journey of
Getting the Most out of the Scriptures
Who am I?
What are my
responsibilities in the house of Israel?
How do I fulfill my
What is Scripture?
“I am grateful for emphasis on reading the
scriptures. I hope that for you this will become something far more enjoyable
than a duty; that, rather, it will become a love affair with the word of God. I
promise you that as you read, your minds will be enlightened and your spirits
will be lifted. At first it may seem tedious, but that will change into a
wondrous experience with thoughts and words of things divine.” ~Gordon B. Hinckley
e are blessed to have the scriptures. As we read them, we
learn what the commandments are and how to keep them. We are reminded that we are
children of God and that He loves us. He wants us to work, pray, and always
walk in His way. If we follow His plan, we will be happy on earth and return to
live with Him someday.
For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth
them, and writeth them for the learning and the profit of my children (2 Nephi 4:15).
The Power of the Word
in righteousness, the power to avoid deception and resist temptation, guidance
in our daily lives, healing of the soul—these are but a few of the promises the
Lord has given to those who will come to His word. Does the Lord promise and
not fulfill? Surely if He tells us that these things will come to us if we lay
hold upon His word, then the blessings can be ours. And if we do not, then the
blessings may be lost. However diligent we may be in other areas, certain
blessings are to be found only in the scriptures, only in coming to the word of
the Lord and holding fast to it as we make our way through the mists of
darkness to the tree of life.” ~
President Ezra Taft Benson, The Power of the Word, Ensign, May 1986
What is scripture?
“In another great revelation
he [the Lord] explained something else that we would have the Saints remember
today. Where are you going to go to hear and find out what the Lord wants you
to do today? The Lord declared again: ‘And this is the ensample unto them [he
is talking now to those who are leaders of the Church], that they shall speak
as they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost. And whatsoever they shall speak when
moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord,
shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of
God unto Salvation.’ (Doctrine and Covenants 68:3-4)” ~Harold
B. Lee, Ensign, Jan 1974
“All that we teach in this
Church ought to be couched in the scriptures. It ought to be found in the
scriptures. We ought to choose our texts from the scriptures. If we want to
measure truth, we should measure it by the four standard works, regardless of
who writes it. If it is not in the standard works, we may well assume that it
is speculation, man’s own personal opinion; and if it contradicts what is in
the scriptures, it is not true. This is the standard by which we measure all
truth.” ~Using the Scriptures in our Church Assignments, Improvement Era, Jan
Words of our Living Prophets
addition to these four books of scripture, the inspired words of our living
prophets become scripture to us. Their words come to us through conferences,
the Liahona or Ensign magazine, and instructions to local
priesthood leaders. ~Gospel Principles, Chapter 10
"What a glorious blessing! . . . When we want to
speak to God, we pray. And when we want Him to speak to us, we search the
scriptures; for His words are spoken through His prophets. He will then teach
us as we listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit." ~ ,
"Holy Scriptures: The Power of God unto Our Salvation," Ensign, Nov.
We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now
reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things
pertaining to the Kingdom of God. (Articles of Faith 1:9)
Read, mark
and ponder Doctrine and Covenants 1:14, 24, 38; 21:1-5
Scripture power
keeps me safe from sin.
Scripture power
is the power to win.
power! Ev’ry day I need
The power that
I get each time I read.”
The Power of the Book of Mormon
the Book of Mormon the Lord can also teach us about being with and serving
people. This book reveals the will of the Lord for family life in a way that
the other scriptures don’t even approach. I believe that is largely because of its
interesting structure. It’s about families; it’s about people’s relationships.
It starts with families, it ends with families, and we come to love these
families. Another reason to study it regularly, for me at least, is that I can
pick up the Book of Mormon, open to any page, read, and the Holy Ghost bears
personal witness to me that it is the word of God. I know the Lord is speaking.
I know the Book of Mormon is what it claims to be.” ~Henry
B Eyring, Ensign, July 2005
“No other written testament so clearly
illustrates the fact that when men and nations walk in the fear of God and in
obedience to his commandments, they prosper and grow, but when they disregard
him and his word, there comes a decay which, unless arrested by righteousness,
leads to impotence and death. The Book of Mormon is an affirmation of the Old
Testament proverb, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to
any people.” (Prov.
14:34.) While the Book of Mormon speaks with power about the
issues that affect our modern society, the great and stirring burden of its
message is a testimony, vibrant and true, that Jesus is the Christ, the
promised Messiah. The book bears witness of him who walked the dusty roads of
Palestine healing the sick and teaching the doctrines of salvation; who died
upon the cross of Calvary; who on the third day came forth from the tomb,
appearing to many; and who, as a resurrected being, visited the people of the
Western Hemisphere.” ~Gordon B Hinckley,
The Power of the Book of Mormon, Ensign, June 1988, 2
“There is a power in the book which
will begin to flow into your lives the moment you begin a serious study of the
book. You will find greater power to resist temptation. You will find the power
to avoid deception. You will find the power to stay on the strait and narrow
path. The scriptures are called ‘the words of life’ (D&C
84:85), and nowhere is that more true than it is of the Book
of Mormon. When you begin to hunger and thirst after those words, you will find
life in greater and greater abundance. … [You will also enjoy] increased love
and harmony in the home, greater respect between parent and child, [and]
increased spirituality and righteousness. These promises, are not idle
promises, but exactly what the Prophet Joseph Smith meant when he said the Book
of Mormon will help us draw nearer to God” ~Ezra
Taft Benson, Ensign, Nov. 1986,
“In this
day the scriptures are the purest at their source, just as the waters were purest
at the mountain source; the purest word of God, and that least apt to be
polluted, is that which comes from the lips of the living prophets who are set
up to guide Israel in our own day and time.” ~Harold B. Lee, Ye Are the
Light of the World, Deseret Book, 1974, pp. 55–56
B. The Scriptures: My Personal Liahona
Why study the scriptures? What is the power of the
scriptures? How important are they in my life? How has scripture study
benefited me personally? How can I receive customized
guidance from the scriptures?
“Like the Liahona, the scriptures aren’t
just a self contained physical object. When we use them prayerfully and with
the Spirit, they can open doors to immense spiritual realms.” ~Gene
R Cook, Searching the Scriptures, 26
For as our fathers were slothful to give
heed to this compass… they did not prosper; even so it is with things which are
spiritual. For behold, it is easy to give heed to the word of Christ, which
will point to you a straight course to eternal bliss, as it was for our fathers
to give heed to this compass, which would point unto them a straight course to
the Promised Land. And now I say, is there not a type in this thing? For just
as surely as this director did bring our fathers, by following its course, to
the promised land, shall the words of Christ, if we follow their course, carry
us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise. O my son, do
not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way; for so was it with
our fathers; for so was it prepared for them, that if they would look they
might live; even so it is with us. The way is prepared, and if we will look we
may live forever. (Alma 37:38-46)
scriptures contain principles that govern everything you can think of. Of
course, it may require deep thought, prayer, and inspiration to discover those
principles and their application.” ~Gene
R Cook, Searching the Scriptures, 20
I go to the scriptures for doctrine. Sometimes I go to the scriptures for
instruction. I go with a question, and the question usually is “What would God
have me do?” or “What would He have me feel?” Invariably I find new ideas,
thoughts I have never had before, and I receive inspiration and instruction and
answers to my questions.” ~Henry B Eyring, Ensign, July 2005
grateful we are for the scriptures, which contain the Lord’s instructions to
His children. They help us to better understand the course He has designed as a
sure guide to lead us through this period of our mortal probation.” ~L Tom Perry, Back to Gospel Basics, Ensign,
May 1993
The Liahona
The Scriptures
1. Prepared to show a straight course to the promised land.
2. Worked according to the people’s faith in God.
3. Worked by small means.
4. Would not work when the people were slothful and forgetful to
use it, failing to exercise their faith and to work with diligence.
5. Marvelous works and progress ceased when the people did not
express their faith or diligence. Then they were unable to travel a direct
6. People of Lehi were afflicted with hunger and thirst because
of their transgressions.
7. A great warning: ‘Be not sloth but because of the easiness of
the way.” (Alma 34:46)
8. A caution “… see that ye take care of these sacred things,
yea, see that ye look to God and live.” (Alma 37:47)
1. Prepared to show a straight course to the promised land of
our Father’s kingdom.
2. Work for us only insofar as we have faith in God, casting out
our unbelief.
3. Work by small means.
4. Will not work unless we exercise our faith and do so
5. Individuals and families are often unable to follow a direct
course when scriptures are ignored. Trouble both temporally and spiritually,
because thru principles have not been learned and assimilated.
6. People are afflicted with various trials when they do not
keep commandments they would have learned through scriptures study.
7. A great warning: “Be not slothful” just because it is so easy
to own and read scriptures.
8. Look to the words the Lord has given us in the scriptures and
then we will live.
The above table is taken from Searching the Scriptures by Gene R Cook, 29-30
And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that
ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things
are not true; and [now he gives some conditions to our asking] if ye shall ask
[1] with a sincere heart, [2] with real interest, [3] having faith in Christ,
he will manifest the truth of it unto you. (Moroni
10:4, words and numbers in brackets added by Gene R Cook with the following
“This is not just the pattern for receiving a testimony of the Book of Mormon, though it is that. It is also the pattern for hearing the voice of the Lord each time you read. If you will humble yourself and truly pray, doing it with real intent, with faith in Christ, doubting nothing, he will speak to you and manifest by the power of the Holy Ghost that which you want to know. In other words, your Liahona will begin to work for you because, as it said in Alma 37, you have used it with much faith and exercised extreme diligence.” ~Gene R Cook, Searching the Scriptures, 52
Read and Ponder the Scriptures
"Your efforts to distill truth from reading
and pondering the scriptures, from analyzing and striving to understand the inspired
messages of the prophets, will provide you with an armory of truth. That truth
will protect you from evil influences and lay a foundation for happiness,
security, and purpose in your life. It will help you make correct choices.
Initially these truths are accepted on faith. The confirming witness of their
validity comes as you apply them in your life and as you express gratitude for
the growth, maturity, and blessings that come from their use. That confirmation
strengthens your capacity to discipline your life to avoid those things you
know to be unproductive and harmful. Such a witness provides encouragement and
the confidence to center your life in the teachings of the Savior and the plan
of happiness of the Father." ~ ,
"Making the Right Choices" (CES fireside for young adults, Jan. 13,
What We Learn by Reading the
"The brass plates were a record of Lehi's
fathers, including their language, genealogy, and, more importantly, the gospel
taught by God's holy prophets. As Lehi searched the plates, he learned what all
of us learn by studying the scriptures:
•Who we are.
•What we can become.
•Prophecies for us and for our posterity.
•The commandments, laws, ordinances, and covenants we
must live by to obtain eternal life.” ~ , "Holy Scriptures: The Power of
God unto Our Salvation," Ensign, Nov. 2006
“The scriptures are the will, the mind, the word, and
the voice of the Lord.” ~Carlos E Asay, Ensign, November 1978
The prophets have promised many blessings
to those who feast upon the scriptures. President Ezra Taft Benson said that as
we study the Book of Mormon we will find greater power to resist temptation,
avoid deception, and remain faithful to our covenants and testimonies (see “The
Book of Mormon—Keystone of Our Religion,” Ensign, Nov. 1986, 7).
President Brigham Young promised: “They who observe the precepts contained in
the Scriptures will be just and true and virtuous and peaceable at home and
abroad. … Men will make splendid husbands, women excellent wives, and children
will be obedient; they will make families happy” (Teachings of Presidents of
the Church: Brigham Young [1997], 119–20).
Marion G. Romney testified: “I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will
read from the Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and
with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our
homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual
respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention
will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom.
Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their
parents. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope, and charity—the pure love of
Christ—will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy,
and happiness” (“The Book of Mormon,” Ensign, May 1980, 67).
Read the
following scriptures and identify the promised blessings associated with
scripture study. You may wish to mark some of the passages.
1:8; Psalm 119:50; Luke 24:27-32; 1 Nephi 1:12; 1 Nephi 15:24; 2 Nephi 32:3;
Jacob 2:8; Alma 17:2; Helaman 15:7-8; Doctrine and Covenants 11:21-22
Why did the Lord give me the scriptures? Why
is it important that I read them? Why do I love them? Why should I care? What
is the value of the scriptures to me?
“I don’t know
much about the gospel other than what I’ve learned from the standard works.
When I drink from a spring I like to get the water where it comes out of the
ground, not downstream after the cattle have waded in it… I appreciate other
people’s interpretation, but when it comes to the gospel we out to be
acquainted with what the Lord says… You ought to read the Book of Mormon and
the Doctrine and Covenants; and … all the scriptures with the idea of finding
out what’s in them and what the meaning is and not to prove some idea of your
own. Just read them and plead with the Lord to let you understand what he had
in mind when he wrote them.” ~ Marion G
“I hope you have discovered the mighty, enduring,
motivating force that comes from pure doctrine. Doctrine, when understood and
applied, becomes a sustaining power in your determination to live righteously.
You build that secure foundation for life through your prayerful study,
analysis, and pondering of the priceless scriptures available to you. That
foundation is enhanced and tailored to meet the needs of today as you drink
deeply from the counsel and admonition of the living prophets.” ~ Richard G Scott, Finding Peace Happiness
and Joy, 271
C. To Feast Upon the Word
Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for
behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do. (2 Nephi
How can I more fully use the scriptures in my
life? How can studying the scriptures help me to reflect upon my blessings?
“Feasting upon the word of God means more
than just nibbling at the banquet table. Feasting upon the scriptures means studying
the scriptures individually and together as families. It means pondering and
praying about what we read. It means using the scriptures as the basis for our
teaching, likening the scriptures—their stories and counsel—to our own lives,
that they “might be for our profit and learning” (1
Ne. 19:23).
It also means using the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon, in our
missionary work. Because the scriptures contain the words of Jesus Christ, they
are vital in bringing people to a knowledge of the truth.
“Feasting denotes pleasure or joy.
Feasting upon the word of God means developing a love for the scriptures and
for studying them.
“Feasting upon the word of God involves
far more than merely reading. We must study eagerly, savoring the truth we
find, seeking in humility and obedience “all which [the Lord] shall grant unto
the children of men in this generation” (D&C
11:22).” ~“Study My Word”, Ensign, Mar. 1998, 70
“Now remember, if you treasure up the word
of the Lord, if you study these revelations, not merely those that are in the
Doctrine and Covenants, but those that are in all the standard works of the
Church, and you put into practice the commandments that are here found, you
will not be deceived in these perilous times, but you shall have the spirit of
discernment and you shall know the truth and shall know falsehood, for you
shall have power to know the spirits of men and to understand the Spirit of the
Lord.” ~Joseph Fielding Smith, October 1931
“More than at any time in our history, brothers and
sisters, we have need for greater spirituality. The way to develop greater
spirituality is to feast on the words of Christ as revealed in the
scriptures.” ~Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, May 1984
You may wish to plead with the Lord as you pray
and fast that you may gain the ability to truly be able to feast upon His word
every day.
D. The Scriptures: Worth Any Sacrifice
How much am I willing to sacrifice to give the
scriptures a prominent place in my life? How important are these things to me?
“The written word of God – the
scriptures – is one of the greatest blessings the Lord has given us. Until we
recognize that fact, I am afraid we will hold them lightly. Conversely, if we
recognize their supreme importance in our lives – even standing in awe of these
precious gifts – we then will treat them with more respect and greater
attention. And, in turn, we will receive much greater benefits from them.” Gene
R Cook, Searching the Scriptures, 7
Consider the
efforts and sacrifices that have been made to make the scriptures available to
us today. Read: 1 Nephi 3-4 (brass
plates), Words of Mormon 1:1-5; Mormon 1:1-5; 5:8-9; 6:6 (Abridgment of Nephite
records); Mormon 8:1-5; Moroni 1:1-4 (Moroni’s
struggle to protect the plates), JS-H 1:30-67; D&C 135:1-3 (Joseph
Smiths sacrifice)
“Truly a tremendous effort has been made to bring these
scriptures to the latter days, to where we stand today. They ought to be held
in a sacred way. If they are, and if we can learn how to use the, they will
change lives – our own and those we influence.” ~Gene
R Cook, Searching the Scriptures, 12
“I opened it with eagerness, and read its title
page. I then read the testimony of several witnesses in relation to the manner
of its being found and translated. After this I commenced its contents by
course. I read all day; eating was a burden, I had no desire for food; sleep
was a burden when the night came, for I preferred reading to sleep. As I read,
the spirit of the Lord was upon me, and I knew and comprehended that the book
was true, as plainly and manifestly as a man comprehends and knows that he
exists. My joy was now full, as it were, and I rejoiced sufficiently to more
than pay me for all the sorrows, sacrifices and toils of my life” (Autobiography
of Parley P. Pratt [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1938], p. 37).
How Rare a Possession
“Sometimes it
seems we take the scriptures too much for granted because we do not fully
appreciate how rare a thing it is to possess them, and how blessed we are
because we do have them. We seem to have settled so comfortably into our
experiences in this world and become so accustomed to hearing the gospel taught
among us that it is hard for us to imagine it could ever have been otherwise. .
. . We need to sense something of the depth of the spiritual darkness that
prevailed before that day in the spring of 1820 when the Father and the Son
appeared to Joseph Smith—a darkness which was foreseen by the prophet Nephi and
described as ‘that awful state of blindness’ in which the gospel was withheld
from man.” ~, “How Rare a Possession—the Scriptures!”
Ensign, Sept. 1976
E. Jesus Christ: The Central Focus of All
Search the scriptures; for in them ye
think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. (John 5:39)
Why is it important to center my scripture study
on Jesus Christ? How often do I testify of Christ? How can a focus on Christ
help me understand my own mission in life?
Purpose of All Scripture
"The central purpose of all scripture is to
fill our souls with faith in God the Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ."
~ , Ensign, May 2010
“While there are many interesting topics to study in the
scriptures, there is nothing more significant than learning of the Savior and
what He does for mankind. To achieve this focus, the library of scripture is
the best source we have to learn about the Savior.” ~Scripture Study – The Power of the Word, Religion 115 Institute Manual
“One of the most sacred purposes
for which the scriptures were written was to make it possible for all to know
Christ. The scriptures teach and testify of Jesus Christ. They teach us much
that we need to know and to do to return to the presence of the Savior. John
was specific in giving the purpose of the scriptures when he said: “But these
[things] are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son
of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.” (John
20:31.)” ~L Lionel
Kendrick, Search the Scriptures, Ensign, May 1993
“I am grateful for the library of scripture through
which a greater knowledge of Jesus Christ can be learned by devoted study. I am
grateful that in addition to the Old and New testaments, the Lord through
prophets of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has added other
revealed scripture as additional witnesses for Christ – the Book of Mormon, the
Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price – all of which I know to
be the word of God. These bear witness that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the
living God.” ~Howard W Hunter, Ensign, Nov 1979
“Those who delve into the scriptural library … find
that to understand requires more than casual reading or perusal—there must be
concentrated study. … One who studies the scriptures every day accomplishes far
more than one who devotes considerable time one day and then lets days go by
before continuing.” ~Howard W
Hunter, Ensign, Nov 1979
These words are not of men nor of man, but of me; … For it is my
voice which speaketh them unto you; for they are given by my Spirit …, and by
my power you can read them on to another. … Wherefore, you can testify that you
have heard my voice, and know my words. (Doctrine and Covenants 18:34-36)
“In order to come unto Christ and be perfected in
him, each person needs to receive a testimony of the Lord’s words. Some
individuals falter because they fail to open the books, others because they
read casually. As one would expect, there is a difference between diligent
searching or “pondering over the scriptures” and casual reading.” ~Merrill J Bateman, General Conference,
October 1992
“There are certain blessings obtained when one
searches the scriptures. As a person studies the words of the Lord and obeys
them, he or she draws closer to the Savior and obtains a greater desire to live
a righteous life. The power to resist temptation increases, and spiritual
weaknesses are overcome. Spiritual wounds are healed.” ~Merrill J Bateman, General Conference, October
A Testimony’s Core
“Personal, sincere involvement in the scriptures produces faith,
hope, and solutions to our daily challenges. Frequently reading, pondering, and
applying the lessons of the scriptures, combined with prayer, become an irreplaceable
part of gaining and sustaining a strong, vibrant testimony.” ~Elder
Donald L Staheli, Ensign, Nov 2004
sincere involvement in the scriptures produces faith, hope, and solutions to
our daily challenges. Frequently reading, pondering, and applying the lessons
of the scriptures, combined with prayer, become an irreplaceable part of
gaining and sustaining a strong, vibrant testimony.” ~Donald L Staheli, Securing our Testimonies, Ensign, November 2004
As you
establish personal habits of prayer, scripture study, obedience to the
commandments, and service to others, “you will be blessed with moments of
inspiration that will [strengthen] your testimony” (see True to the Faith,
Turn to the
heading ‘Jesus Christ’ in the Topical Guide. You will notice a multitude of
references to the Savior listed. Review the topics and determine the many
aspects of the nature and work of Christ that are covered. You will notice that
there are far more referenced under the heading ‘Jesus Christ’ than under any
other topic listed.
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