise you that, with increased attendance in the temples of our God, you
shall receive increased personal revelation to bless your life.” (Ezra Taft
Benson, The Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, Ensign, May 1987, p. 85)
excerpt from temples of the Church of Jesus Christ published by the Ensign, 1988
Taft Benson, p. 45
When you attend the temple and perform the ordinances that pertain to
the house of the Lord, certain blessings will come to you:
You will
receive the spirit of Elijah, which will turn your heart to your spouse, to
your children and to your forbears.
You will
love your family with a deeper love than you have loved before.
heart will be turned to your fathers, and theirs to you.
You will
be endowed with power from on high as the Lord has promised.
You will
receive the key of the knowledge of God. You will learn how you can be like
Him. Even the power of godliness will be manifest to you (See D&C 84:19-20)
You will
be doing a great service to those who have passed to the other side of the
veil. Your work will enable them to be ‘judged according to men in the flesh,
but live according to God in the spirit.’ (D&C 138:34)
Such are the blessings of the temple and the blessings of frequently
attending the temple.”
By preparing spiritually to attend the temple
I can more fully understand the doctrine of eternal life and be led by the Holy
do thou grant, Holy Father, that all those who shall worship in this house… may
grow up in thee, and receive a fullness of the Holy Ghost, and be organized
according to thy laws, and be prepared to obtain every needful thing.”
(Doctrine and Covenants 109:14-15)
ye are to be taught from on high. Sanctify yourselves and ye shall be endowed
with power, that ye may give even as I have spoken.” (Doctrine and Covenants
wish to see those who go into the Temple go in with pure hearts, and that the
Spirit of God may be with them, that they may enjoy themselves, that they may
all feel the influence of that power.” (Wilford Woodruff, Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 179)
“Before you go to the temple,… go by
yourselves, in secret prayer. Offer up your prayers to the Lord, and pray that
your sins may not only be forgiven, but that you may all have the Spirit of God
and the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ; that the Spirit of God may be with
those who will assemble in the Temple…” (Wilford Woodruff, Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 178)
“Hearts must be pure to come within these walls,
Where spreads a feast unknown to festive halls.
Freely partake, for freely God hath given
And taste the holy joys that tell of heaven.
Here learn of Him who triumphed o’er the grave,
And unto men the keys, the Kingdom gave;
Joined here by powers that past and present bind
The living and the dead perfection find.”
(Orson F Whitney,
from the portals of the Cardston Alberta Temple, Harold B Lee, Teachings of Presidents of the Church,
temple ordinances are so imbued with symbolic meaning that they provide a
lifetime of productive contemplation and learning. Ponder each word and
activity in the temple. Study how they interrelate. As you think about the
significance of each matter presented, think of them in light of your
relationship to the Savior and His to our Father in Heaven. Contemplate how the
understanding you receive enhances your earth life by giving proper emphasis to
things that are critically important.” (Richard G Scott, Finding Peace Joy and Happiness, p. 279)
you strive diligently and be guided to prepare yourselves to gain these
priceless riches in the house of the Lord.” (Harold B Lee, Teachings of
Presidents of the Church, 100)
are places of personal revelation. When I have been weighed down by a problem
or a difficulty, I have gone to the House of the Lord with a prayer in my heart
for answers. These answers have come in clear and unmistakable ways.” (Ezra
Taft Benson, What I Hope You will Teach Your Children about the Temple, Ensign, Aug. 1985, p. 8)
temple ceremonies are designed by a wise Heavenly Father who has revealed them
to us in these last days as a guide and a protection throughout our lives, that
you and I might not fail to merit exaltation in the celestial kingdom where God
and Christ dwell.” (Harold B Lee, Enter a Holy Temple, Improvement Era, June 1967, p).
I can have rich spiritual experiences by
gathering family data and preparing to take the names of my ancestors to the
shall continue the great work that goes on in our temples, an unmatched work of
love reaching out even to those who have gone beyond the veil of death. Can
there be a greater labor of love than this? It comes more nearly of partaking
of the spirit of the Lord himself, who gave his life as a vicarious sacrifice
for all of us, than any other work of which I know.” (Gordon B Hinckley, Come
Unto Christ Through Temple Ordinances and Covenants, p. 5)
“The Lord will
bless us as we attend to the sacred ordinance work of the temples. Blessings
there will not be limited to our temple service. We will be blessed in all of
our affairs. We will be eligible to have the Lord take an interest in our
affairs both spiritual and temporal… Our labors in the temple cover us with a
shield and a protection, both individually and as a people.” (Boyd K Packer, Members Guide to Temple and Family History
Work, p. 5)
person who enters this sacred place in faith and prayer will find help in the
solution of life’s problems.” (John A Widtsoe, Looking Toward the Temple, Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, 1988 Edition, p. 47)
history work has the power to do something for the dead. It has an equal power
to do something to the living. Family history work of Church members has a
refining, spiritualizing, tempering influence on those who are engaged in it…”
(Boyd K Packer, Members Guide to Temple
and Family History Work, p. 34)
day is coming and not too far ahead of us when all temples on this earth will
be going night and day… There will be corps of workers night and day almost t o
exhaustion, because of the importance of the work and the great number of
people who lie asleep in the eternity and who are craving, needing, the
blessings that can come to them.” (Spencer W Kimball, Teachings of Presidents of the Church, xxx)
to the temple, now. It will greatly bless your life and provide essential
ordinances for those beyond the veil that they cannot obtain by themselves.”
(Richard G Scott, Finding Peace Happiness
and Joy, 2007, p. 287)
appreciation for the temple endowment and the sealing ordinances will bring the
members of our families closer together and there will be quickened within each
family member a desire to make available these same blessings to our loved ones
who have gone beyond… This vicarious work performed in our temples must be
carried forth in the same spirit of selfless devotion and sacrifice that
characterized the life of the Master. When we remember him, it becomes easier
for us to do our individual parts in this vital work. Each time we gaze upon
one of these holy houses, may we be reminded of the eternal opportunities which
are found inside, not only for ourselves, but for our dead.” (Thomas S Monson, Endowed from on High: Temple Preparation
Seminar Teachers Manual)
As I keep the covenants I make in the temple
I am blessed with spiritual gifts.
lift up your hearts and rejoice, and gird up your loins, and take upon you my
whole armor, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all,
that ye may be able to stand.” (Doctrine and Covenants 27:15)
are you for receiving mine everlasting covenant, even the fullness of my
gospel, sent forth unto the children of men, that they might have life and be
made partakes of the glories which are to be revealed in the last days, as it
was written by the prophets and apostles in days of old.” (Doctrine and
Covenants 66:2)
piece of armor called the temple garment not only provides the comfort and
warmth of a cloth covering, it also strengthens the wearer to resist
temptation, fend off evil influences, and stand firmly for the right.” (Carlos
E Asay, The Temple Garment, Temples of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1999 Edition, p. 37)
“Through sacred
covenants with the Lord, church members receive blessings of promise and
protection and a tangible reminder of those covenants….the garment is the
Lord’s way of letting us take part of the temple with us when we leave. It is
true that we carry from the Lord’s house inspired teachings and sacred
covenants written in our minds and hearts. However, the one tangible remembrance
we carry with us back into the world is the garment. And though we cannot
always be in the temple, a part of it can always be with us to bless our
lives.” (Carlos E Asay, The Temple Garment, Temples
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1999 Edition, p. 35-41)
spiritual integrity to keep our covenants comes from consistency in scripture
study, prayer, service, and sacrifice. Such simple steps nurture our souls so
we can say, ‘Send me where you need me, when you need me.’” (Bonnie D Parkin, Ensign, Nov 2002, p. 103-105)
honest effort to keep our covenants allows God to increase our power to do it.”
(Henry B Eyring, Witnesses for God, Ensign,
Nov 1996, 30-33)
is the source of… moral and spiritual power…? The source is God. Our access to
that power is through our covenants with Him.” (Todd D Christofferson, The
Power of Covenants, Ensign, May 2009,
p. 20)
we have entered into divine covenants, the Holy Ghost is our comforter, our
guide and our companion… The gifts of the Holy Spirit are testimony, faith,
knowledge, wisdom, revelations, miracles, healing and charity, to name but a
few.” (Todd D Christofferson, The Power of Covenants, Ensign, May 2009, p.22; refer to scriptures: Moses 6:61 and
Doctrine and Covenants 46:13-26)
shall never forget the joy and happiness and determination to live the gospel
that filled my soul after that first visit to the temple. I gained knowledge
and insights relating to my eternal destination that I had never dreamed
before… Afterward our prayers were more meaningful, we loved the Lord more than
ever, and we loved to serve him. We continue to return to the temple because we
love the work and the spirit there. Every time we return we are reminded of the
covenants we have made, and this is the strongest motivation for us to continue
to live the gospel way of life.” (Bo G Wennerlund, I Had Loved Her Before, Ensign, Aug 1974, p. 62)
there ever been a people with such stirring and wonderful promises! No wonder
the Lord desires that His followers point themselves toward His example and
toward His temples.” (Howard W Hunter, Ensign,
Oct. 1994, p. 5)
we keep our covenants, the covenants will keep us spiritually safe” (Neal A
Maxwell, Ensign, May 1987, p. 71)
work is more of a protection to this Church than temple work and the
genealogical research which supports it. No work is more spiritually refining.
No work we do gives us more power. No work requires a higher standard of
righteousness… If we will accept the revelation concerning temple ordinance
work, if we will enter into our covenants without reservation or apology, the
Lord will protect us. We will receive inspiration sufficient for the challenges
of life.. So come to the temple – come and claim your blessings. It is a sacred
work. (Endowed from on High: Temple
Preparation Seminar
Teachers Manual)
· How
can I develop deeper spirituality through my temple attendance?
· What
do I personally need to work on doing in order to prepare myself spiritually to
attend the temple?
· What
can I do to be led by the Holy Ghost in receiving a deeper understanding of the
principles and doctrines taught at the temple?
· How
can gathering data and preparing names for temple work bring rich spiritual
experiences into my life?
· What
covenants have I made in the temple? What do I need to do to understand them
more fully?
· What
spiritual gifts can I receive in direct relation to my temple attendance?
this space to set goals that will help you evaluate and deepen your spiritual
understanding of temple covenants and the doctrines associated with them. Record
any notes or impressions you may have had as you pondered the quotes and
· The
Standard Works
· Eternal
Marriage Student Manual Religion 234 & 235, 2003
· Teachings
of Presidents of the Church: Harold B Lee; Spencer W Kimball
· Conference
Ensigns and Church Magazines
· Temples
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1988 and 1999 editions, Published by the ENSIGN
· Come
Unto Christ Through Temple
Ordinances and Covenants,
1987, Second Edition
· True
to the Faith – A Gospel Reference, 2004
· Finding
Peace Happiness and Joy by Richard G Scott, Published 2007
· Endowed
from on High: Temple Preparation Seminar Teacher’s Manual, 2003
· Members
Guide to Temple
and Family History Work, 2009 Edition
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